Christoph Aberle M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Büro: Raum 1.080 | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), 21073 Hamburg

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NOT OFFERED - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG (SE)
This course is part of the module: International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG
Prof. Dr. Christian Ringle
SoSe 24
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621 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG<ul><li>621 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG: schriftliche Ausarbeitung</li></ul><br>622 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG<ul><li>621 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG: schriftliche Ausarbeitung</li><li>821 - Compulsory Course Work International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG - Presentation: Presentation</li><li>822 - Compulsory Course Work International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG - Written Essay: schriftliche Ausarbeitung</li></ul><br>m1255 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG<ul><li>821 - Compulsory Course Work International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG - Presentation: Presentation</li><li>822 - Compulsory Course Work International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG - Written Essay: schriftliche Ausarbeitung</li><li>p1044-2022 - International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG: Subject theoretical and practical work</li></ul>

The course involves two main parts:

During the first part of the course, participants are provided with insights into the market for ERP-Software and are provided with knowledge on how ERP-implementation projects proceed and how these projects should ideally be managed from a theoretical and practical perspective. In addition, participants are provided with an understanding of business functions and processes by means of visiting the TUHH model factory. In the model factory, participants and are solving special business cases on the basis of group-specific tasks. Finally, participants are introduced into the basic functioning of ERP-Software referring to the most common system (SAP). Participants gain a basic understanding of implementing organizational data, master data and processes into the system. 

During the second phase of this course, the students work independently in groups on deepening challenges, which conceptually build up on the executed case studies from phase one. Using the knowledge from phase one, the students are able to transfer the theoretical knowledge on the practical execution of the challes in SAP. The results of the group work will be presented in phase two.