Lectures and Seminars for Bachelor Students*

  Type Winter Term 22/23 Summer Term 23 Winter Term 23/24 Summer Term 24
Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG S Wilum/LuM   Wilum/LuM  
Introduction to Business Economics L all all all all
Foundations of Organization L no lecture   no lecture  
Colloquium for Final Thesis Projects C all all all all

Type: C = Colloquium, L = Lecture, S = Seminar; LuM = Logistik und Mobilität

Lectures and Seminars for Master Students*

  Type Winter Term 22/23 Summer Term 23 Winter Term 23/24 Summer Term 24
Foundation of Human Resource Management and Organizational Design L   IWI   IWI
International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG S   no lecture   MEM
Management, Organization and Human Resource Management L IWI / LIM / MEM   IWI / LIM / MEM  
Management, Organization and Human Resource Management S IWI / LIM / MEM   IWI / LIM / MEM  
Management and Leadership L   no lecture   no lecture
Quantitative Research Methods S no lecture no lecture MEM IWI / MEM
Colloquium for Final Thesis Projects C all all all all

Type: C = Colloquium, L = Lecture, S = Seminar; IWI = Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, GTIME = Global Technology and Innovation Management; LIM = Logistik, Infrastruktur und Mobilität; MEM = Mechanical Engineering and Management

* for information on dates and schedule please visit StudIP