Horizon Europe – TWINNING project:
ARTificial Intelligence for Flood resilient infrAstruCTure

Summary and Objectives:

The EU-funded ARTIFACT project aims to improve urban flood resilience by combining AI and engineering. Recognizing the limitations of existing physics-based models, the ARTIFACT seeks to harness AI's capabilities to elevate urban flood prediction, management, and mitigation, emphasising the importance of integrating nature-based solutions (NBS) and AI in urban planning to confront future flood risks.
The Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia (IVI) is leading this initiative, supported by the leading EU partners being Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft), and Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
In ARTIFACT we will make use of large data sets and advanced machine learning techniques to analyse climate change impacts. Additionally, we will establish a Blue-Green AI Hub at IVI in Serbia to connect research with the regional information and communication technology (ICT) industry.
To achieve this ARTIFACT will use staff exchanges, expert trainings, summer schools and workshops to boost the research excellence, innovation capacity and visibility of IVI members focusing on ESRs and administrative staff.

Project information

Grant agreement ID: 101159480
Starting date: 2024-10-01 – Ending date: 2027-09-30
EU contribution: 1.497.605,57 EUR
Call for proposal: European Union’s HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-02 - Twinning Green Deal

Funding scheme: Widening participation and spreading excellence
Coordinator: The Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia (IVI), SERBIA
Further information:
TUHH researchers involved: Dr.-Ing. Natasa Manojlovic