Open Master Topics

Below you will find the current topic proposals of the Institute for master theses.

  • If you require further (detailed) information on individual topics, please contact the supervising employee directly by e-mail or telephone. We are always open to constructive ideas for a possible adaptation of topics.
  • Please also send your application for a specific topic directly to the supervising employee. The application documents should include a current curriculum vitae as well as your most important certificates and degrees.

Optimization of Handling Processes Under Uncertainty

In the master thesis, a solution approach for the optimization of handling processes for container terminals in the hinterland is to be developed. For this purpose, methods from the fields of machine learning or operations research are to be applied. The developed solution shall be tested in the context of a research project. [more]

Comparison of Sensor Transfer Learning Models in Electro-optical and Motion Sensors for Ocean Wave Height Determination

In your work you focus on the existing models of sensor transfer learning from electro-optical
sensors to motion sensors. You will compare the applicability of the models to the maritime domain and the use on board for the purpose of wave height determination. In the current literature, only singular sensor values have been considered so far, disregarding transfer learning. [more]

Speech enhancement to improve speech quality in acoustically demanding situations

The master thesis should deal with research on speech enhancement methods. Methods from the fields of signal processing and deep learning will be applied and further developed. The suitability of the methods is to be evaluated with the help of freely accessible data sets, as well as on a VHF radio call data set of the Fraunhofer CML. [more]

Automation of a digital twin of a gantry crane using reinforcement learning

In the master's thesis, an AI agent is to be developed that enables the autonomous operation of a gantry crane in a container terminal. The agent will be trained and tested in a simulation environment to ensure the efficient and safe movement of containers. [more]