The Challenge-Based Learning Framework is divided into three interconnected phases:


  1. Engage - in which the Learners move from an abstract big idea to a concrete and actionable challenge.

  2. Investigate - in which Learners conduct research to create a foundation for actionable and sustainable solutions.

  3. Act - in which evidence-based solutions are developed and implemented with an authentic audience and the results evaluated.

Each phase includes activities that prepare students to move to the next phase. Within each of the phases there are opportunities for mini-investigation cycles and if necessary a return to an earlier phase. Supporting the entire process is an ongoing process of documentation, reflection and sharing.

Mixed student teams are the core of CBL. Whenever possible student teams are made up of students from various backgrounds, levels and study programs. They work together with researcher, entrepreneurs or municipalities to find solutions to current challenges. In CBL teachers are explicitly referred to as learners. Teachers role is to be a guide and facilitator for the students to support with knowledge and practical advice about:


  • own research topic

  • leadership and cooperation

  • recruiting sponsors and communication of results.

Teams of Learners are the core of CBL

The challenge-based learning approach enables the creation of a co-learning environment, where the learner is the students, the teacher and the partners. Building partnerships with industries, companies, the public sector and NGOs is the core of designing challenge-based learning. 
In planning phase the structure of the student project teams has to be considered so that it serves the purpose of the learning experience in the best possible way. Student teams can be formed in different ways: 

  • student teams are predetermined based on project needs and individual competencies
  • student teams are organized based on students’ preferences
  • student teams are self-organized

Whichever path is taken at the beginning, it is absolutely crucial to allow students to take ownership of the challenge – and take over responsibility for team composition, too.

Preparing student teacher assistants (tutors) for Challenge-Based Learning

Your Challenge-Based Learning experts @ TUHH

Siska Simon

Siska Simon

Phone: +49 40 42878 4628

Dr. Dorothea Ellinger

Dr. Dorothea Ellinger

Phone: +49 40 42878 4819