Prof. DSc. (Tech.) Sören Ehlers


Hamburg University of Technology
Institute for Ship Structural Design and Analysis (M-10)
Am Schwarzenberg Campus 4 C
21073 Hamburg
Building C
Room 4.007 (Secretariat)


Tel+49 40 42878 6087 (Secretariat)


Office Hours

by appointment

Research Identity

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Born in 1979 in Darmstadt, Germany. Graduated from Victoria School in 1999 and went to the university of Rostock. Graduate engineer in Mechanical engineering with scientific deepening in naval architecture and offshore engineering. Research assistant at Helsinki University of Technology from 2004 – 2009 and became Doctor of Science with distinction in marine technology. In 2004 co-founder of the engineering office AS2CON. 2010-2011 post-doctoral researcher at Aalto University in Finland. In 2011 appointed Professor at NTNU in Trondheim for sustainable arctic sea transportation. 2013 – 2015 honorary professor at Aalesund University College in Norway. 2014 appointed professor for  design and analysis of ships and offshore structures at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and supervisor of the institute of ship structural design and analysis. Honorary professor at NTNU in Trondheim from 2014 to 2018.

Involvement in the following committees:

  • GMT chair of the board
  • LR German technical advisory board member
  • DNVGL German offshore technical committee member
  • CMT advisory board member
  • STG advisory board member
  • ASME Extended Executive Committee Member
  • ISSC V.2 Experimental methods member

TORE Publications

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