
Theses in Algorithms and Complexity

Write your thesis at the Institute for Algorithms and Complexity!

Several award-winning theses have been written under our guidance, such as:

  • "Algorithm engineering for cluster editing", BSc thesis written by S. Paarmann
    Awarded the Ditze Prize 2022 for outstanding bachelor thesis (2022)
  • "Algorithm engineering for maximum cut problems", MSc thesis written by D. Ferizovic
    Awarded the Prize by the DFG Special Focus Program 1736 "Algorithms for Big Data" of the German Science Foundation (2019)
  • "Improved bounds for minimal feedback vertex sets in tournaments", MSc thesis written by E.-L. Teutrine
    Awarded the Prize by the Bonn Computer Science Society (2016)

We consistently offer project theses, bachelor theses, master theses and PhD theses on the following topic areas:

  • discrete and combinatorial optimization
  • structural and algorithmic graph theory
  • dynamic and quantum algorithms
  • linear and integer programming
  • algorithmic game theory
  • foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • computational complexity and theory of verification

If you are interested in writing your thesis with us, please proceed as follows:

  • If you wish to write your Bachelor, Master or Project thesis with us, then note that we generally only supervise theses from students at one of the Hamburg universities (TUHH, UHH, HAW, HSU). In exceptional circumstances, we may deviate from this principle. To apply for a Bachelor, Master or Project thesis, please send us an e-mail to algo[at]tuhh.de, and include the following information and documents:
    • A current transcript of records.
    • A description of your programming skills.
    • A list (with at least one entry) which of the above-mentioned topic areas you are interested.
    • The earliest starting date for working on your thesis.
    • The name of your degree programme (e.g., BSc Computer Science) and the year of the cohort (e.g., 2022/2023), so that the correct study degree programme regulations can be applied to grade your thesis.
  • If you wish to write your PhD thesis with us, please send us an e-mail to algo[at]tuhh.de, and and include the following information and documents:
    • A current CV.
    • A current transcript of records.
    • A letter of motivation, indicating your interests as well as reasons for your choice of our institute.

Once we have received your applications, we will get back to you. We look forward to your applications!