Wiebke Büsken (2024). Seakeeping simulation of surfaced submarines and statistical validation based on model tests in open waters as part of the development of the new stability regulation DMS 1030-2 for the German navy. Ship Technology Research. 1-16 [Abstract]
Leonidas Souflis (2024). Modeling of the ship grounding effects with the use of muliphase hydrostatics. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Christian Emmersberger, Stefan Krüger (2024). A Fast Manoeuvring Calculation to Assess the Optimal Vessel Speed in Shallow Water. OMAE, Singapore, Republic of Singapore. [Abstract]
Johannes Oettle, Stefan Krüger (2024). Calculation of Force-Coefficients of a Wind Propulsion System for a 4 DOF Velocity / Power Prediction Program. OMAE, Singapore, Republic of Singapore. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger (2024). The Impact of the new DMS-1030 Stability Standard on the Future Design of Navy Ships. IMDC, Netherlands, Amsterdam. [Abstract]
Wiebke Büsken, Stefan Krüger (2024). Statistical Validation of Surfaced Submarine Seakeeping Simulations Based on Open Water Tests. OMAE, Singapore, Republic of Singapore. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger (2023). Statutory and Operational Damage Stability by a Monte Carlo Based Approach. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 11. (16), [Abstract]
Johannes Oettle, Stefan Krüger (2023). A 4 Degree of Freedom Velocity / Power Prediction Program for Wind (Assisted) Vessels. OMAE, Melbourne, Australien. [Abstract]
Wiebke Büsken, Stefan Krüger (2023). Evaluation of Seakeeping Model Tests in Open Waters Using Two Submarine Hull Forms. OMAE, Melbourne, Australia. [Abstract]
Björn Carstensen (2023). Ruderkraftberechnung in der frühen Entwurfsphase unter Berücksichtigung der Proppeler-Ruder-Interaktion. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Christian Emmersberger, Stefan Krüger (2023). A Tool to Predict Route-Specific Energy Consumption for Ships with Battery-Supported Propulsion. HIPER, Bernried, Germany. [Abstract]
Christian Emmersberger, Björn Carstensen, Adele Lübcke, Stefan Krüger (2022). A Method for Dimensioning Hybrid Power Supply Systems of Ships within the Early Design Stage. PRADS, Dubrovnik. [Abstract]
Christian Emmersberger, Björn Carstensen, Adele Lübcke, Stefan Krüger (2022). The Necessity of Time-Based Calculations for Dimensioning of Hybrid Power Supply Systems of Ships within the Early Design Stage. IMAM, Istanbul. [Abstract]
Lars Johnsen, Stefan Krüger (2022). On the Influence of Hull-Shape on the Location of the Roll-Axis. OMAE, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger (2022). The insufficient stability event index (ISEI) - an easy overview. Schriftenreihe Schiffbau, Hamburg. [pdf]
Andreas Büsken, Stefan Krüger (2022). Calculation of Thrust and Torque of a Tandem Propeller using a Combined Vortex Lattice Lifting Line Method. OMAE, Hamburg, Germany. [Abstract]
Wiebke Büsken, Philipp Russell, Christian Frühling (2022). Außenmodellversuche zur Entwicklung einer Sicherheitsvorschrift für Unterwasserfahrzeuge der Marine. STG Sprechtag, Lübeck. [Abstract]
Wiebke Römhild, Stefan Krüger (2022). Validation of Time Domain Seakeeping Computations Based on Capsizing Model Tests in Natural Seaways. OMAE, Hamburg, Germany. [Abstract]
Wilfried Abels, Leif Gorris (2022). Using a Bridge Simulator for Hybrid Coupling of Manoeuvring and Engine Simulations. COMPIT, Pontignano, Italy. [Abstract]
Christian Emmersberger (2021). Hydrodynamic "Toolbox" - Adaptation of Existing Ships to New Regulations. STG Hauptversammlung, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Björn Carstensen, Johannes Will, Farhan Matin, Lutz Kleinsorge, Rainer Grabert (2021). ESD@SEA – Entwurf von propulsionsverbessernden Massnahmen bei Betriebsbedingungen. Statustagung, digital. [pdf]
Stefan Krüger, Björn Carstensen, Lars Johnsen, Andreas Büsken, Leonike Lassota (2021). Abschlussbericht ESD@Sea - Entwurf von propulsionsverbessernden Maßnahmen (Energy Saving Devices) bei Betriebsbedingungen. Hamburg. [pdf]
Maximilian Liebert (2021). Dynamische Analyse mobiler Offshore-Strukturen in der frühen Entwurfsphase. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Andreas Büsken, Stefan Krüger (2021). A Combined Vortex Lattice Lifting Line Method for Unsteady Propeller Calculations. OMAE, Virtual Conference, Online. [Abstract]
Björn Carstensen, Stefan Krüger (2021). Coupling of a Boundary Element Method with a Boundary Layer Method for Accurate Rudder Force Calculation within the Early Design Stage. OMAE, Virtual Conference, Online. [Abstract]
Katja Aschenberg, Hendrik Dankowski (2021). Damage Stability Index Potential Revealed by Direct Time-Domain Flooding Calculations of Intermediate Cases. STAB&S, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Larissa Jannsen, Stefan Krüger (2021). Determination of Hydrodynamic Masses and Roll Periods of Ships in Shallow Water. OMAE, Virtual Conference, Online. [Abstract]
Larissa Jannsen, Stefan Krüger (2021). Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Natural Roll Periods of Ships in Deep and Shallow Water. STAB&S, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Lars Johnsen, Stefan Krüger (2021). Determination of the Vertical Location of the Axis of Rotation of the Roll Motion from Full-Scale Measurements. OMAE, Virtual Conference, Online. [Abstract]
Lars Johnsen, Stefan Krüger (2021). On the Practical Determination of the Roll-Axis. STAB&S, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Katja Aschenberg (2021). Ship Damage Stability Approval Document Generation by a Monte Carlo Method. OMAE, Virtual Conference, Online. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Katja Aschenberg (2021). Adding Damage Zones to a Nonzonal Damage Stability Approach. STAB&S, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Charlott König (2020). Eine direkte Berechnungsmethode für Dockvorgänge. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Christopher Krause (2020). Operational Guidance Manual for an Ultra Large Container Vessel in different Seaway Conditions. Bachelorarbeit, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Irene Last, Stefan Krüger (2020). An Analytical Method for Calculating Hydrostatics for Jacket Structures. OMAE, Ft. Lauderdale, USA. [Abstract]
Maximilian Liebert (2020). A Method for the Frequency Domain Seakeeping Analysis of Offshore Structures in the Early Design Stage. OMAE, Ft. Lauderdale, USA. [Abstract]
Maximilian Liebert (2020). Calculation of the Seakeeping Behaviour of a Jack-Up Vessel During the Jacking Sequence in Time Domain. ISOPE, Shanghai, China. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Larissa Jannsen (2020). Investigation into the Container loss of the Container Vessel MSC Zoe in the North Sea on 01 and 02 January 2019. Hamburg. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels, Irene Last, Charlott König, Maximilian Liebert, Christopher Eckmann, Sebastian Becker (2020). Abschlussbericht MOPS - Offenes Methodenbanksystem für Offshore- und Polarsysteme Teilvorhaben: Numerische Grundlagen. Hamburg. [pdf]
Adele Lübcke (2019). Dynamisches Positionieren als Aspekt in der frühen Schiffsentwurfsphase. Promotion. [Abstract]
Adele Lübcke, Malte Hahn, Lars Johnsen, Thomas Rung, Sören Ehlers, Michael Huismann, Sandro Erceg, Hendrik Sjöblom, Wei Chai, Bernt Leira (2019). PRICE - Prediction of Ice-Ship-Interaction. Statustagung, Berlin. [Abstract]
Björn Carstensen (2019). A Method for Rudder Force Calculation in the Design Process Considering Rudder-Propeller-Interaction. 6th Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Rome, Italy. [Abstract]
Björn Carstensen (2019). Calculation of Rudder Forces in the Design Process Using a Panel Method with a Lifting Line Approach for Wake Alignment. PRADS, Yokohama, Japan. [Abstract]
Lars Johnsen (2019). Entwurf eines eisbrechenden Schiffes unter Verwendung neuer numerischer Methoden. STG Hauptversammlung, Papenburg. [Abstract]
Maximilian Liebert (2019). Calculation of the Dynamic Positioning Capability of an Offshore Wind Farm Vessel During the Jack-Up Process in the Early Design Stage. OMAE, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Maximilian Liebert (2019). On the seakeeping behaviour of an offshore wind farm vessel during the jack-up process in the early design stage. IMAM, Varna, Bulgaria. [Abstract]
Michael Wöller (2019). Numerical Investigation of the Flooding and Sinking Scenario of the RoRo-Vessel Vinca Gorthon. Projektarbeit, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Michal Josten (2019). Trajectory Prediction of Moored Vessels with Reduced Station Keeping Capability due to Exceeded Anchor Load Limits. OMAE, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Michal Josten (2019). Prediction of the Movement of Moored Vessels due to Exceeded Mooring Load Limits. ISOPE, Hawaii, USA. [Abstract]
Robin Kloske, Michal Josten, Björn Carstensen (2019). Resistance tests with 3D printed models in the early ship design stage of high speed vessels. IMAM, Varna, Bulgaria. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Björn Carstensen, Lars Johnsen, Christoph Steinbach, Lutz Kleinsorge, Heike Richter, Rainer Grabert (2019). Statistische Bewertung von Energy Saving Devices in realen Betriebsbedingungen. STG Sprechtag, Berlin. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Dankowski (2019). A Monte Carlo based Simulation Method for Damage Stability Problems. OMAE, Glasgow, UK. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Michal Josten, Leonidas Souflis (2019). Safety Vs. Sustainability – How Much Underpowering Of Ships Is Acceptable?. PRADS, Yokohama, Japan. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Oliver Lorkowski, Adele Lübcke, Hendrik Vorhölter, Klaas Oltmann (2019). MOPS – Methodenbanksystem für Offshore- und Polar-Systeme. Statustagung, Berlin. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Youjiang Wang, Martin Scharf, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud (2019). A Hybrid Calculation Concept for Single and Multi-Component Propulsors. 6th Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Rome, Italy. [Abstract]
Charlott Weltzien (2018). Applied Mechanics on Docking Sequences. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 89th GAMM Annual Meeting, Munich. [Abstract]
Charlott Weltzien (2018). First Principle Applications to Docking Sequences. IMDC, Helsinki. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger (2018). Computation of the free vortex system of multi component propulsors. Ship Technology Research. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Heike Billerbeck, Adele Lübcke (2018). Safe Maneuvering in Adverse Weather Conditions. IMDC, Helsinki. [Abstract]
Arne Falkenhorst, Christoph M. Steinbach (2017). Calculation of Penetrated Wake Alignments in a Three Dimensional Panel Method for the Rudder Design Process. 5th Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Espoo, Finland. [Abstract]
Björn Carstensen, Arne Falkenhorst, Christoph M. Steinbach (2017). An Alternative Approach for the Parametric Description of Hydrowing Blades in the Design Process. HIPER, Zevenwacht, South Africa. [Abstract]
Hendrik Dankowski, Charlott Weltzien (2017). Calculation of the Hydrostatic and Structural Integrity of Docking Sequences. OMAE, Trondheim, Norway. [Abstract]
Leonidas Souflis (2017). Untersuchung des Sinkvorganges der RoPax-Fähre Herald of Free Enterprise. Bachelorarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]
Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels (2017). Hydrodynamic Damping and Added Mass of Modern Screw Propellers. OMAE, Trondheim, Norway. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels (2017). Software Developing in a Distributed Environment Exemplified for a Propeller Damping Tool. HIPER, Zevenwacht, South Africa. [Abstract]
Hannes Hatecke (2016). Dynamic Stability of Heavy Lift Vessels During Loss of Tandem Load. Promotion. [Abstract]
Hannes Hatecke, Stefan Krüger (2016). Studie zum Verhalten eines Mehrzweckarbeitsbootes. Hamburg. [pdf]
Nicolas Rox (2016). Ein ganzheitliches Entwurfsverfahren für die Konzeptionierung der Stahlstruktur von RoRo-Fahrgastschiffen. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Philip Augener (2016). Computation of Wave Drift Forces for Dynamic Positioning within the Early Design Stage. Promotion, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger (2016). Numerical Flooding Simulations - A Useful Tool For Marine Casualty Investigations. 15th International Ship Stability Workshop, Stockholm. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Adele Lübcke, Irene Zapp (2016). Abschlussbericht DyPos: Entwicklung einer Methodensammlung zur Bewertung von Positionier- und Anlegevorgängen. Hamburg. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Hannes Hatecke (2016). Abschlussbericht HoOK: Hochseeoperationen mit Kranen - Dynamische Simulation von Kranvorgängen unter realistischen Umweltbedingungen. Hamburg. [pdf]
Adele Lübcke (2015). Dynamisches Positionieren als neuer Entwurfsaspekt in der Projektphase von Schiffen – Berechnungen, Modellversuche und Ergebnisse. STG Hauptversammlung, Bremen. [Abstract]
Johannes Will, Anja Kömpe (2015). Improvements in the Prediction of the Wave Making Resistance from Potential Flow by Using Transverse Wave Cut Analysis. OMAE, St. John's, Canada. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Hannes Hatecke, Paola Gualeni, Luca Di Donato (2015). On the application of the 2nd Generation Intact Stability Criteria to Ro-Pax and Container Vessels. STAB, Glasgow. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Christian Mains (2015). A New Approach for the Water- On- Deck- Problem of RoRo- Passenger Ships. STAB, Glasgow. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Adele Lübcke, Johannes Will, Florian Kluwe, Kay Martinsen (2015). Design Aspects of a High Speed monohull RoPax Ferry. OMAE, St. John's, Canada. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Adele Lübcke, Florian Kluwe, Kay Martinsen (2015). Design Aspects of a High Speed Monohull Ferry. IMDC, Tokyo. [Abstract]
Nicolas Rox (2015). Optimierung von RoRo-Decks in der frühen Entwurfsphase. IWMS, Hamburg. [Abstract]
Nicolas Rox (2015). Parameter Controlled Optimization of Grillage Shaped RoRo Deck Structures. IMDC, Tokyo. [Abstract]
Hendrik Dankowski, Stefan Krüger (2015). Dynamic Extension of a Numerical Flooding Simulation in the Time-Domain. STAB, Glasgow. [Abstract]
Adele Lübcke (2015). Investigation of the Intact Stability Accident of the Multipurpose Vessel MS ROSEBURG. STAB, Glasgow. [Abstract]
Hannes Hatecke, Stefan Krüger (2015). Robust Identification of Parametric Radiation Force Models via Impulse Response Fitting. PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. [Abstract]
Hannes Hatecke, Hendrik Vorhölter, Dag-Frederik Feder (2015). Design Study of Floating Crane Vessels for Lifting Operations in the Offshore Wind Industry. IMDC, Tokyo. [Abstract]
Hannes Hatecke (2015). The impulse response fitting and ship motions. Ship Technology Research - Schiffstechnik. [Abstract]
Arne Falkenhorst, Stefan Krüger, Christoph Steinbach (2015). Application of Energy Saving Fins on Rudders. OMAE, St. John's, Canada. [Abstract]
Adele Lübcke, Stefan Krüger, Jacob Christiansen (2015). Calculation of the Dynamic Positioning Capability in Time Domain in Early Design Stages. IMDC, Tokyo. [Abstract]
Adele Lübcke, Philip Augener, Arne Falkenhorst (2015). A Fast Method for the Evaluation of the Dynamic Positioning Capability in Time Domain in the Early Design Stage. OMAE, St. John's, Canada. [Abstract]
Adele Lübcke, Kay Martinsen, Sebastian Walter (2015). Entwicklung von Methoden zum Berechnen des dynamischen Positionierens in der Entwurfsphase. Statustagung, Rostock. [pdf]
Stefan Krüger, Wilfried Abels (2015). Hydrodynamische Masse und Dämpfung moderner Schraubenpropeller. STG Hauptversammlung, Bremen. [Abstract]
Stefan Krüger, Hendrik Dankowski, Hannes Hatecke, Florian Kluwe, Oliver Lorkowski (2015). Abschlussbericht LESSEO: Untersuchung der Lecksicherheit von Schiffen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des zeitabhängigen Sinkverhaltens und dynamischer Einflüsse aus großen freien Oberflächen. Hamburg. [pdf]
Adele Lübcke, Stefan Krüger (2014). Dynamic Positioning in Early Design Stages. IntNam, Istanbul. [Abstract]
Anja Kömpe (2014). Implementation and Validation of a Wave Cut Analysis Method for the Wave Resistance Prediction from Potential Flow. Masterarbeit, Hamburg. [pdf]
Hannes Hatecke, Hendrik Vorhölter, Stefan Krüger, Jakob Christiansen (2014). A Fast Sea-keeping Simulation Method for Heavy-lift Operations Based on Multi-body System Dynamics. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [Abstract]
Hendrik Dankowski, Florian Kluwe, Oliver Lorkowski (2014). An Experimental Study on Progressive and Dynamic Damage Stability Scenarios. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [pdf]
Hendrik Dankowski, Stefan Krüger, Philipp Russell (2014). New Insights into the Flooding Sequence of the Costa Concordia Accident. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [pdf]
Hendrik Vorhölter, Hannes Hatecke, Jakob Christiansen (2014). Universal Crane Model for the Ship Design System E4. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [Abstract]
Johannes Will, Lars Greitsch (2014). Optimized Propulsor Retrofit for Slow Steaming for a Post Pan-Max Container Vessel. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [Abstract]
Nicolas Rox (2014). Improving the early steel design process by integrating strength calculation and rule checking capabilities in a ship design tool. OMAE, San Francisco, USA. [Abstract]