Lehrveranstaltungen in Stud.IP

aktuelles Semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Computer Networks and Internet Security - Lecture, Exercise and Lab
This course is part of the module: Computernetworks and Internet Security
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Course number:
Dr.Ing- Koojana Kuladinithi, Sibylle Fröschle

In this class an introduction to computer networks with focus on the Internet and its security is given. Basic functionality of complex protocols are introduced. Students learn to understand these and identify common principles. In the exercises these basic principles and an introduction to performance modelling are addressed using computing tasks and (virtual) labs.
In the second part of the lecture an introduction to Internet security is given.
This class comprises:
- What's the Internet?
- Application layer protocols (HTTP, SMTP, DNS)
- Transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP)
- Network Layer (Internet Protocol, routing in the Internet)
- Data link layer with media access at the example of Ethernet
- Internet security: IPSec
- Internet security: Firewalls

- Kurose, Ross, Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach, 6th/7th/8th Edition, Addison-Wesley
- Kurose, Ross, Computernetzwerke - Der Top-Down-Ansatz, Pearson Studium; Auflage: 6/7
- W. Stallings: Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th edition
-Further literature is announced at the beginning of the lecture.

<p>Basics of Computer Science</p>
Performance accreditation:
Written Exam
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Kommunikationsnetze (E-4)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 253
Documents: 25
voriges Semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Computer Networks and Internet Security - Lecture, Exercise and Lab
This course is part of the module: Computernetworks and Internet Security
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Course number:
Dr.Ing- Koojana Kuladinithi, Sibylle Fröschle

In this class an introduction to computer networks with focus on the Internet and its security is given. Basic functionality of complex protocols are introduced. Students learn to understand these and identify common principles. In the exercises these basic principles and an introduction to performance modelling are addressed using computing tasks and (virtual) labs.
In the second part of the lecture an introduction to Internet security is given.
This class comprises:
- What's the Internet?
- Application layer protocols (HTTP, SMTP, DNS)
- Transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP)
- Network Layer (Internet Protocol, routing in the Internet)
- Data link layer with media access at the example of Ethernet
- Internet security: IPSec
- Internet security: Firewalls

- Kurose, Ross, Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach, 6th/7th/8th Edition, Addison-Wesley
- Kurose, Ross, Computernetzwerke - Der Top-Down-Ansatz, Pearson Studium; Auflage: 6/7
- W. Stallings: Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th edition
-Further literature is announced at the beginning of the lecture.

<p>Basics of Computer Science</p>
Performance accreditation:
Written Exam
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Kommunikationsnetze (E-4)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 253
Documents: 25


Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen und Modulen entnehmen Sie bitte dem aktuellen Vorlesungsverzeichnis und dem Modulhandbuch Ihres Studienganges.

Modul / Lehrveranstaltung Zeitraum ECTS Leistungspunkte
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme I: Einführung in elektrische Energiesysteme WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme II: Betrieb und Informationssysteme elektrischer Energienetze WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme III: Dynamik und Stabilität elektrischer Energiesysteme SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnik II: Wechselstromnetzwerke und grundlegende Bauelemente SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnisches Projektpraktikum SoSe 6
Modul: Prozessmesstechnik SoSe 4
Modul: Smart-Grid-Technologien WiSe, SoSe 6

Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar zu Elektromagnetischer Verträglichkeit und Elektrischer Energiesystemtechnik

weitere Information

WiSe, SoSe 2

SoSe: Sommersemester
WiSe: Wintersemester