
Final Thesis/Research Project

The Institute of Management und Decision Sciences supervises final theses dealing with Strategic Management, International Management, Global Sourcing & Supply Management, Human Resource Management, Organization, Marketing and Quantitative Methods (e.g., forecasting, partial least squares (PLS) path modeling).

To bring up detailed questions do not hesitate to contact the responsible associate.

Application Process

Due to the growing demand, we will introduce an application process for the supervision of all kinds of final theses (e.g., master theses, bachelor theses, research projects). You can apply any time - and you can expect a decision with a few days. Your application includes:

In case you apply with your own topic, please add an exposé of 3 to 5 pages to your application, which highlights the challenges and objectives and envisaged structure of your project as well as the key literature related to the topic. Please ensure that your topic fits into the research areas of either our Ph.D. students or Prof. Ringle.

If you apply for more than one topic it is not necessary to submit a motivation letter for each topic. You can state the topics and explain why you are interested in them in one letter.

Due to the selection process you will receive a response approximately two weeks after the application deadline at the earliest.

Please send your documents to hrmo[at]

Guidelines for Thesis Writing

Please download our guidelines on academic writing (in german) and Word template for thesis writing. You can use our PPT-template for your presentation at our institute.

We recommend the following books for basic knowledge on how to write an academic thesis:

Bänsch, A., & Alewell, D. (2020). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Walter de Gruyter.

Gruba, P. & Zobel, J. (2017).How to Write Your First Thesis. Cham: Springer.

Katz, M. J. (2009). From research to manuscript: A guide to scientific writing. Springer Science & Business Media.

Sandberg, B. (2017). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten von Abbildung bis Zitat: Lehr-und Übungsbuch für Bachelor, Master und Promotion. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.

The books are all available at the TUHH library.

How to register your Master Thesis

Find out how to register your Master Thesis, what to do after a successful application and what to consider before submitting it. Click here.