Dr.-Ing. Jorrid Lund

Raum L2055
Telefon 040 42878 - 3613
Fax 040 42731 - 4551
E-Mail Dr.-Ing. Jorrid Lund
Seit Februar 2025 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Flugzeug-Produktionstechnik
2024 Promotion zum Dr.-Ing., TUHH
2018-2024 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Konstruktion und Festigkeit von Schiffen
2015-2018 Masterstudium "Theoretischer Maschinenbau" an der TUHH
2011-2015 Bachelorstudium "Maschinenbau" an der TUHH
Schwerpunkte: Struktursimulation, Strömungssimulation, Additive Fertigung
ISMAEK - Integrierte Strukturoptimierung und modellinformierte Pfadplanung von additiv gefertigten, endlosfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen unter Berücksichtigung von Fertigungsrestriktionen und entwurfsabhängiger Festigkeit
Optimization of Ship Propellers Under Consideration of the Acoustic Emission Based on Partitioned Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulations
Journal of Ship Research 68 (3): 95-106 (2024)
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On methodology for a digital twin of ship propulsion under harsh environmental conditions
ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2024
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Partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulation of maritime applications
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
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Numerical and experimental study of the hydrodynamic coefficients and power absorption of a two-body point absorber wave energy converter
Renewable Energy 201: 181-193 (2022-12)
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Advanced methods for partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulations applied to ship propellers
41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2022)
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Validation of a partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulation for turbo machine rotors
Ships and Offshore Structures 18 (6): 775-786 (2022-05-14)
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A partitioned scheme for coupling of FEM and DEM simulations of granular materials
Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics 21 (1): e202100134 (2021-12-14)
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Fluid-structure interaction and stress analysis of a floating wind turbine
Marine Structures 78: 102970 (2021-07)
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Partitioned coupling of fluid-structure interaction for the simulation of floating wind turbines
GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, Kassel: 335-338 (2019)
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Design and application of Self-Generated Identification Codes (SGICs) for matching longitudinal data
Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education - Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry-University Cooperation, SEFI: (2016-09)