Lehrveranstaltungen und Module

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NOT OFFERED - Quantitative Research Methods (PS)
This course is part of the module: Quantitative Research Methods
Prof. Dr. Christian Ringle
SoSe 24
nicht angegeben
650 - Quantitative Research Methods<ul><li>650 - Quantitative Research Methods: schriftliche Ausarbeitung</li></ul>

Participants will understand the use, requirements,advantages and disadvantages of quantitative methods. Examples illustrate theapplication of quantitative methods and their use to address business relatedproblems.

The course involves three parts:

  • The first part of the course focuses on an introductionof quantitative research methods,
  • The second part of the course involves working on aseminar thesis. Participants are in teams invited to describe selected quantitativeresearch methods and to address simple research questions with the describedmethod. Students are expected to write a short (empirical) paper that appliesmethods learned in this course to a research question of their choice,
  • The third part is the final presentations of theresults from the group work. Participants will present their own small researchprojects and discuss the results in the plenum. Participants are invited tojoin the discussions as a part of the final grade.

VL : Vorlesung
HÜ : Hörsaalübung
GÜ : Gruppenübung
PBL : Projekt-/problembasierte Lehrveranstaltung
SE : Seminar
PS : Projektseminar