Lehrveranstaltungen in Stud.IP

aktuelles Semester
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Measurement Technology Lab for Mechanical Engineering
SoSe 24
Course type:
Practical Course
Course number:
M. Sc. Mechatronics Finn Jannek Klar, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kern
The module "Measurement Technology for Mechanical Engineering" is to be passed by all students with a project-based-learning exam by doing two practical courses (MSR & MT). Both of them need to be passed separately. The MT Lab involves ten experiments, each of which must be passed. The MT & MSR labs may be done in different semesters. To pass each experiment, you need to do five steps (details listed below) - You prepare yourself, reading the material for the experiment and attending the lecture - You execute an ILIAS-test (link in Stud.ip) to get approval for the live experiment - You book a seat in the lab for a time slot, which suits you, go there and receive the material - You execute the experiment in the lab, usually it takes around 1.5 hours for each experiment including recording of all data - You carry your data home and do some small post-processing-tasks on the data, submitting the results via Stud.ip vips We recommend doing one experiment every week. But you are free to arrange timing and sequence yourself. The ten experiments are: 1. mechanical measurements 2. motor power 3. resistive I: potentiometers 4. resistive II: strain-gauge & Wheatstone-bridge 5. capacitive I: general 6. capacitive II: acceleration 7. optical I: light reflection switch 8. optical II: diodes/phototransistors/photoresistors 9. magnetic: hall-sensor 10. piezo-electric Further information and the lab exercises can be found here: https://imek.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MLP/pages/12419749/Measurement+Technology+Lab+MT+Lab+new
The module "Measurement Technology for Mechanical Engineering" is to be passed by all students with a project-based-learning exam by doing two practical courses (MSR & MT). Both of them need to be passed separately.

The MT Lab involves ten experiments, each of which must be passed. The MT & MSR labs may be done in different semesters. To pass each experiment, you need to do five steps (details listed below)

- You prepare yourself, reading the material for the experiment and attending the lecture
- You execute an ILIAS-test (link in Stud.ip) to get approval for the live experiment
- You book a seat in the lab for a time slot, which suits you, go there and receive the material
- You execute the experiment in the lab, usually it takes around 1.5 hours for each experiment including recording of all data
- You carry your data home and do some small post-processing-tasks on the data, submitting the results via Stud.ip vips

We recommend doing one experiment every week. But you are free to arrange timing and sequence yourself.

The ten experiments are:
1. mechanical measurements
2. motor power
3. resistive I: potentiometers
4. resistive II: strain-gauge & Wheatstone-bridge
5. capacitive I: general
6. capacitive II: acceleration
7. optical I: light reflection switch
8. optical II: diodes/phototransistors/photoresistors
9. magnetic: hall-sensor
10. piezo-electric

Further information and the lab exercises can be found here:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (M-4)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 37
Documents: 2
voriges Semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Measurement Technology Lab for Mechanical Engineering
SoSe 24
Course type:
Practical Course
Course number:
M. Sc. Mechatronics Finn Jannek Klar, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kern
The module "Measurement Technology for Mechanical Engineering" is to be passed by all students with a project-based-learning exam by doing two practical courses (MSR & MT). Both of them need to be passed separately. The MT Lab involves ten experiments, each of which must be passed. The MT & MSR labs may be done in different semesters. To pass each experiment, you need to do five steps (details listed below) - You prepare yourself, reading the material for the experiment and attending the lecture - You execute an ILIAS-test (link in Stud.ip) to get approval for the live experiment - You book a seat in the lab for a time slot, which suits you, go there and receive the material - You execute the experiment in the lab, usually it takes around 1.5 hours for each experiment including recording of all data - You carry your data home and do some small post-processing-tasks on the data, submitting the results via Stud.ip vips We recommend doing one experiment every week. But you are free to arrange timing and sequence yourself. The ten experiments are: 1. mechanical measurements 2. motor power 3. resistive I: potentiometers 4. resistive II: strain-gauge & Wheatstone-bridge 5. capacitive I: general 6. capacitive II: acceleration 7. optical I: light reflection switch 8. optical II: diodes/phototransistors/photoresistors 9. magnetic: hall-sensor 10. piezo-electric Further information and the lab exercises can be found here: https://imek.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MLP/pages/12419749/Measurement+Technology+Lab+MT+Lab+new
The module "Measurement Technology for Mechanical Engineering" is to be passed by all students with a project-based-learning exam by doing two practical courses (MSR & MT). Both of them need to be passed separately.

The MT Lab involves ten experiments, each of which must be passed. The MT & MSR labs may be done in different semesters. To pass each experiment, you need to do five steps (details listed below)

- You prepare yourself, reading the material for the experiment and attending the lecture
- You execute an ILIAS-test (link in Stud.ip) to get approval for the live experiment
- You book a seat in the lab for a time slot, which suits you, go there and receive the material
- You execute the experiment in the lab, usually it takes around 1.5 hours for each experiment including recording of all data
- You carry your data home and do some small post-processing-tasks on the data, submitting the results via Stud.ip vips

We recommend doing one experiment every week. But you are free to arrange timing and sequence yourself.

The ten experiments are:
1. mechanical measurements
2. motor power
3. resistive I: potentiometers
4. resistive II: strain-gauge & Wheatstone-bridge
5. capacitive I: general
6. capacitive II: acceleration
7. optical I: light reflection switch
8. optical II: diodes/phototransistors/photoresistors
9. magnetic: hall-sensor
10. piezo-electric

Further information and the lab exercises can be found here:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (M-4)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 37
Documents: 2


Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen und Modulen entnehmen Sie bitte dem aktuellen Vorlesungsverzeichnis und dem Modulhandbuch Ihres Studienganges.

Modul / Lehrveranstaltung Zeitraum ECTS Leistungspunkte
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme I: Einführung in elektrische Energiesysteme WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme II: Betrieb und Informationssysteme elektrischer Energienetze WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme III: Dynamik und Stabilität elektrischer Energiesysteme SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnik II: Wechselstromnetzwerke und grundlegende Bauelemente SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnisches Projektpraktikum SoSe 6
Modul: Prozessmesstechnik SoSe 4
Modul: Smart-Grid-Technologien WiSe, SoSe 6

Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar zu Elektromagnetischer Verträglichkeit und Elektrischer Energiesystemtechnik

weitere Information

WiSe, SoSe 2

SoSe: Sommersemester
WiSe: Wintersemester