Research into basic sensor technology for indirect measurement of viscosity and viscosity development of viscous substances via measurement of permittivity - VisPer

The research project VisPer - Research into basic sensor technology for indirect measurement of viscosity and viscosity development of viscous substances via measurement of permittivity is funded by the DFG. The target of VisPer is to research the relationship between viscosity and permittivity through the development and application of a non-invasive measurement method.
The measurement of process is taking please around frequencies ranging from 500 MHz to 10 GHz, this range is selected to have low dielectric loses to enable measurement of greater liquid volumes. The System is supposed to base on a cavity resonator. It should be possible to measure Medias that are stagnant as well as flowing ones.

Project duration18.01.2021 to 18.01.2023

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Project partners

Lehrstuhl für Prozessmaschinen und Anlagentechnik (iPAT) FAU Erlangen