Michael Nelles
Michael Nelles is an environmental engineer and studied Technical Environmental Protection (Technical University of Berlin). From 1994 to 1999 he was the Vice Director of the Department Waste Management of the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria. From 2000 to 2006 he was Professor of Environmental Engineering of the University of Applied Science in Göttingen (Germany). Since 2006 he is full professor of Waste and Resource Management of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Rostock, Germany. Since 2012 Prof. Nelles is also the Scientific Director of the German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ) in Leipzig.
His research activity is based on: fundamental and applied aspects of waste management with focus on technological, environmental and economic aspects to mechanical, biological and thermal treatment systems of waste and biomass in different recycling and recovery routes.
He is a member of national and international Advisory Boards of organisations in the field of waste management and biomass utilisation and also a Board-Member of different national and international conferences and journals. He is author of over 400 articles and chapters in books and journals since 1994. His international activities focus on the Asian Region and in particular on China (Guest Professor in Beijing, Hefei, Shanghai & Shenyang; National Friendship Award 2011).