ECIU Learning Opportunities offer:

Opportunities for TUHH members to get involved in the ECIU network.

Members of TU Hamburg can get involved as team leaders and offer or support their own challenge, contribute as a subject matter expert in a challenge, or open their own course to students from the European partners of the ECIU network and offer it as a micro-module. On the ECIU platform, you can discover and browse through various learning opportunities. Perhaps you don't want to offer something yourself, but would rather join an existing course?

Here is more information about the course formats of the ECIU University:

As a team leader in a challenge.

Tasks of an ECIU Challenge Team Leader.

The team leader supports the ECIU challenge teams by:

  • Assisting in the creation of preliminary work processes and activities throughout the Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) cycle (Engage-Investigate-Act).
  • Providing pedagogical expertise in interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international teamwork during the work process.
  • Helping to manage potential conflicts and challenging situations to keep the CBL process running smoothly.
  • Using didactic methods that promote innovative and creative thinking to boost learners' confidence within the team and empower them to take control of their own learning process.

Eldebo et al. (2022) identified three key roles required for addressing these tasks in CBL: (1) the teacher role, which is knowledge-oriented; (2) the coach role, which focuses on skills; and (3) the organizer role, which is focused on the framework of the challenge.

Benefits and advantages of being an ECIU Challenge Team Leader.

Be a co-creator in the development of innovative educational programs and study offerings at TUHH based on Challenge-Based Learning and the creation of micro-modules tailored to the needs of learners.

Participation in the ECIU University offers the opportunity to find solutions to today's key societal and economic problems.

Moreover, working with the ECIU University gives you the chance to help shape one of the first European universities pioneering a new path for education at the European level.

Preparation for the role and responsibilities of an ECIU Challenge Team Leader.

When planning and preparing challenges – from the initial idea to feedback and evaluation concepts – or handling acute challenges in student teams, Ms. Siska Simon is happy to assist you.

The Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) at TUHH offers at least once a year an introduction to the fundamental principles of Challenge-Based Learning, teaching in international contexts, or blended learning. Please check the current workshop offerings here:

Participating as a partner from industry, companies, and the public sector.

Not employed at TUHH? You can also get involved with your company, start-up, public institution, association, NGO, or network as a Challenge Provider, Expert, Sponsor, or as a learner in a challenge team.


Your contribution

To ensure that the challenges are real-world issues, TU Hamburg is seeking partners from industry, businesses, and the public sector who are willing to contribute in the following ways:

  • Willingness to work together with students and researchers on a relevant challenge. This will be thematically aligned with SDG 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities": making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

  • Participation in a moderated workshop with students and other university stakeholders. The goal is to develop a challenge that is suitable for piloting the format and motivating for students.

  • Designation of a specific point of contact for process support.

Advantages and Benefits
  • You connect with the international workforce of the future.

  • You gain new perspectives and solutions to real-world challenges in your field.

  • You gain access to the network and other innovative stakeholders of the ECIU.

  • You make a decisive contribution to the modernization of higher education.

  • You decide how much you can and want to contribute – from being available as an external expert to continuous project participation, anything is possible.

Feel free to reach out to us! How can I assist you further?

You can get involved in the challenges and micro-modules in a variety of ways and in different roles!

How this can look specifically for you or the employees from your company, start-up, association, network, or public institution can be discussed with Ms. Anna-Lena Glesinski.

Seed funding for the further development of courses as ECIU Learning Offering.

The goal of the funding call: To support the further development of existing courses into international and interdisciplinary events in the Challenge-Based Learning format, preferably in collaboration with ECIU partners.

If you have any questions about ECIU learning opportunities, please contact:

Dr. rer. nat. Dorothea Ellinger
ZLL Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen
  • Fachreferentin für Forschendes Lernen
  • Challenge-Based Learning und internationale Lehr-/Lernformate
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 4.009
Phone: +49 40 42878 4819
Siska Simon
ZLL Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen
  • Fachreferentin für Projektbasiertes Lernen
Office Hours
Dienstag bis Freitag nach Vereinbarung
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 4.026
Phone: +49 40 42878 4628

ECIU Brussels Updates

The ECIU network has an office in Brussels, led by Olga Wessels, to closely follow EU programs and developments in teaching, research, and innovation in EU policy. Within the network, ECIU members strive for a unified approach toward European institutions to influence the debate on European funding programs and policies.

Would you like to sign up for the ECIU Brussels update? Register here.

If you have any questions, contact the Head of the ECIU Brussels office at or the ECIU Funding Advisor at