Waste-to-Energy: experiences, projects and expectations in the new markets

During the Venice2016 Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste (14 - 17 November 2016) the IWWG TG on Thermal Treatments is organizing a workshop on "Waste-to-Energy: experiences, projects and expectations in the new markets". For more information, click here.

Energy recovery from waste: technologies and experiences

A national conference was held in Rome on November, 29th 2015, organized by Solvay and hosted by Niccolò Cusano University, about energy recovery from waste. The conference was the occasion to gather different operators in the fields of waste-to-energy and to illustrate the state-of-the-art of the energy recovery from waste. Discussion about new BRefs for Waste Incineration and change in Italian renewable energy subsidy schemes took place. TGTT members gave their contribution to the discussion by their speeches. Presentations (most in Italian) are available for downloading.

Solid residues from solid waste incineration and the COST action MINEA

We are proud to announce that the proposal “Mining the European Anthroposphere” (MINEA) was approved by the COST European framework, which supports transnational cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe (http://www.cost.eu). The MINEA proposal has been ranked on top 4 (excluding 2 ex aequo ranks), while 40 proposals have been selected out of 397 submissions. We congratulate Dr. Ulrich Kral, from the Technical University of Wien, as the main proposer for the big work done in coordinating and preparing this successful proposal. IWWG and several of its members contributed to support and widespread the proposal and to call for the participation of several researchers as secondary proposers.
The MINEA COST Action will last for four years and aims to create a network for promoting the discovery of the resource potential in the European anthroposphere. It deals with the exploration, evaluation and exploitation of resources in buildings & networks, landfills and solid residues from solid waste incineration. The MINEA COST Action fosters the complementation and substitution of primary for secondary resources to achieve an optimum of economic benefits at a minimum of environmental impacts. More information is available at http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15115.
Several members of the IWWG, and in particular some of the task group on Thermal Treatments, are involved in the proposal and will have the occasion to fruitfully cooperate to its implementation.