Dr.-Ing. Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli



Dr.-Ing. Payam Teimourzadeh Baboli
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Gebäude HS22a, Raum 2.001
Tel: +49 40 42878 3013



Seit Jan. 2024

Oberingenieur, TUHH

Aug. 2019 - Dez.2023    

Post-Doc, Senior Researcher und Projektleiter, OFFIS – Institut für Informatik, Oldenburg, Deutschland

Feb. 2015 - Jul. 2019 Assistenzprofessor für Elektrotechnik, Universität von Mazandaran (UMZ), Babolsar, Iran

Mär. 2007 - Jan. 2015


Iranisches Forschungszentrum für Energiesystemtechnik (IPSERC), Teheran, Iran

  • Senior Researcher und Projektleiter (Apr. 2014 - Jan. 2015, Vollzeit)
  • Forscher und Lab. Ingenieur (Mar. 2007 - Apr. 2014, Teilzeit)



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Koordinierungsfunktion des Verteilnetzes und Lastmanagement für den elektrifizierten Personenverkehr

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Kritische Komponenten für den verteilten und sicheren Netzbetrieb


Kritische Komponenten für den verteilten und sicheren Netzbetrieb

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK); Laufzeit: 2022 bis 2025

Effiziente Einbindung hoher Anteile Erneuerbarer Energien in technisch-wirtschaftlich integrierte Energiesysteme


Effiziente Einbindung hoher Anteile Erneuerbarer Energien in technisch-wirtschaftlich integrierte Energiesysteme

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK); Laufzeit: 2022 bis 2025

Integrierte Netzplanung der Sektoren Strom, Gas und Wärme


Integrierte Netzplanung der Sektoren Strom, Gas und Wärme

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Vernetzte Netzschutzsysteme - Adaptiv und vernetzt

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK); Laufzeit: 2021 bis 2024


TUHH Open Research (TORE)






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Satellite Communications and Navigation
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Gerhard Bauch, Rico Mendrzik, David Jonas Kopyto, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Grünheid
  • Introduction to satellite communications
    • What is a satellite
    • Overvieworbits, Van Allen Belt, components of a satellite
    • Satelliteservices
    • Frequencybands for satellite services
    • InternationalTelecommunications Union (ITU)
    • Influenceof atmospheric impairments
    • Milestonesin satellite communications
  • Componentsof a satellite communications system
    • Groundsegment
    • Spacesegment
    • Controlsegment
  • Communicationlinks
    • Uplink,downlink
    • Forwardlink, reverse link
    • Intersatellitelinks
    • Multipleaccess
    • Performancemeasures
      • Effectiveisotropic radiated power (EIRP), antenna gain, figure of merit, G/T, carrier tonoise ratio
      • Signalto noise power ratio vs. carrier to noise ratio
  • Singlebeam and multibeam satellites
    • Beamcoverage
    • Examplesfor beam coverage of LEO and GEO satellites (Iridium, Viasat)
  • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
  • Orbits
    • Lowearth orbot (LEO), medium earth orbit (MEO), geosynchroneous and geostationaryorbits (GEO), highly elliptical orbits (HEO
    • Favourableorbits:
      • HEOorbits with 63-64o inclination, Molnya and Tundra orbits
      • CircularLEO orbits
      • CircularMEO Orbits (Intermediate Circular Orbits (ICO))
      • Equatorialorbits, geostationary orbit (GEO)
    • Importantaspects of LEO, MEO and GEO satellites
  • Kepler’slaws of planetary motion
  • Gravitationalforce
  • Parametersof ellipses and elliptical orbits
    • Majorand minor half axis
    • Foci
    • Eccentricity
    • Eccentricanomaly, mean anomaly, true anomaly
    • Area
    • Orbitperiod
    • Perigee,apogee
    • Distanceof satellite from center of earth
    • Constructionof ellipses according to de La Hire
    • Orbitalplane in space, inclination, right ascension (longitude) of ascending node,Vernal equinox
  • Newton’slaws of motion
  • Newton’suniversal law of gravitation
  • Energyof satellites: Potential energy, kinetic energy, total energy
  • Instantaneousspeed of a satellite
  • Kepler’sequation
  • Satellitevisibility, elevation
  • Requirednumber of LEO, MEO or GEO satellites for continuous earth coverage
  • Satellitealtitude and distance from a point on earth
  • Choiceof orbits
    • LEO,HEO, GEO
    • Ellipticalorbits with non-zero inclination, Molnya orbits, Tundra orbits
    • Geosynchronousorbits
      • Parametersof geosynchronous orbits
      • Circulargeosynchronous orbits
      • Inclinedgeosynchronous orbits
      • Quasi-zenithsatellite systems (QZSS)
      • Syb-synchronouscircular equatorial orbits
      • Geostationaryorbit
        • Parametersof the geostationary orbit
        • Visibility
        • Propagationdelay
        • Applicationsand system examples
  • Perturbationsof orbits
    • Stationkeeping
      • Stationkeeping box
      • Estimationof orbit parameters
  • Fundamentalsof digital communications techniques
    • Componentsof a digital communications system
    • Principlesof encryption
    • Scrambling
    • Scramblingvs. interleaving for randomization of data sequences
    • Interleaving:Block interleaver, convolutional interleaver, random interleaver
    • Digitalmodulation methods
      • Linearand non-linear digital modulation methods
      • Lineardigital modulation methods
        • QAMmodulator and demodulator
        • Pulseshaping, square-root raised-cosine pulses
        • Averagepower spectral density
        • Signalspace constellation
        • Examples:M-ary phase shift keying (M-PSK), M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying (M-QAM)
        • M-PSKin noisy channels
        • Biterror probabilities of M-PSK and M-QAM
        • M-PSKvs. M-QAM
        • M-aryamplitude and phase shift keying (M-APSK)
        • M-APSKvs. M-QAM
        • Differentialphase shift keying (DPSK)

Errorcontrol coding (channel coding)

  • Errordetecting and forward error correcting (FEC) codes
  • Principleof channel coding
  • Datarate, code rate, Baud rate, spectral efficiency of modulation and codingschemes
  • Bandwidth-powertrade-off, bandwidth-limited vs. power-limited transmission
  • Codingand modulation for transparent vs. regenerative payload
  • Blockcodes and convolutional codes
  • Concatenatedcodes
  • Bit-interleavedcoded modulation
  • Convolutionalcodes
  • Lowdensity parity check (LDPC) codes, principle of message passing decoding, biterror rate performance
  • Cyclicblock codes
    • Examplesfor cyclic block codes
    • Singleerrors vs. block errors, cyclic block codes for burst errors
    • Generatormatrix, generator polynomials
    • Systematicencoding and syndrome determination with shift registers
    • Cyclicredundancy check (CRC) codes

  • Automaticrepeat request (ARQ)
    • Principleof ARQ
    • Stop-and-waitARQ
    • Go-back-NARQ
    • Selective-repeatARQ
  • Transmissiongains and losses
    • Antennagain
      • Antennaradiation pattern
      • Maximumantenna gain, 3dB beamwidth
      • Maximumantenna gain of circular aperture
      • Maximumantenna gain of a geostationary satellite with global coverage
    • Effectiveisotropic radiated power (EIRP)
    • Powerflux density
    • Pathloss
      • Freespace loss, free space loss for geostationary satellites
      • Atmosphericloss
      • Receivedpower
    • Lossesin transmit and receive equipment
      • Feederloss
      • Depointingloss
      • Polarizationmismatch loss
    • Combinedeffect of losses
  • Noise
    • Originsof noise
    • Whitenoise
    • Noisepower spectral density and noise power
    • Additivewhite Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel model
    • Antennanoise temperature
    • Earthbrightness temperature
    • Signalto noise ratios
  • Atmosphericdistortions
    • Atmosphereof the earth: Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
    •  Attenuation and depolarization due to rain,fog, rain and ice clouds, sandstorms
    • Scintillation
    • Faradayeffect
    • Multipathcontributions
  • Linkbudget calculations
    • GEOclear sky uplink and downlink
    • GEOuplink and downlink under rain conditions
    • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
  • Linkavailability improvement through site diversity and adaptive transmission
    • Transparentvs. regenerative payload
      • Non-linearamplifiers
        • Salehmodel, Rapp model
        • Inputand output back-off factor
      • Singlecarrier and multicarrier operation
      • Dimensioningof transmission parameters
      • Sourcesof noise: Thermal noise, interference, intermodulation products
      • Signalto noise ratio and bit error probability
      • Robustnessagainst interference and non-linear channels
  • Satellitenetworks
    • Satellitenetwork reference architectures
    • Networktopologies
    • Networkconnectivity
      • Typesof network connectivity
      • On-boardconnectivity
      • Inter-satellitelinks
    • Broadcastnetworks
    • Satellite-basedinternet
  • Satellitecommunications systems and standards examples
    • Therole of standards in satellite communications
    • TheDigital Video Broadcast Satellite Standard: DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X
    • Satellitesin 3GPP mobile communications networks
    • LEOmegaconstellations: SpaceX Starlink, Kuiper, OneWeb
    • Spacedebris
    • TheGerman Heinrich Hertz mission

Performance accreditation:
m1700-2021 - Satellite Communications and Navigation<ul><li>p1651-2021 - Satellite Communications and Navigation: mündlich</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Nachrichtentechnik (E-8)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 50
Documents: 8