Christoph Aberle M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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Marketing of Innovations (VL) (GTIME/MEDMS)
This course is part of the module: Marketing (Sales and Services / Innovation Marketing)
Christian Lüthje, Viola Kopsch, Francisco Carrillo Carrillo
SoSe 24
(HS 28 0.01): Freitag, 07.06.2024 12:00 - 18:30, (M-1582): Freitag, 14.06.2024 12:00 - 18:30, (HS 28 0.08): Freitag, 28.06.2024, Freitag, 05.07.2024, Freitag, 12.07.2024 12:00 - 18:30
Termine am Freitag, 07.06.2024, Freitag, 14.06.2024, Freitag, 28.06.2024, Freitag, 05.07.2024, Freitag, 12.07.2024 12:00 - 18:30
Erster Termin:Freitag, 07.06.2024 12:00 - 18:30, Ort: (HS 28 0.01)
600 - Marketing (Sales and Services / Innovation Marketing)<ul><li>600 - Marketing (Sales and Services / Innovation Marketing): Subject theoretical and practical work - written exam</li></ul>

I. Introduction

  • Innovation and service marketing (importance of innovative products and services, model, objectives and examples of innovation marketing, characteristics of services, challenges of service marketing)
II. Methods and approaches of strategic marketing planning
  • patterns of industrial development, patent and technology portfolios
III. Strategic foresight and scenario analysis
  • objectives and challenges of strategic foresight, scenario analysis, Delphi method
 IV. User innovations
  • Role of users in the innovation process, user communities, user innovation toolkits, lead users analysis
V. Customer-oriented Product and Service Engineering
  • Conjoint Analysis, Kano, QFD, Morphological Analysis, Blueprinting
VII. Pricing
  • Basics of Pricing, Value-based pricing, Pricing models
VIII. Sales Management
  • Basics of Sales Management, Assessing Customer Value, Planning Customer Visits
IX. Communications
  • Diffusion of Innovations, Communication Objectives, Communication Instruments