Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jan Luiken ter Haseborg

Professor (retired)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jan Luiken ter Haseborg
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS22a, Room 2.019
Phone: +49 4181 36460

Previous activity

until 03/2010
Head of Institute of Measurement Technology / TUHH
Head of Research Area Electromagnetic Compatibility at the Institute of Measurement Technology / TUHH


published by Cuvillier Verlag:

Curriculum Vitae

Family status: married to Hannelore ter Haseborg, two children

Educational background and occupation
1962-1965Industrial apprenticeship as electromechanic at the Dr.-Ing. Jovy company in Leer, special factory for power converters and control technology
1965-1966Electromechanic at Dr.-Ing. Jovy Company
1966-1969Study of electrical engineering, specialization in communications engineering, University of Applied Sciences (Engineering School) in Bremen, (Ing.-grad.)
1969-1974Study of electrical engineering, specialization in communications engineering, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, (Dipl.-Ing.)
1975-1981Research Assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Measurement Technology, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg)
1978Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen
1981-1983Head of laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Measurement Technology, Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
seit 1984University Professor of Measurement Technology, Process Measurement Technology, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Dean's Office Electrical Engineering Technische Universität Hamburg
seit 1987Member IEEE
1988Short-term lectureship, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR) in Costa Rica
1990-2010Head of the Institute of Measurement Technology, Technische Universität Hamburg
seit 1993VDE member
1993-2005Member of the ITG Technical Committee 9.1 „Measurement methods in information technology“
1994Conference Chairman „1994 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity“ in Mannheim
1994Senior Member IEEE
since 1994URSI member Commission E
1995Call to C4 professorship for "Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering" at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
since 1998EMP Fellow (Summa Foundation USA)
1998-2000Chairman of the Standing Commission of the Faculty Day for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FTEI) and Deputy Chairman of the FTEI
1998-2012Vice Chair „IEEE German EMC Chapter“
since 2000IEEE-Fellow
2000-2015Associate Editor „IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility“
2002-2014Member of the Interior Ministerial Commission for the Protection of the Civilian Population (Protection Commission)
2002Honorary doctorate (Dr.-Ing. E.h.) awarded by the University of Rostock
2002-2015Member of the VDE Committee „Ingenieurausbildung“
since 2006Honorary Life Member, IEEE EMC Society
2008Chairman International Symposium on EMC „EMC Europe 2008“, Hamburg, 8.-12.9.2008
since 1994Member of the International Steering Committee (ISC) „EMC Europe“
2008-2012Chairman International Steering Committee (ISC) „EMC Europe“
2013Lawrence G. Cumming Award, IEEE EMC Society
2016IEEE Life Fellow
 Permanent member of the program and organization committees of international and national EMC symposia and EMC conferences
 Author or co-author of more than 230 publications in journals including IEEE Transactions on EMC, Conferenceproceedings (IEEE Xplore), and three books


listed by year of publication


Fielitz H., ter Haseborg J. L.:
Verlässliche Winddaten für die Ems – Passage
HANSA International Maritime Journal – 151. Jahrgang – 2014 – Nr. 6

Fielitz H., ter Haseborg J. L.:
On the EMC of the propagation of 2.4 GHz ISM signals in environments with complex metallic structures - A cost-effective measurement setup
2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC EUROPE 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, S. 1043–1048

Fielitz H., ter Haseborg J. L.:
Reliable Wi-Fi communication in EMC critical multipath propagation environment using phased array antennas
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Raleigh, NC, USA, S. 588–593

Fielitz H., ter Haseborg J. L.:
Zuverlässige Datenübertragung in maritimer Umgebung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EMV
Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit 2014, Düsseldorf, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3577-8, VDE - Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach


Fielitz H., ter Haseborg J. L.:
On how to measure the interference of multiple wireless transmission systems using a well defined environment
2012 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC EUROPE 2012, Rome, Italy, S. 1–4


Brauer, F., ter Haseborg, J. L., Potthast, S.:
Development of a Protection Concept for an IT Test System against HPEM Influences
1st European Workshop on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference, Hamburg, Germany, 10.-11. November 2010

Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J.L.:
Effects of High-Power and Transient Disturbances on Wireless Communication Systems Operating Inside the 2.4 GHz ISM Band
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 24.-29. Juli 2010, Fort Lauderdale, USA

Klünder, C., Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J. L.:
Modern Vessels and their Problems in EMC: Examples in Practice
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 24.-29. Juli 2010, Fort Lauderdale, USA

Brauer, F., ter Haseborg, J. L., Potthast, S.:
The Generation of UWB Pulses with High Repetition Rates for Immunity Tests
EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Polen, 13.-17. September 2010

Brauer, F., ter Haseborg, J. L., Potthast, S.:
Protection Circuits for IT Equipment under HPEM Conditions
AMEREM 2010, Ottawa, Kanada, 05.-09. Juli 2010

Brauer, F., Kanyou Nana, R., ter Haseborg, J. L., Dickmann, S.:
Ermittlung von Transferfunktionen zur Abschätzung der HPEM-Empfindlichkeit eines IT-Testsystems
EMV 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 09. – 11. März 2010

Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J. L.:
Untersuchung des Einflusses transienter und energiereicher Störungen auf Funkübertragungssysteme im 2,4-GHz-ISM-Band
EMV Düsseldorf 2010, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 09. – 11. März 2010, Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Klünder, C., Haake, K., ter Haseborg, J. L.:
Beschreibung der Abstrahlcharakteristiken von handelsüblichen Funksendern im 2,4-GHz-ISM-Band unter Gesichtspunkten der EMV
HF-Report, Zeitschrift des Baltz-Verlags, Ausgabe Februar/März 2010

Pilsak, T., Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J. L.:
EMV-Probleme auf modernen Schiffen
1. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Maritime Systeme, 09. Februar 2010, Hamburg, Deutschland


Eichmann, J., Greßmann, B., Hackbarth, F., Klimek, H., Meyerhoff, T., Pilsak, T., Sauf, H.:
SomSeD Analysis of an Experimental Wireless Sensor Network
Workshop Selbstorganisierende Sensor- und Datenfunknetze, Hamburg, Germany, 8.-9. Oktober 2009

Pilsak, T., Schröder, T., Eichmann, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Field Test of a Wireless Sensor Network inside the Engine Room of a Vessel
Workshop Selbstorganisierende Sensor- und Datenfunknetze, Hamburg, Germany, 8.-9. Oktober 2009

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement of the E-Field Distribution of a WLAN Transmitter inside and outside a Control Consol
ICEAA 2009, Turin, Italy, 14.-18. September 2009

Brauer, F., Sabath, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Susceptibility of IT network systems to interferences by HPEM
2009 IEEE EMC Symposium, August 17-21 2009, Austin, Texas, USA

Pilsak, T., Schröder, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Entwicklung eines Sensornetzwerks für den Einsatz in Schiffsmaschinenräumen
8. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräche „Sensornetze“, Hamburg, Germany, 13.-14. August 2009

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMC investigations of wireless sensor networks within the engine room of vessels
EMC’09 Kyoto, Japan, 20.-24. July 2009

Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
Influence of UWB Pulses on a Wireless Local Area Network in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Kyoto, Japan, 20.-24. July 2009

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J., Hanneken, H.:
WLAN propagation on the bridge of vessels under consideration of material properties
EMC Europe Workshop, Athens, Greece, 11.-12. Juni 2009

Klünder, C.; Brauer, F.; ter Haseborg, J.:
Behavior of 2.4 GHz ISM Bandpass Filters of Different Materials by Applying UWB Pulses
EMC Europe Workshop 2009, Athen, Griechenland, 10.-12. Juni 2009

Brauer, F., Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
The Influence of Different PCB Materials on the Coupling Behavior of High Power Electromagnetics
EMC Europe Workshop 2009, Athen, Griechenland, 10.-12. Juni 2009


Brauer, F., Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
A concept for the generation of conducted ultra wideband pulses with high repetition rates
EMC Europe 2008, Hamburg, Deutschland, 08.-12. September 2008

Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
An estimation of the backdoor coupling of UWB pulses on commercial wireless USB adapters
2008 IEEE EMC Symposium, August 18-22 2008, Detroit, USA

Klünder, C., Haake, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Beschreibung der Abstrahlcharakteristiken von handelsüblichen Funksendern im 2,4-GHz-ISM-Band unter Gesichtspunkten der EMV
EMV Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 19.-21. Februar 2008

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMC Feasibility Study of the use of 2.4-GHz-WLAN Applications on Bridges of Cruise and Container Vessels
2008 IEEE EMC Symposium, August 18-22 2008, Detroit, USA

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J.:

Pilsak, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Entwicklung einer Testumgebung für die EMV-Bewertung von Funkstandards bezüglich ihrer Verwendbarkeit zur drahtlosen Sensordatenübertragung in Maschinenräumen von Container- und Kreuzfahrtschiffen
EMV Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 19.-21. Februar 2008

Vahrenholt, V., Brüns, H., Krzikalla, R., Singer, H.:
Fast Coupling of Electrical Field into PCBs by a PEEC Method and its
EMC Europe 2008, 8-12 September, Hamburg, Germany

Klünder, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
Impact of UWB pulses on basic pcb antennas for wireless communication systems using the 2.4 GHz ISM band
EMC Europe 2008, September 8-12 2008, Hamburg, Germany

Brauer, F., Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Investigation of the behaviour of UWB protection elements against HPM signals
Advances in Radio Sciences – Vol.6 (Kleinheubacher Berichte 2007), Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau 2008. ISSN 1684-9965 (Print), ISSN 1684-9973 (Online), pp. 285-288

Brauer, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Linear and Nonlinear Filters under High Power Microwave Conditions
Advances in Radio Sciences – Vol.7 (Kleinheubacher Berichte 2008), Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau 2009. ISSN 1684-9965 (Print), ISSN 1684-9973 (Online), pp. 255-259

Astner, M., Pilsak, T., Brüns, H., ter Haseborg, J., Singer, H.:
MoM-Based Analysis of the Immunity of Marine Equipment in a Control Cabinet of Cruise and Container Vessels against 2.4-GHz WLAN Application
EMC Europe 2008, September 8-12 2008, Hamburg, Germany

Brauer, F., Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Simulation und Messung der Einkopplung von elektromagnetischen Feldern in komplexe elektronische Systeme
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit. EMV 2008, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 19. - 21. Februar 2008, Messe Düsseldorf /. Berlin: VDE-Verl., 2008, ISBN 9783800730759, pp.327-334

Brauer, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
SPICE simulations and measurement techniques for protection circuits against UWB and HPM signals
Euro EM 2008, Lausanne, Schweiz, 21.-25. Februar 2008


Klünder, C., Schoof, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
On the Use of Wireless Communication Systems on Ships
EMC Europe Workshop 2007, 14./15. Juni, Paris, Frankreich

Krzikalla, R., Sabath, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Systematic description of the protection capability of protection elements
2007 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Hawaii, 8.-13.July 2007


Rojas Coto, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Bestimmung der Induktivität komplexer großer metallischer Strukturen mittels Reusenleiteraufbau für die EMV-Analyse
2006, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 07.-09.3.2006, ISBN 3-8007-2933-4

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Comparison of different probes to measure line coupled UWB pulses in running systems
EMC Europe 2006, 5-8 September, Barcelona, Spain

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement probe for a 45-kV-UWB-pulse generator
AMEREM 2006, 9-14 July, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Weikert, O., Klünder, C., Zölzer, U.:
Resolving Ambiguities for Semi-blind Equalization of MIMO Frequency
Proc. 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics in connection with the 6th International ITG-Conference on Source and Channel Coding (ISTC+SCC 2006), Munich, Germany, April 3-7, 2006.

Weikert, O., Klünder, C., Zölzer, U.:
Semi-blind Equalization of Wireless MIMO Frequency Selective Communication
Proc. 6th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2006), pp. 422–429, Charleston, SC, USA, March 5-8, 2006.


Schoof, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Immunity of Bluetooth-transmitters against interfering electromagnetic fields with high field strengths
16th International Zurich Symposium on EMC, February 14-18, 2005, Zurich

Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Modeling of a large ground structure by an equivalent circuit for low frequency applications
16th International Zurich Symposium on EMC, February 14-18, 2005, Zurich

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Modellierung und Simulation von Schutzelementen gegen ultra breitbandige Störpulse
Symposium EME 2005 "Elektromagnetische Effekte", September 5-7 2005, Mannheim, Germany

Haake, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Problems caused by insufficient electrical isolation in RF-measurements Setups
2005 IEEE International symposium on EMC, August 8-12, 2005, Chicago

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
SPICE Simulations of UWB pulse stressed protection elements against transient interferences
2005 IEEE EMC Conference, August 8-12 2005, Chicago, USA

Nitsch, D., Bausen, A., Maack, J., Krzikalla, R.:
The Effects of HEMP and UWB Pulses on Complex Computer Systems
16th International Zurich Symposium on EMC, February 13-18 2005, Zurich, Swizerland

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Schutzelementen gegen eingekoppelte UWB – Feldpulse
Kleinheubacher Tagung, September 26-30 2005, Miltenberg, German


Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Development of protection concepts against extremely fast electromagnetic pulses
EMC Europe 2004, 6.9.-10.9.2004, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Schoof, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Die kabellose Schiffsbrücke
Meeresspiegel, Zeitschrift der Oltmann Gruppe, Sommer-Ausgabe 2004

Stadtler, T., Rojas Coto, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Ein Verfahren zur Messung großer niederfrequenter Ströme in Leitern oder Strukturen beliebiger Querschnitte
2004, 12. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 10.-12.2. 2004, ISBN 3-8007-2810-9

Schoof, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) kabelloser Brückensysteme
HANSA, 141. Jahrgang, 2004, Nr.9

Schoof, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMV von ISM-Funkverbindungen (2,4 GHz) zur Kabelreduzierung auf Schiffsbrücken
EMV 2004, Düsseldorf, 10.-12.2. 2004, ISBN 3-8007-2810-9

Weber, T., Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Linear and nonlinear filters suppressing UWB pulses
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 46, August 2004

Schoof, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement of the mutual interference between independent Bluetooth devices
EUROEM 2004, July 12-16, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany and accepted for publication in „Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7 book“

Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J., Sabath, F.:
Measurement of the pulse radiation of an IRA in time domain
EUROEM 2004, July 12-16, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany and accepted for publication in „Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7 book“

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement techniques for conducted HPEM signals
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 46, August 2004

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Practical design of protection circuits against extremely fast high power electromagnetics
EuroEM 2004, 12.7.-16.7.2004, Magdeburg, Deutschland

Nitsch, D., Camp, M., Sabath, F., ter Haseborg, J., Garbe, H.:
Predicting the Breakdown Behavior of Microcontrollers Under EMP/UWB Impact Using a Statistical Analysis
IEEE Transactions on EMC, Vol. 46, No 3, ISSN 0018-9375, 2004


Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Abstrahlung aus Telekommunikationssystemen
ELEKTRIE, Berlin 57 (2003) 01-04, ISNN 0013-5399

Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Bestimmung eines Nahfelds nach Betrag und Phase durch Messungen im Zeitbereich
Diskussionssitzung des FA 9.1 der ITG (VDE), München, 15.-17.10.2003

Weber, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
Detection of very small apertures in cable shields during cable manufacturing or on already installed cable installation in aircraft
2003 Int. Symposium on EMC, Istanbul, May 11-16, 2003

Stadtler, T., Eifler, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Double Probe Near Field Scanner, a New Device for Measurements in Time-Domain
2003 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Boston, USA, August 18-22, 2003

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMP/UWB hardening of electronic systems
3. Workshop Elektromagnetische Effekte, 15.-16.02.2003, WIS, Munster

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
HPEM – Schutzmaßnahmen für HF – Leitungen
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Miltenberg, Deutschland, 29.9. – 2.10. 2003

Krzikalla, R., ter Haseborg, J.:
Interdigital microstrip filters as protection devices against ultrawideband pulses
2003 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Istanbul, May 11 - 16, 2003

ter Haseborg, J., Gonschorek, K.:
Leitungsgeführte Störungen, Ausbreitungs- und Koppelmechanismen
Workshop, EMV 2003, Augsburg, 1.-3.4.2003

ter Haseborg, J.:
Leitungsgeführte Störungen-Meßtechnik und Simulation
Seminar (Mesago), Frankfurt, 6.11.2003

Rojas Coto, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Messung schwacher niederfrequenter Magnetfelder
Diskussionssitzung des FA 9.1 der ITG (VDE), München, 15.-17.10.2003

Schoof, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Simulation and Measurement of the Propagation of Bluetooth Signals in Automobiles
2003 Int. Symposium on EMC, Istanbul, May 11-16, 2003

ter Haseborg, J.:
Transiente Störungen – Quellen, Meßtechnik, Schutzmaßnahmen
Workshop, EMV 2003, Augsburg, 1.-3.4.2003

Schoof, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Two dimensional simulation and coupling of Bluetooth signals into conductive structures
2003 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Boston, USA, August 18-22, 2003

Schoof, A., Stadtler, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Zweidimensionale Simulation und Messung der Einkopplung von Bluetooth-Signalen in leitende Strukturen
Diskussionssitzung des FA 9.1 der ITG (VDE), München, 15.-17.10.2003


Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
A new broad-band probe for the measurement of ultra-fast transients
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, September 9 - 13, 2002, Sorrento, Italy

Weber, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
A Prototype Development for the Detection of Shield Inhomogeneities of built-in Multiconductor Cables based on a Differential Sniffer Method
2002 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Minneapolis, USA, August 19-23, 2002

Jung, L., Born, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Abstrahlung aus Telekommunikationsnetzen
EMV 2002, Düsseldorf, 9.-11.4. 2002

Weber, C., ter Haseborg, J.:
Auswirkungen von kleinen Schirminhomogenitäten auf die Einkopplung von Störströmen in geschirmte Mehrfachleitungen
EMV 2002, Düsseldorf, 9.-11.4. 2002

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Blitzschutz für Schiffe der Bundeswehr - LEMP-Filter für HF-Kommunikationsanlagen
EMV-Symposium 2002, 30.09.-02.10.2002, Mannheim

Stadtler, T., Schoof, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Electromagnetic Compatibility of a System under the influence of a Bluetooth Transmitter
EMC EUROPE 2002, Sorrento, Italy, Sept. 9-13

Stadtler, T., Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMV eines Systems unter Berücksichtigung von Bluetooth-Verbindungen
EMV 2002, Düsseldorf, 9.-11.4. 2002

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Hardening of electronics against transmission line coupled UWB – signals
URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht 2002, 17-24 August

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
High-Voltage Short-Pulse Measurements
AMEREM 2002, 2-7 June, Annapolis Maryland USA

Weber, T., Kieckbusch, S., ter Haseborg, J.:
Überspannungsschutz von Datenleitungen - Meßtechnik und Simulation
Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 9.-11. Februar 2002


ter Haseborg, J., Weber, T.:
Advances in Measurement and Simulation of Transients
EMC Zurich 2001, February 20-22

Weber, C., Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Characterization of Inhomogeneities in Shielded Multiconductor Cables by Evaluation of the Coupling Parameters and Frequency Domain reflectometry
EMC Zurich 2001, February 20-22

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Characterization of nonlinear protection devices against very steep transient interferences
2001 IEEE EMC Symposium, 13.08-16.08.2001, Montreal

Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Field Excitation of Complex Multiconductor Cable Bundles - Simulations and Measurements
IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Montreal, Canada, August 13-17, 2001

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Schutz gegen schnelle Transiente
2. Workshop Elektromagnetische Effekte, 16.-17.07.2001, WIS, Munster

Nitsch, D., Sabath, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Susceptibility of electronic equipment to transient electromagnetic fields of various waveforms
International Conference on Electromagnetics, Torino, Italy, 2001


Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Design and Analysis of Transient-Suppression-Devices Based on Spice-Simulation
IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Washington D.C.,August 21-25, 2000

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Development and Testing of Transient-Suppression-Devices in SMD-Technology on Printed-Circuit-Boards
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, September 11-15

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Einfluß von Schirminhomogenitäten auf die komplexen Transferimpedanzen und -admittanzen von Mehrleiterkabeln
Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000

Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Field Excitation of Shielded Multiconductor Cable Bundles with Consideration of the Influence Caused by Bends
IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Washington D.C., August 21-25, 2000

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Improved Triaxial Set-Ups for the Measurement of Complex Transfer Impedances and Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables Inside Cable Bundles
IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Washington D.C., August 21-2, 2000

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Investigation of Protection Measures against Very Steep Transients using Spice-Simulations
EUROEM 2000, Edinburgh, May 30 - June 2

Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Komplexe Kabelbündel unter elektromagnetischer Feldeinwirkung
Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement of Complex Transfer Impedances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables with Shield Inhomogeneities inside Cable Bundles
EMC Europe 2000 Brugge, September 11-15

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
PSpice-Simulation und Optimierung nichtlinearer Schutzschaltungen unter Berücksichtigung der Energieabsorption
Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000

Leone, M., Jung, L., Singer, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Strahlungseinkopplung in Leiterplatten - Simulation und Messung
Symposium EMV 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany, 22.-24.Feb. 2000

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Untersuchung und Simulation des Verhaltens nichtlinearer Bauelemente zum Schutz gegen transiente Störungen
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Kleinheubach, Oktober 2000


Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Bestimmung der Schirminhomogenitäten geschirmter Mehrfachleiterkabel durch Messung der komplexen Transferimpedanzen und Transferadmittanzen
Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Characterization of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables by Evaluation of Measured Complex Transfer Impedances and Admittances
IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC, Seattle, USA, Aug.2-6, 1999

Jaeger, D., Werner, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Comparison of Transfer Function / Bulk Current Injection - Method with Complete Aircraft Radiation - Testing
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7,1999

Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields into Complex Multiconductor Transmission Line Cable Bundles
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7,1999

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Detection of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables under Consideration of the Conductive Environment
International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Toulouse, France, June 22-24,1999

Nitsch, D., Schlüter, J., Kitschke, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Determination of the System Transferfunction using Ultra-Wide Pulses
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7,1999

Rumold, J., ter Haseborg, J.:
Die Einkopplung elektromagnetischer Felder in komplexe Kabelbündel
Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Evaluation of Measured Complex Transfer Impedances and Transfer Admittances for the Characterization of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables
IEEE Transactions on EMC, Vol. 41 No. 4, November 1999

Weber, T., ter Haseborg, J., Jung, L.:
Integration of Nonlinear Protection Circuits into the Low-Level-Test- and Simulation-System
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7,1999

Weber, T., Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Integration von nichtlinearen Schutzschaltungen in das Low-Level-Meß- und übertragungssystem
Symposium Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV 99 in Mannheim, 13.-15.9.1999

Ritschel, C., Gockenbach, E., Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Investigations on the Linearity of Indirect Effects with Different Methods
International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Toulouse, France, June 22-24,1999

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement of Complex Transfer Impedances and Admittances for the Determination of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Magdeburg, Germany, Oct. 5-7,1999

Larsson, A., Scuka, V., Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Numerical Simulation of gas Discharge Protectors - A Review
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, April 1999, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 405

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
On the Efficiency of Multiconductor Cable Shields
XXVIth General Assembly of URSI, University of Toronto, Canada, August 13-21,1999

ter Haseborg, J., Jung, L., Weber, T.:
Transients: Measurement, Simulation and Protection
International Zurich Symposium on EMC 1999, Feb. 16-18,1999


Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J., Jung, L., Sassin, C.:
Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Modelling of Conductors and Packages with Arbitrary Geometry with Respect to EMC
EMC 1998 Roma, Sept. 14-18

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Aufbau eines Sensors zur gleichzeitigen Messung des elektrischen und magnetischen Feldes für verschiedene Anwendungen im Frequenzbereich 100 MHz - 1 GHz
6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf, 10.-12. Februar 1998

Jung, L., Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Improved Setup for the Measurement of the Complex Transfer-Impedances and -Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables
IEEE EMC Symposium, Denver, USA, Aug. 23-28,1998

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Messung der Transferimpedanzen geschirmter Mehrfachleiter
6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf'10.-12. Februar 1998

Borgeest, K., Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J., Sassin, C.:
Simulation geschirmter Kabelbündel unter Feldeinwirkung
6. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, Düsseldorf'10.-12. Februar 1998

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
The influence of Shield Inhomogeneities on the Complex transfer- Impedances and -Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables
EMC 1998 Roma, Sept. 14-18


Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
A small sensor to measure the electric and the magnetic field component simultaneously in biological material
1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 13-18

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Aufbau eines Sensors zur gleichzeitigen Messung des elektrischen und magnetischen Feldes, auch in Dielektrika, im Frequenzbereich 100 MHz - 1 GHz
EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997

Borgeest, K., Sarto, M., ter Haseborg, J.:
Computer Aided Design of Nonlinear Protection Circuits
International Zurich Symposium 1997, Feb. 18-20

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Description of electromagnetic effects in the transmission line theory via concentrated and distributed linear elements
1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 13-18

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Ein analytischer Ansatz zur Optimierung nichtlinearer Schutzschaltungen für HF-Applikationen
EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997

Jung, L., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement of extremely low nonlinear distortions
1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radion Science Meeting, Montréal, 1997

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Representation of inhomogeneities of transmission lines: comparison of theoretical and measurement results
PIERS, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-11,1997

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Simulation von Störströmen auf geschirmten Mehrfachleitungen
ELEKTRIE, 6-8, 1997

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Störbeeinflussung von Kabelbündeln verursacht durch externe elektromagnetische Felder
ELEKTRIE, 6-8,1997

ter Haseborg, J., Werner, H., Jaeger, D.:
Störfestigkeitsmessungen nach der HIRF-Methode und LLSC/BCI-Methode an Flugzeugen
EMV-Symposium 1997, Mannheim, 12.-14. Mai 1997


Mewes, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
A Comparison of Various High Resolution Spectral Estimation Techniques in Radio Direction Finding
FREQUENZ, 50 (1996) 1-2

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
A small sensor to measure the electric field in and on the surface of biological materials in the frequency range 450 MHz - 1 GHz
EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20

ter Haseborg, J., Borgeest, K.:
Analysis of Nonlinear Multistage Protection Circuits Against Interfering Transients
AMEREM `96, Albuquerque, USA, May 27-31

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
External field coupling to cable harnesses
invited paper for the 25th General U.R.S.I. Assembly, Lille, France, August 28 - September 5,1996

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Improvement of protection circuits for signal lines with special diodes
EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20

Jung, L., Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Überspannungen
ELEKTRIE, 4-8/96 ISSN 0013-5399

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Schutzmaßnahmen gegen überspannungen
5. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 20.-22.2.1996 ISBN 3-8007-2164-3

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Representation of the effects caused by inhomogeneities of transmission lines in the TLT
EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Störfestigkeitsmessungen an Herzschrittmachern für Störfelder über 50 MHz
5. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 20.-22.2.1996 VDE- Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-2164-3

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Störfestigkeitsmessungen an Herzschrittmachern für Störfelder über 50MHz
ELEKTRIE, 4-8/96 ISSN 0013-5399

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
The influence of the line parameters on the coupling to shielded multiconductor transmission lines
EMC`96 Roma, Rome, Sept. 17-20

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Various electromagnetic effects and their representation in the TLT
invited paper for the 25th General U.R.S.I. Assembly, Lille, France, August 28 - September 5,1996


Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Beeinflussung von Herzschrittmachern durch elektromagnetische Felder im Frequenzbereich 30 MHz - 3 GHz
EMV-Symposium 1995, Mannheim, 4.-6. Oktober 1995

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Eine Methode zum Blitzschutz von Antennenmasten
EMV-Symposium 1995, Mannheim, 4.-6. Oktober 1995

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Lightning protection of RF-systems
1995 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, William, September 26-28, 1995

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Measurement and modelling of nonlinear components for SPICE simulation of signal distorsions by protection circuits
11th Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 7-9,1995

Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
The influence of electromagnetic fields on cardiac pacemakers
2nd International Symposium on EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30,1995

Sarto, M., ter Haseborg, J.:
Transient response analysis of two-stage nonlinear protection circuits in signal transmission systems
11th Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 7-9,1995

Borgeest, K., Sarto, M., ter Haseborg, J.:
Two simulation methods for the design of transient protection circuits in comparison with measurements
2nd International Symposium on EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 1995


Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
A surge arrester SPICE Model considering the voltage/time characteristic
EMC 1994 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J., Hähne, C.:
Automatisiertes Low-Level-EMV-Testsystem
4. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektro-magnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 22.-24.2.1994 VDE- Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1995-9

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Consideration and representation of radiation losses in the transmission line theory
1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
EMC measures against transients on telecommunication lines
1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24

Mewes, H., Wolf, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Experimental investigations on high resolution direction finding algorithms
1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 1994

Mewes, H., ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Funkpeilung elektromagnetischer Störquellen
4. Int. Fachmesse und Kongreß für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit Karlsruhe, 22.-24.2.1994 VDE- Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1995-9

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Multiconductor transmission line theory for shielded cables under consideration of the environment
EMC 1994 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Procedures for Estimating the Primary Line Parameters of Shielded Transmission Lines
1994 Int. Aerospace and Ground Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Mannheim, May 24-27

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Radiation losses representation in the Transmission line theory
EMC 1994 Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16

Gonschorek, K., Helmer, S., Gille, A., ter Haseborg, J.:
Realization of a measurement system for the simultaneous determination of the six components of an electromagnetic near field for the frequencies from 75 kHz to 30 MHz
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 1994

Borgeest, K., ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Simulating the frequency response of nonlinear protection circuits with SPICE
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 1994

Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
Transfer impedance and transfer admittance for multiconductor transmission lines-measurement results
1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, USA, June 19-24

Sarto, M., ter Haseborg, J.:
Transient response analysis of gas arresters
International Sympoisum on Electromagnetic Environments and Consequences, Bordeaux, France, May 1994

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J., Gonschorek, K., Kruse, K.:
Various frequency dependent effects on electromagnetic fields (10 kHz - 1 GHz) in the vicinity of automobiles
EMC 1994, Roma, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Rome, Sept. 13-16


Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.:
A method for measuring the primary line parameters of multiconductor transmission lines
10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993

Mewes, H., ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
A multichannel direction finding system
IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Ann Arbor Michigan, USA, June 27 - July 2, 1993

ter Haseborg, J., Wendt, D.:
Analytical and numerical treatment of different types of transmission lines
10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993

ter Haseborg, J.:
Die elektromagnetische Umwelt des Kraftfahrzeuges
FAT Schriftenreihe Nr. 101, Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik EV (FAT) (Hrsg. Gonschorek/Neu) Frankfurt (Mitautor: J.L. ter Haseborg) ISSN 0933-050X, 1993

Mewes, H., Wolf, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Direction finding of disturbing electromagnetic field sources
10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993

Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J., Wendt, D., Gonschorek, K.:
EM environment for automobiles between 10 kHz and 1 GHz - frequency dependence, parasitic radiators, shielding effects
10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993

Wolf, F., ter Haseborg, J.:
Influence of the nonlinear behaviour of protective components on RF-line-signals
10th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 9-11, 1993

ter Haseborg, J., Kasdepke, T.:
Influence of the primary line parameters on results obtained by the transmission line theory
24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI),Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25 - Sept. 2, 1993

Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J., Hähne, C., Skiba, J.:
Rechnergesteuerter Meßplatz zur Bestimmung von Systemantworten
MessComp 1993, Wiesbaden, 7.-9. Sept. 1993

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Schutz von Antennenleitungen gegen transiente Störungen
Kleinheubacher Tagung 1993, URSI, Kleinheubach, 4.-8.10.1993


ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Ausbreitung von Störströmen auf Leitungen: Schutzmaßnahmen, Simulation und Meßtechnik
EMV 1992 Karlsruhe, 25.-27.2.1992 VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1808-1

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Common and Differential Mode Injection in Shielded Multiconductor Transmission Lines
NEM 1992 Chicago, USA, July 18-25

ter Haseborg, J.:
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, mit den Kapiteln: Schaltüberspannungen, statische Entladungen, Feldimpulse
(Mitautor: J.L. ter Haseborg)

Müller, S., Wolter, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
In-vivo-Messungen elektrischer Potentiale am Fixateur extern nach Ilisarow
Der Unfall Chirurg, Springer-Verlag, 95. Jahrgang Heft 11, Nov. 1992

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Overvoltage protection in multiconductor transmission lines
21st Int. Conference on Lightning Protection, Berlin, Sept. 22-25, 1992

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Propagation and suppression of interfering transients on multiconductor transmission line systems
Symposium on EMC, Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 2-5, 1992


Wendt, D., ter Haseborg, J.:
Abstrahlungsverluste von horizontal angeordneten Leitungen
Int. EMP-Symposium IESM-91, Mannheim, 2.-5.9.1991

ter Haseborg, J.:
Coupling and propagation problems in transmission lines
9th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, March 12 - 14, 1991

Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Ein schneller Hochspannungspulser mit symmetrischem Ausgang
Int. EMP-Symposium IESM-91, Mannheim, 2.-5.9.1991

ter Haseborg, J.:
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit bei prozeßrechnergesteuerten Schweißein-richtungen mit elektrischer Zündung des Schweißlichtbogens
SCHWEIßEN & SCHNEIDEN, Heft 11, 1991


ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K., Wolf, F.:
Bounds for application of filter pin connectors as protective devices for RF lines
Nuclear EMP Meeting NEM 1990, E12.2, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA, May 21-24, 1990

ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K.:
EMV-Schutzkonzept für Empfängereingangsstufen im Frequenzbereich von 10 kHz - 500 MHz
EMV-90, Karlsruhe, 13.-15. März 1990 VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1662-3

ter Haseborg, J.:
Hardning of antenna systems against transients
Second ESA Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 4-5, 1990

Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Meßverfahren zur Bestimmung der Schirmwirkung elektrisch leitfähiger Kunststoffe
EMV-90, Karlsruhe, 13.-15. März 1990 VDE-Verlag, ISBN 3-8007-1662-3


ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K., Skiba, J.:
Comparison between conventional multistage nonlinear protection circuits and caseaded nonlinear filter-pin-connectors
1989 Inter-national Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Bath, UK, Sept. 26-28, 1989

Weitze, F., ter Haseborg, J., Ewering, W., Nitsch, J.:
Propagation and coupling of currents on shielded transmission lines in consideration of the environment
EMC 89, Nagoya Japan, Sept. 8-10, 1989

Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J.:
Pulse generator with symmetrical onput for EMP/EMC-measurements
EMC 89, Nagoya Japan, Sept. 8-10

Wenderoth, K., Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J., Krieger, W., Petermann, J.:
Synergism on Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)-Shielding in Metal- and Ferroelectric-Particle Filled Polymers
Polymer Composites, Feb. 1989, Vol. 10, No. 1

ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K.:
Transient Response and Transfer Characteristics of EMC/EMP Protection Circuits Containing Non- Linear Filter Pin Connectors
8th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, ETH Zurich, March 7-9, 1989

ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K., Wolf, F.:
Transmission characteristics of nonlinear EMC-protection circuits consisting of filter-pin- connectors
EMC 89, Nagoya Japan, Sept. 8-10


Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J., Nedtwig, J.:
An Optically Powered Electro-Optical Transmission System for EMP/EMC Measurements
Nuclear EMP Meeting, NEM 1988, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, USA, May 16-20, 1988

Kruse, K., ter Haseborg, J., Nedtwig, J.:
Ein nur optisch versorgter isotroper Elektrooptischer Sensor für EMV/EMP-Messungen
EMV-Symposium in Karlsruhe, 18.-20.10.1988 Hüthig-Verlag, ISBN 3-7785-1754-6

Weitze, F., ter Haseborg, J., Jordan, A.:
Inductive and Capacitive Coupling of Transients to Transmission Lines
Nuclear EMP Meeting, NEM 1988, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, USA, May 16-20, 1988

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Intermodulation Distortion caused by Transient Protection
IEEE, EMC 88, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Seattle, August 2-4, 1988

ter Haseborg, J., Wolf, F.:
Overvoltage Protection of Passive and Active Direction-Finder Antennas
19th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Graz, Austria, April 25-29, 1988


Singer, H., ter Haseborg, J., Weitze, F., Garbe, H.:
Response of Arresters and Spark Gaps at Different Impulse Steepnesses
5th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Braunschweig, Aug. 24-28, 1987

ter Haseborg, J., Kruse, K., Weitze, F., Singer, H., Brüns, H., Garbe, H.:
Simulation of Pulse Coupling into Power Supply Wiring of Buildings
7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland, March 3-5, 1987


ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Lightning Protection of Adcock Antenna Systems
International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, 29-1, Dayton, USA, June 24-26, 1986


ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H., Sturm, R.:
Coupling and Propagation of Transient Currents on Multiconductor Transmission Lines
6th Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 14, Zurich, March 5-7, 1985

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Special Protection Circuits against Transient Currents for Aircraft Systems
10th International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, 9A-4, Paris, France, June 10-13, 1985


ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Problems concerning EMP- and Lightning Protection of High Frequency Transmission Lines
4th International Conference on Elec-tromagnetic Compatibility, Surrey, England, Sept. 18-21, 1984

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H., Sturm, R.:
Protection against transient currents (EMP) on multiconductor transmission lines
Nuclear EMP Meeting, NEM 1984, Baltimore, USA, July 2-6, 1984

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Transient Response and Protection of Multiconductor Transmission Lines
International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Orlando, USA, June 26-28, 1984


Trinks, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Detection and Ranging of Electric Charged Helicopters
International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, June 1983

Trinks, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Electric Charging by Impact of Hailstones and Raindrops
International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, June 1983

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Protection against Lightning Surge Voltages on Communication Lines and Power Lines
International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, June 1983

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Protection circuits for suppressing surge voltages with edge steepnesses up to 10 kV/ns
5th Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, D5, Zurich, March 8-10, 1983


Trinks, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Electric Field Detection and Ranging of Aircraft
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-18, No. 3, May 1982

Trinks, H., ter Haseborg, J.:
Influence of Impulsive Electromagnetic Fields (EMP) on Electronic Systems: during Storage in Depots and Mission in Seawater
joint symposium: International IEEE/APS Symposium, National Radio Science Meeting, NEM-16.8, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1982

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Protection against Lightning and EMP Surge Voltages by means of Gas Arresters and Special Diodes
joint symposium: International IEEE/APS Symposium, National Radio Science Meeting, Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Meeting, NEM-17.7, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1982


ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Detection of Projectiles by Electric Field Measurement
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-16, No. 6, Nov. 1980

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H.:
Electric Charging and Discharging Processes of Moving Projectiles
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-16, No. 2, March 1980

ter Haseborg, J., Trinks, H., Sturm, R.:
Penetration of Electromagnetic Fields into Shielded Rooms via Room Shields and Particularly via Cable Entries
Nuclear EMP Meeting, NEM 1980, IN-6.2, Anaheim California, USA, August 5-7, 1980


ter Haseborg, J.:
Untersuchung über elektrische Auf- und Entladungseffekte an bewegten Projektilen und deren Positionsbestimmung aufgrund der elektrischen Feldverteilung
Dissertation, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik der Rheinisch Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 13. Juni 1978

available in TUHH Open Research (TORE)