Lehrveranstaltungen in Stud.IP

aktuelles Semester
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Biosystems Engineering (VL)
This course is part of the module: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Gescher, Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Heins

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes

Performance accreditation:
600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering<ul><li>600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: Klausur schriftlich</li><li>800 - Compulsory Course Work Practical Course Bioreactor Design and Operation: Presentation</li></ul><br>m896-2023 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering<ul><li>600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: Klausur schriftlich</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Bioprozess- u. Biosystemtechnik (V-1)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 108
Documents: 12
voriges Semester
link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Biosystems Engineering (VL)
This course is part of the module: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Gescher, Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Heins

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes

Performance accreditation:
600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering<ul><li>600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: Klausur schriftlich</li><li>800 - Compulsory Course Work Practical Course Bioreactor Design and Operation: Presentation</li></ul><br>m896-2023 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering<ul><li>600 - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: Klausur schriftlich</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Bioprozess- u. Biosystemtechnik (V-1)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 108
Documents: 12


Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen und Modulen entnehmen Sie bitte dem aktuellen Vorlesungsverzeichnis und dem Modulhandbuch Ihres Studienganges.

Modul / Lehrveranstaltung Zeitraum ECTS Leistungspunkte
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme I: Einführung in elektrische Energiesysteme WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme II: Betrieb und Informationssysteme elektrischer Energienetze WiSe 6
Modul: Elektrische Energiesysteme III: Dynamik und Stabilität elektrischer Energiesysteme SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnik II: Wechselstromnetzwerke und grundlegende Bauelemente SoSe 6
Modul: Elektrotechnisches Projektpraktikum SoSe 6
Modul: Prozessmesstechnik SoSe 4
Modul: Smart-Grid-Technologien WiSe, SoSe 6

Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar zu Elektromagnetischer Verträglichkeit und Elektrischer Energiesystemtechnik

weitere Information

WiSe, SoSe 2

SoSe: Sommersemester
WiSe: Wintersemester