
A Wanderer Between Worlds: Mechanical Engineer Earns PhD in High-Frequency Technology

On November 14, 2024, Johann Lichtblau successfully defended his dissertation titled "Identification, Analysis, and Simulation of Wave Propagation Effects in Train Onboard Communication Based on Real Channel Characterization".

Lichtblau's work addresses the challenges of wireless train onboard communication at 5G frequencies below 6 GHz based on channel measurements in railway environments.

Typical wave propagation effects are identified, their impact analyzed, and simulations are conducted using developed channel models. By combining theoretical considerations with extensive empirical data, the significant research gap in train onboard communication is narrowed. This provides a foundation for designing future communication systems in railway transport.

Furthermore, the findings from the channel characterization are linked to relevant railway standards. This allows for assessing the feasibility of safety-critical functions using wireless communication.

Congratulations on this outstanding work, Johann!