IWWG Discussion Board
On this page the IWWG has set-up a discussion board for its members. The general structure of the board is summarized by the following figure and includes Forums, Topics and Posts. A further subdivision is made into a publicly accessible part of the forum and a section reserved for IWWG members (login required). The latter includes an individual forum for each IWWG task group which is intended to be moderated by the accordant TG chair and used by the TG members. In the following, a brief introduction into the functionality of the board is provided:
- Any visitor of the website may read the messages posted by IWWG members under the discussion forum "IWWG" and its related topics.
- Following login, IWWG members may post messages under the IWWG forum and/or create new topics.
- IWWG members may read the different forums of the TG's.
- Each TG chair automatically becomes moderator of the specific TG forum. He/she may introduce new topics to the forum and provide TG members with discussion rights for the TG section.
- TG members may make use of their specific TG forum to contact one another, exchange information and communicate with the TG chair.