The IWWG Universities Forum provides Departments, Institutes, Research Groups and others with a platform for communication of their specific offers and needs. Registered organizations may announce their international study courses, possibilities and regulations for staff and student exchanges as well as scholarships and grants. Moreover, the forum includes a special section on Project Partner Search where organizations may present their expertise and announce specific requests.
The research group on Circular Resource Engineering and Management at the TUHH comprises around 25 employees. With many years' experience, our team has grown a reputation for developing and implementing successful and innovative research projects in the following fields:
- Bio-energy and bio-resources management
- Waste treatment and waste resources management
- Recovery of precious and rare earth metals from e-waste
- Emission control and climate protection
For more information about CREM, click here.
For more information, click here.
School of Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete
![]() | Technical University of Crete, Greece School of Environmental Engineering |
The School of Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete welcomed its first students in 1997 and since then it has become one of the top six schools of Greek Universities, as far as its research activity is concerned. The Laboratory of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management was established in 2002 and is under the Direction of Prof. Evangelos Gidarakos.
Its research focuses on:
- Management and treatment of hazardous, toxic and special waste (Asbestos, radioactive, infectious, electronic / electrical, etc.).
- Waste Characterization
- Remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater
More information is available at:
- http://www.enveng.tuc.gr/pdf/labs/Template-labs-Gidarakos-en.pdf
- http://www.enveng.tuc.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=196:gidarakos-en&lang=en
Specific data on the Laboratory’s current research activities is available here.
The Solid Waste Research Group at the University of Central Florida, USA
![]() | University of Central Florida, USA Solid Waste Research Group |
UCF researchers have conducted high impact research on solid waste management over the past 25 years. Descriptions of research conducted at UCF in this field can be found here. In particular some of the areas of significant contributions include:
- Fate and nature of leachate organic matter
- Ergonomics of waste collection
- Water footprint of solid waste management
- Bioreactor landfill design and operation
- Sustainable landfills
- Landfill gas generation, collection, and emissions
Institute of Waste Treatment & Reclamation (IWTR) at Tongji University, Shanghai, CHINA
![]() | Tongji University, Shanghai, CHINA Institute of Waste Treatment & Reclamation (IWTR) |
IWTR at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tongji University, under the direction of Prof. Pinjing HE, is devoted to develop new combined technologies for the treatment and utilization of solid waste, such as municipal solid waste, industrial waste and sewage sludge, etc., based on exploring innovative biological and chemical transformation of solid waste in lab, pilot and full scale. [more]
For more information about IWTR, click here.
For contact, click here.
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy
![]() | University of Padova, Italy Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (dicea) |
The University of Padova is the second oldest university in Italy being founded in 1222 (http://m.unipd.it/en/). The Environmental Engineering department (http://iat.dicea.unipd.it/en/) is now one of the most appealing of its kind in Italy. All the course units of the Second Cycle Degree program are entirely held in English and this makes it a favorite destination for a study-exchange both for European and overseas graduate students. The laboratory of the Environmental Engineering department of Padova University is a well equipped structure in the green part of the city. The main fields of research are:
- waste and wastewater treatment,
- sustainable landfill management,
- soil decontamination and phyto-remediation,
- biogas and bio-hydrogen production through the anaerobic digestion of organic waste.
Because of the international atmosphere, motivation and continuous stimulation are never missing among the group of researchers guided by Prof. Raffaello Cossu.
Department of Environmental Engineering at the DTU, DK
![]() | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Department of Environmental Engineering |
Department of Environmental Engineering (www.env.dtu.dk/english) at the Technical University of Denmark (www.dtu.dk/english) is a university department having about 180 employees. Among six sections the Residual Resource Engineering Section is hosting two research groups; the Solid Waste Research Group (about 26 members including 4 faculty and 17 PhD students) and the BioEnergy Research Group (about 20 members including 2 faculty and 11 PhD students). The department also hosts a highly reputed MSc Educational Program in Environmental Engineering (http://www.dtu.dk/english/Education/msc/Programmes/environmental_engineering)
The research takes its offset in the fact that modern society uses a vast amount of resources and at the same time produces a vast amount of waste that must be taken care of in order to avoid environmental problems. The resources are energy resources and material resources, e.g. aggregates, food, metals, plastic, glass, pulp, and wood. Although decoupling of waste production from economic growth is a major target, this has not been successful so far. The approach of Residual Resource Engineering is to see waste as a potential resource so that good management simultaneously solves a waste management problem and provides new resources - being material or energy resources. Important research focus areas are :
- Resource management and recovery
- Environmental assessment of solid waste management
- Quantification and mitigation of gaseous emissions from waste facilities
- Process and technologies for bioenergy production based on organic waste resources
The faculty members of the Residual Resource Engineering Section are globally among the most cited researchers within solid waste and bioenergy research. Within the last five years the section has annually published between 35 and 50 ISI peer-reviewed journal papers.
Read more here (http://www.env.dtu.dk/english/Research/RRE)