Distributed flocking control with ellipsoidal level sets
- Conference Paper
Hastedt, Philipp; Datar, Adwait; Kocev, Kliment; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference, ACC 2024
Publisher DOI
A Two-Stage Machine Learning-Aided Approach for Quench Identification at the European XFEL
- Conference Paper
Boukela, Lynda; Eichler, Annika; Branlard, Julien; Jomhari, Nazean Z.
12th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, SAFEPROCESS 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles with input saturation based on passivity using feedback concavification
- Conference Paper
Fan, Shuyuan; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference, ECC 2024
Publisher DOI
Robust stability for multiagent systems with spatio-temporally correlated packet loss
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference, ECC 2024
Publisher DOI
A velocity qLMPC algorithm for path-following with obstacle avoidance for fixed-wing UAVs
- Conference Paper
Samir Said Metwalli Rezk, Ahmed; Martínez Calderón, Horacio; Werner, Herbert; Herrmann, Benjamin; Rieck, Leif Alexander; Thielecke, Frank
2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2024
Publisher DOI
Influence of environmental parameters on calibration drift in superconducting RF cavities
- Conference Paper
Sun, Y.; Bellanda, A.; Branlard, J.; Richter, B.; Eichler, Annika; Schmidt, C.; Schlarb, Holger
32nd Linear Accelerator Conference, LINAC 2024
Publisher DOI
Data-based condition monitoring and disturbance classification in actively controlled laser oscillators
- Conference Paper
Grünhagen, Arne; Eichler, Annika; Tropmann-Frick, Marina; Fey, Görschwin
33rd International Conference on Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases, EJC 2023
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Towards safe multi-task Bayesian optimization
- Conference Paper
Lübsen, Jannis; Hespe, Christian; Eichler, Annika
6th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, L4DC 2024
A Distributed Linear Quadratic Discrete-Time Game Approach to Formation Control with Collision Avoidance
- Conference Paper
Aditya, Prima; Werner, Herbert
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)
Publisher DOI
A Scalable Approach for Analysing Multi-Agent Systems with Heterogeneous Stochastic Packet Loss
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Werner, Herbert
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)
Publisher DOI
On Stability Analysis of Predictive Flocking Using N-Paths
- Conference Paper
Hastedt, Philipp; Werner, Herbert
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)
Publisher DOI
Enhancing Data Acquisition and Fault Analysis for Large-Scale Facilities: A Case Study on the Laser-Based Synchronization System at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser
- Conference Paper
Grünhagen, Arne; Schütte, Maximilian; Eichler, Annika; Tropmann-Frick, Marina; Fey, Görschwin
Learning. Knowledge. Data. Analytics (LWDA 2023)
Efficient Quasi-Linear Model Predictive Control of a Flexible Aircraft Based on Laguerre Functions
- Conference Paper
Rieck, Leif Alexander; Herrmann, Benjamin; Thielecke, Frank; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2023)
Publisher DOI
Distributed H₂Controller Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems with Stochastic Packet Loss
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Datar, Adwait; Schneider, Daniel; Saadabadi, Hamideh; Werner, Herbert; Frey, Hannes
American Control Conference (ACC 2023)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Model Predictive Flocking with Obstacle Avoidance and Asymmetric Interaction Forces
- Conference Paper
Hastedt, Philipp; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2023)
Publisher DOI
Predictive Maintenance for the Optical Synchronization System of the European XFEL: A Systematic Literature Survey
- Conference Paper
Grünhagen, Arne; Tropmann-Frick, Marina; Eichler, Annika; Fey, Görschwin
Database Systems for Business, Technology and Web (BTW 2023)
Publisher DOI
A Safe Bayesian Optimization Algorithm for Tuning the Optical Synchronization System at European XFEL
- Conference Paper
Lübsen, Jannis; Schütte, Maximilian; Schulz, Sebastian; Eichler, Annika
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 3079-3085 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Data-driven model predictive control with matrix forgetting factor
- Conference Paper
Martínez Calderón, Horacio; Schulz, Erik; Oehlschlägel, Thimo; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 3794-3799 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Gradient-based cooperative control of quasi-linear parameter varying vehicles with noisy gradients
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 8030-8035 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Koopman model predictive control for wind farm yield optimization with combined thrust and yaw control
- Conference Paper
Dittmer, Antje; Sharan, Bindu; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 8420-8425 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nonlinear distributed model predictive flocking with obstacle avoidance
- Conference Paper
Hastedt, Philipp; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 3794-3799 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Robust performance analysis for time-varying multi-agent systems with stochastic packet loss
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2): 8809-8814 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Structured IQC synthesis of robust H2 controllers in the frequency domain
- Conference Paper
Schütte, Maximilian; Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
IFAC PapersOnLine 56 (2): 10408–10413 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
A Distributed Linear-Quadratic Discrete-Time Game Approach to Multi-Agent Consensus
- Conference Paper
Aditya, Prima; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Data-driven Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Wind Farms: A Koopman-Based Online Learning Approach
- Conference Paper
Dittmer, Antje; Sharan, Bindu; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Event-Triggered ℓ2-Optimal Formation Control with State-Estimation for Agents Modeled as LPV Systems
- Conference Paper
Gebhardt, Gerald; Saadabadi, Hamideh; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022)
Publisher DOI
A Modular Urban Air Mobility Simulation Toolchain with Dynamic Agent Interaction
- Conference Paper
Berling, Jan; Hastedt, Philipp; Wanniarachchi, Shashini Thamarasie; Vieregg, Andreas; Gertz, Carsten; Turau, Volker; Werner, Herbert; Gollnick, Volker
71. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK 2022)
Publisher DOI
Convex Synthesis of Robust Distributed Controllers for the Optical Synchronization System at European XFEL
- Conference Paper
Schütte, Maximilian; Eichler, Annika; Schlarb, Holger; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2022)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Event-Triggered Consensus with Non-Identical Bernoulli Packet Dropout
- Conference Paper
Saadabadi, Hamideh; Hespe, Christian; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Grid-Free Constraints for Parameter-Dependent Generalized Gramians via Full Block S-Procedure
- Conference Paper
Heeren, Lennart; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Real-time Model Predictive Control for Wind Farms: A Koopman Dynamic Mode Decomposition Approach
- Conference Paper
Sharan, Bindu; Dittmer, Antje; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Data-Driven Model Predictive Current Control for Synchronous Machines: a Koopman Operator Approach
- Conference Paper
Martínez Calderón, Horacio; Hammoud, Issa; Oehlschlägel, Thimo; Werner, Herbert; Kennel, Ralph
International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2022)
Publisher DOI
Robust Performance Analysis of Source-Seeking Dynamics with Integral Quadratic Constraints
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2022)
Publisher DOI
Finite State Markov Modeling of C-V2X Erasure Links For Performance and Stability Analysis of Platooning Applications
- Conference Paper
Razzaghpour, Mahdi; Datar, Adwait; Schneider, Daniel; Zaman, Mahdi; Werner, Herbert; Frey, Hannes; Mohammadpour, Javad; Fallah, Yaser P.
16th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2022)
Publisher DOI
Load factor control of a scaled flight test vehicle using nonlinear dynamic inversion
- Conference Paper
Hastedt, Philipp; Theis, Julian; Sedlmair, Nicolas; Thielecke, Frank
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (SciTech Forum 2022)
A Gradient Descent Method for Finite Horizon Distributed Control of Discrete Time Systems
- Conference Paper
Heinke, Simon; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
An Information Flow Filter Approach to Formation Control for Heterogeneously Scheduled LPV Agents
- Conference Paper
Attallah, Aly; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Convergence Properties of Fast quasi-LPV Model Predictive Control
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Decentralized Output Feedback Control using Sparsity Invariance with Application to Synchronization at European XFEL
- Conference Paper
Schütte, Maximilian; Eichler, Annika; Schlarb, Holger; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Control of Heterogeneous Networks of Vehicles with Positive Systems Theory and Generalized H₂Norm
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Event-Triggered ℓ₂-Optimal Formation Control for Agents Modeled as LPV Systems
- Conference Paper
Saadabadi, Hamideh; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Koopman-based Kalman Filter for Fault Detection for the Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities of the European XFEL
- Conference Paper
Syed, Wasif Haider; Eichler, Annika; Nawaz, Ayla S.; Sharan, Bindu; Werner, Herbert
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Comparative evaluation of semi-supervised anomaly detection algorithms on high-integrity digital systems
- Conference Paper
Martino, Gianluca; Grünhagen, Arne; Branlard, Julien; Eichler, Annika; Fey, Görschwin; Schlarb, Holger
24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2021)
Publisher DOI
Let your robot go : challenges of a decentralized remote robot competition
- Conference Paper
Laue, Tim; Moos, Arne; Göttsch, Patrick
10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021)
Open Access
A velocity quasiLPV-MPC algorithm for wind turbine control
- Conference Paper
Dittmer, Antje; Sharan, Bindu; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Attitude stabilization of a quadrotor with quaternions within the LPV framework
- Conference Paper
Altalmas, Abdallah T. H.; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
2021 European Control Conference (ECC). - Seite 2039-2044 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Data-driven H∞ optimal controller design using the Koopman operator : case study
- Conference Paper
Ganz, Felix; Datar, Adwait; Göttsch, Patrick; Werner, Herbert
2021 European Control Conference (ECC). - Seite 594-599 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Dynamic and time efficient data assignment via the pointers matrix
- Conference Paper
Kloock, Christine; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Koopman Operator-based model predictive control with recursive online update
- Conference Paper
Martínez Calderón, Horacio; Schulz, Erik; Oehlschlägel, Thimo; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC2021)
Publisher DOI
Event-Triggered Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Discrete-Time Polytopic Linear Parameter-Varying Systems
- Conference Paper
Saadabadi, Hamideh; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020)
Publisher DOI
A Dynamic Quasi-Taylor Approach for Distributed Consensus Problems with Packet Loss
- Conference Paper
Mirali, Furugh; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2020)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Controller Design for Systems Interconnected over Chordal Graphs
- Conference Paper
Heinke, Simon; Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2020)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Control of Large Scale Interconnected Systems with Boundary Conditions-Shift Operator vs. Interconnection Graph
- Conference Paper
Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Heinke, Simon; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2020): 1165-1171 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Flocking Towards the Source: Indoor Experiments with Quadrotors
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Paulsen, Peter; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2020): 1638 -1643 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Grid-Free Model Order Reduction for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems via Full Block S-Procedure
- Conference Paper
Heeren, Lennart; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2020): 1579-1584 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Information Flow in Formation Control for Nonholonomic Agents Modeled as LPV Systems
- Conference Paper
Attallah, Aly; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2020):459-464 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Prediction Mismatch in Distributed Model Predictive Control
- Conference Paper
Kloock, Christine; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2020): 1224-1229 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Collision-Freeness and Feasibility in Non-Iterative Distributed Model Predictive Control with Prediction Mismatch
- Conference Paper
Kloock, Christine; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020)
Publisher DOI
Data-driven quasi-LPV model predictive control using koopman operator techniques
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Datar, Adwait; Göttsch, Patrick; Werner, Herbert
IFAC World Congress 53 (2): 6062-6068 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Distributed Control of Mobile LTI and LPV Agents Using Induced L2 to L∞ Norms
- Conference Paper
Hespe, Christian; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020)
Flocking of linear parameter varying agents: source seeking application with underwater vehicles
- Conference Paper
Attallah, Aly; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
IFAC World Congress 53 (2): 7305-7311 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
ICS-Zooids - an experimental testbed for cooperative control strategies
- Conference Paper
Rathakrishnan, Nirmal; Göttsch, Patrick; Werner, Herbert
IFAC World Congress 53 (2): 9734-9739 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Spatio-temporal loop shaping for distributed control of PDE systems
- Conference Paper
Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
IFAC World Congress 53 (2): 4014-4019 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Distributed Modeling of Structural Systems Based on Finite Element Methods with Application to an Actuated Beam
- Conference Paper
Heinke, Simon; Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), France (2019-12)
Publisher DOI
Wide range stabilization of a pendubot using quasi-LPV predictive control
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter-Varying Systems (2019-11)
Publisher DOI
Distributed model predictive control w-ith obstacle communication
- Conference Paper
Kloock, Christine; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference : 8815183 (2019-07)
Gradient free source-seeking using flocking behavior
- Conference Paper
Turgeman, Avi; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference : 8815372 (2019-07)
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a PEM Fuel Cell With an Integrated Li-ion Battery Using qLPV
- Conference Paper
Cloppenborg, Andreas; Rojas, Carlos; Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Horn, Joachim; Werner, Herbert
IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA: 8899516 (2019-07)
Publisher DOI
Stabilizing model predictive control for nonlinear systems in input-output quasi-LPV form
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference : 8814342 (2019-07)
A Novel Sequence Weighting Method for First-Order Consensus Problems
- Conference Paper
Mirali, Furugh; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2018-December): 97-102 (2019-01-18)
Publisher DOI
Data-Driven Control for a Class of Non-Linear MIMO Systems
- Conference Paper
Bakr, Mohamed; Datar, Adwait; Gonzalez Alvarez, Alejandro; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2018-December): 1174-1179 (2019-01-18)
Publisher DOI
A Decomposition Approach for a Class of Spatially Interconnected Systems of Finite Spatial Extent
- Conference Paper
Ginta, Sabin Mihai; Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2018-June): 949-954 (2018-08-09)
Publisher DOI
A Dissipativity Formulation for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear and Parameter Dependent MPC
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2018-June): 3894-3899 (2018-08-09)
Publisher DOI
A Memory Weighted Protocol for Sampled-Data Systems Subjected to Packet Dropouts
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Schneider, Daniel; Mirali, Furugh; Werner, Herbert; Frey, Hannes
American Control Conference (2018-June): 2485-2490 (2018-08-09)
Publisher DOI
Distributed Approach to Dynamic Quantization for Multi-Agent Systems
- Conference Paper
Jadhav, Shashank; Datar, Adwait; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2018-June): 2473-2478 (2018-08-09)
Publisher DOI
Identification of Linear Parameter-Varying Models with Unknown Parameter Dependence Using ϵ-Support Vector Regression
- Conference Paper
Datar, Adwait; Schulz, Erik; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2018-June): 2011-2016 (2018-08-09)
Publisher DOI
Multiple Source Seeking using Glowworm Swarm Optimization and Distributed Gradient Estimation
- Conference Paper
Turgeman, Avi; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC 2018)
Publisher DOI
A segmentation scheme for CLF dynamic movement control applied to robotic handwriting
- Conference Paper
Göttsch, Patrick; Olschewski, Robin; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1) 11459–11464 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Cooperative source seeking with distance-based formation control and single-integrator agents
- Conference Paper
Ahmadi Barogh, Siavash; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1): 7911-7916 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Distributed controller design for LPV/LFT distributed systems in input-output form
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Abbas, Hossam S.; Velni, Javad Mohammadpour; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 1 (50): 11409-11414 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Fast nonlinear MPC for reference tracking subject to nonlinear constraints via quasi-LPV representations
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo Gonzalez; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 1 (50): 11601-11606 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
First-order average consensus for cooperative control problems using novel weighting strategies
- Conference Paper
Mirali, Furugh; Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Werner, Herbert
IFAC-PapersOnLine 1 (50): 14302-14307 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Using particle swarm optimization for source seeking in multi-agent systems
- Conference Paper
Gronemeyer, Marcus; Bartels, Marcus; Werner, Herbert; Horn, Joachim
IFAC-PapersOnLine 1 (50): 11427-11433 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Distributed weighting strategies for improved convergence speed of first-order consensus
- Conference Paper
Mirali, Furugh; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 7963074, 942-947 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Extended balanced truncation for parameter-varying multidimensional systems
- Conference Paper
Al-Taie, Fatimah; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 7962985, 394-398 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Mission control - combined solutions for source seeking and level curve tracking in a time-varying field
- Conference Paper
Turgeman, Avi; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 7963611, 4268-4273 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Parameter-dependent stability conditions for quasi-LPV Model Predictive Control
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 7963735, 5032-5037 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Well-posedness & stability analysis for spatially interconnected systems with finite extent
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Kloock, Christine; Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 7963214, 1803-1808 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Active vibration control of an aluminum beam - An experimental testbed for distributed vs. centralized control
- Conference Paper
Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017)
Publisher DOI
LPV state-space identification via IO methods and efficient model order reduction in comparison with subspace methods
- Conference Paper
Schulz, Erik; Cox, Pepijn B.; Toth, Roland; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017)
Publisher DOI
Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control via quasi-LPV representation
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Voss, Sophia; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control (): 7798752 3216-3221 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Identification of linear parameter-varying systems via IO and subspace identification - A comparison
- Conference Paper
Schulz, Erik; Bussa, Ashish; Werner, Herbert
IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016
Publisher DOI
Cascaded formation control using angle and distance between agents with orientation control (Part 1)
- Conference Paper
Ahmadi Barogh, Siavash; Werner, Herbert
2016 UKACC International Conference on Control, UKACC Control 2016: 7737625, 1-6 (2016-11-07)
Publisher DOI
Cascaded formation control using angle and distance between agents with orientation control (part 2)
- Conference Paper
Ahmadi Barogh, Siavash; Werner, Herbert
2016 UKACC International Conference on Control, UKACC Control 2016: 7737528, 1-6 (2016-11-07)
Publisher DOI
Delay robustness of interconnected systems: IQC-based analysis for special interconnection structures
- Conference Paper
Mirali, Furugh; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7526508, 5352-5357 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Distributed model predictive control of constrained spatially-invariant interconnected systems in input-output form
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Abbas, Hossam Seddik; Mohammadpour, Javad; Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7525472, 3600-3605 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Joint model and scheduling order reduction via balanced truncation for parameter-varying spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Al-Taie, Fatimah; Liu, Qin; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7525603, 4331-4337 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
LPV-IO controller design: an LMI approach
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7526080, 4617-4622 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Linear parameter-varying control for air/fuel ratio in SI engines with parameter dependent time delay
- Conference Paper
Schulz, Erik; Schultalbers, Matthias; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7525425, 3292-3297 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Linear parameter-varying controller design for a nonlinear quad-rotor helicopter model for high speed trajectory tracking
- Conference Paper
Cisneros, Pablo S. G.; Hoffmann, Christian; Bartels, Marcus; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7524961, 486-491 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Model order reduction by parameter-varying oblique projection
- Conference Paper
Theis, Julian; Seiler, Peter; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7526075 4586-4591 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Robust and gain-scheduled formation control techniques for multi-agent systems - Comparison and benchmark in a unified framework
- Conference Paper
Bartels, Marcus; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2016-July): 7525309, 2605-2610 (2016-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Balanced truncation error bound for temporally- and spatially-varying interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Al-Taie, Fatimah; Werner, Herbert
22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems July 11-15, 2016. Minneapolis, MN, USA. - Seite 481-486 (2016)
Comparison of consensus loop designs with a mission error signal
- Conference Paper
Gronemeyer, Marcus; Bartels, Marcus; Horn, Joachim
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (0): 16671069, 291-296 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Compact LFT-LPV modeling with automated parameterization for efficient LPV controller synthesis
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2015)
Publisher DOI
Stability and L2 performance analysis of LPV-IO systems using parameter-dependent lyapunov functions
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2015-July): 7170952, 1543-1548 (2015-07-28)
Publisher DOI
Distributed antiwindup compensation for spatially-distributed systems
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference: 7171018 (2015-07)
Publisher DOI
Formation control of non-holonomic agents with collision avoidance
- Conference Paper
Ahmadi Barogh, Siavash; Rosero, Esteban; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference, ACC: 7170825 (2015-07)
Publisher DOI
Improved IQC description to analyze interconnected systems with time-varying time-delays
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference: 7172184 (2015-07)
Publisher DOI
Integrated flight control design for a large flexible aircraft
- Conference Paper
Theis, Julian; Pfifer, Harald; Balas, Gary; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2015-July): 7171927 3830-3835 (2015-07)
Publisher DOI
Plant modeling for observer-based control of the link stabilizing units at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
- Conference Paper
Heuer, Michael; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Pfeiffer, Sven; Schlarb, Holger; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, ACC: 7172197 (2015-07)
Publisher DOI
Physical parameter identification of cross-coupled gun and buncher cavity at REGAE
- Conference Paper
Nawaz, Ayla S.; Werner, Herbert; Hoffmann, Matthias; Pfeiffer, Sven; Schlarb, Holger
International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC: 857-859 (2015-05)
Control of heterogeneous LPV subsystems interconnected through arbitrary and switching directed topologies
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
54rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015)
Publisher DOI
Distributed identification of spatially-distributed systems based on finite element modelling
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Gross, Joseph R.; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,CDC: 7402379 (2015-02-08)
Publisher DOI
LFT-LPV modeling and control of a Control Moment Gyroscope
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC: 7403053 (2015-02-08)
Publisher DOI
LPV formation control for a class of non-holonomic agents with directed and switching communication topologies
- Conference Paper
Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC: 7402639 (2015-02-08)
Publisher DOI
Optimal convergence speed with constrained damping of double-integrator multi-agent systems with undirected topology
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, CDC: 7402535 (2015-02-08)
Publisher DOI
Linear parameter-varying feedforward control: A missile autopilot design
- Conference Paper
Theis, Julian; Pfifer, Harald; Knobloch, Andreas; Saupe, Florian; Werner, Herbert
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (2015-01)
Distributed fixed-structure control of spatially interconnected LTSV systems
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (54rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,CDC 2015): 7402488, 1905-1910 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Distributed fixed-structure control of spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference (2015-July): 7171019, 1953-1958 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Hybrid multilinear modeling and applications
- Conference Paper
Pangalos, Georg; Eichler, Annika; Lichtenberg, Gerwald
Simulation and modeling methodologies, technologies and applications$dInternational conference, SIMULTECH 2013 Reykjavík, Iceland, July 29-31, 2013 revised selected papers.- (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 319). - Seite 71-85 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Modal matching for LPV model reduction of aeroservoelastic vehicles
- Conference Paper
Theis, Julian; Werner, Herbert; Takarics, Béla; Pfifer, Harald; Balas, Gary
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2015 (): - (2015)
Publisher DOI
Cooperative source seeking via gradient estimation and formation control (Part 1)
- Conference Paper
Rosero García, Esteban Emilio; Werner, Herbert
UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2014)
Publisher DOI
Cooperative source seeking via gradient estimation and formation control (Part 2)
- Conference Paper
Rosero García, Esteban Emilio; Werner, Herbert
UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2014)
Publisher DOI
A decentralized asymmetric weighting approach for improved convergence of multi-agent systems with undirected interaction
- Conference Paper
Schug, Ann-Kathrin; Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 19: 8317-8322 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Conservatism of analysis and controller synthesis of decomposable systems
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 19: 2860-2865 (2014)
Publisher DOI
An interconnected systems approach to flow transition control
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Active Flow and Combustion Control (2014)
Publisher DOI
Complexity of implementation and synthesis in linear parameter-varying control
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 11749-11760 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Cooperative and consensus-based approaches to formation control of autonomous vehicles
- Conference Paper
Bartels, Marcus; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 8079-8084 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Distributed control of spatially-interconnected parameter-invariant and LPV models for actuated beams
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2014)
Publisher DOI
LPV formation control of non-holonomic multi-agent systems
- Conference Paper
Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 1997-2002 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Linear parameter-varying control of complex mechanical systems
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 6147-6152 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Modeling of the master laser oscillator phase noise for the European XFEL using fractional order systems
- Conference Paper
Heuer, Michael; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Pfeiffer, Sven; Schlarb, Holger; Schmidt, Hans Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 9235-9240 (2014)
Publisher DOI
On the application of Finsler's Lemma to LPV controller synthesis
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2014)
Publisher DOI
Self-scheduled control of a gyroscope
- Conference Paper
Theis, Julian; Radisch, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 19: 6129-6134 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of LPV controllers with reduced implementation complexity
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (2014)
Publisher DOI
Design of tutorial activities and homework assignments for a large-enrollment introductory course in control systems
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Hoffmann, Christian; Kautz, Christian; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes ; vol. 46, issue 17 : 43-48 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Benchmark problem : nonlinear control of a 3-DOF robotic manipulator
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Abbas, Hossam Seddik; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 8 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760761 i.e. Seite 5534-5539
Publisher DOI
Convergence bounds for discrete-time second-order multi-agent-systems
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 20013): 1866-1871 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Convergence speed in formation control of multi-agent systems : a robust control approach
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 9 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760848 i.e. Seite 6067-6072
Publisher DOI
Distributed control of linear parameter-varying decomposable systems
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 17 - 19 June 2013, Washington, DC, USA / American Automatic Control Council (AACC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - 6580190 i.e. Seite 2380-2385
Distributed control of parameter-varying spatially interconnected systems using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 17 - 19 June 2013, Washington, DC, USA / American Automatic Control Council (AACC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - 6580337 i.e. Seite 3278-3283
Distributed controller design for a free-electron laser
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Werner, Herbert; Schmidt, Christian; Schlarb, Holger
2013 American Control Conference (ACC 2013) : Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 19 June 2013 / [American Automatic Control Council (AACC)]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - Vol. 8 (2013), Artikel-Nr. 6580867, i.e. Seite 6553-6558
Publisher DOI
Experimental identification of spatially-interconnected parameter-invariant and LPV models for actuated beams
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 6 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760521 i.e. Seite 4122-4127
Publisher DOI
Fixed-structure LPV controller synthesis based on implicit input output representations
- Conference Paper
Wollnack, Simon; Abbas, Hossam Seddik; Werner, Herbert; Toth, Roland
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 4 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760192 i.e. Seite 2103-2108
Publisher DOI
Iterative learning control for SO(2) symmetric systems
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Lichtenberg, Gerwald
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (11): 158-163 (2013)
Publisher DOI
LPV gain-scheduled control of a control moment gyroscope
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam Seddik; Ali, Ahsan; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 17 - 19 June 2013, Washington, DC, USA / American Automatic Control Council (AACC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - 6580913 i.e. Seite 6841-6846
LPV observer design and damping control of container crane load swing
- Conference Paper
Mendez Gonzalez, Antonio; Hoffmann, Christian; Radisch, Christian; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2013): 1848-1853 (2013)
Publisher DOI
LPV torque vectoring for an electric vehicle using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions
- Conference Paper
Bartels, Marcus; Liu, Qin; Kaiser, Gerd; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 17 - 19 June 2013, Washington, DC, USA / American Automatic Control Council (AACC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - 6580154 i.e. Seite 2153-2158
Objectives of the ARTRAC initiative in active pedestrian safety
- Conference Paper
Rohling, Hermann; Meinecke, Marc Michael; Heuel, Steffen; Hakli, Janne; Nummila, Kaj; Heuer, Michael
14th International Radar Symposium, IRS 2013: Proceedings : International Radar Symposium - IRS 2013 ; Dresden, Germany, June 19 - 21, 2013 / organized by Hamburg University of Technology TUHH; German Institute of Navigation (DGON). Symposium chairman: Hermann Rohling [ed.]. - Göttingen : Cuvillier. - Bd. 2 (2013): 6581665 i.e. Seite 726-731
Performance bounds on decomposable systems
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 17 - 19 June 2013, Washington, DC, USA / American Automatic Control Council (AACC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - 6580328 i.e. Seite 3224-3229
Robust control of decomposable LPV systems under time-invariant and time-varying interconnection topologies (Part 1)
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 4 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760305 i.e. Seite 2787-2792
Publisher DOI
Robust control of decomposable LPV systems under time-invariant and time-varying interconnection topologies (Part 2)
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 4 (2013),: 6760306 i.e. Seite 2793-2798
Publisher DOI
Robust stability analysis of interconnected systems with uncertain time-varying time delays via IQCs
- Conference Paper
Eichler, Annika; Hoffmann, Christian; Werner, Herbert
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control : (CDC 2013) ; Firenze, Italy, 10 - 13 December 2013 / [IEEE Control Systems Society]. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. - Vol. 4 (2013), Art.-Nr. 6760307 i.e. Seite 2799-2804
Publisher DOI
Tensor systems : multilinear modeling and applications
- Conference Paper
Pangalos, Georg; Eichler, Annika; Lichtenberg, Gerwald
SIMULTECH 2013 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Application : Reykjavik, Iceland, 29 - 31 July, 2013 / ed. by Tuncer Ören ... - [S.l.] : SciTePress, 2013. - Seite 275-285
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Tensor techniques for iterative learning control of a free-electron laser
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Schmidt, Christian; Schlarb, Holger
IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 2012 : 6402643, 160-165 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Fast feedback strategies for longitudinal beam stabilization
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Schmidt, Jan-Christian; Bock, Marie Kristin; Schlarb, Holger; Jałmużna, Wojciech; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
Contributions to the proceedings: 26-28 (2011)
An H∞/ℓ1 approach to cooperative control of multi-agent systems
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 6426879 5930-5935 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Approach to Boolean controller design by algebraic relaxation for heating systems
- Conference Paper
Pangalos, Georg; Lichtenberg, Gerwald
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 45 (9): 210-215 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Black-box versus grey-box LPV identification to control a mechanical system
- Conference Paper
Paraiso Salah El-Dine, Christian; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 6426536 5152-5157 (2012-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Closed-loop stability and performance optimization in LPV control based on a reduced parameter set
- Conference Paper
Hoffmann, Christian; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 6427053 5146-5151 (2012-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Design of an optimal and robust controller for a free-electron laser exploiting symmetries of the RF-system
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Schmidt, Christian; Schlarb, Holger; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 6425991 4253-4258 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Model identification and H∞ attitude control for quadrotor MAV's
- Conference Paper
Falkenberg, Ole; Witt, Jonas; Pilz, Ulf; Weltin, Uwe; Werner, Herbert
5th international conference, ICIRA 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 3 - 5, 2012 ; proceedings, part II: Seite 460-471 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Stability and induced ℓ2-gain of MIMO input-output LPV systems
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
American Control Conference (ACC), 2012 : 27 - 29 June 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ, 2012. - Seite 781-786
Publisher DOI
Consistent identification of spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Ali, Ahsan; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference : 5991360, 3583-3588 (2011)
Publisher DOI
An information flow filter approach to cooperative vehicle control
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Popov, Andrey; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1) : 7432-7437 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Design of a high performance quad-rotor robot based on a layered real-time system architecture
- Conference Paper
Witt, Jonas; Annighöfer, Björn; Falkenberg, Ole; Weltin, Uwe
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7101 (PART 1): 312-323 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Discrete-time LPV controller synthesis using dilated LMIs with application to an Arm-Driven Inverted Pendulum
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 7708-7712 (2011-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Grey box identification for the free electron laser FLASH exploiting symmetries of the RF-system
- Conference Paper
Pfeiffer, Sven; Schmidt, Jan-Christian; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 10770-10775 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Identification of Box-Jenkins models for parameter-varying spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Ali, Ahsan; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference: 5991133 145-150 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Identification of distributed systems with identical subsystems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Popov, Andrey P.; Werner, Herbert; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 5633-5638 (2011-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Indirect closed-loop identification of input-output LPV models: A pre-filtering approach
- Conference Paper
Ali, Ahsan; Ali, Mukhtar; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 4186-4191 (2011)
Publisher DOI
LPV modelling and control of Burgers' equation
- Conference Paper
Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 5430-5435 (2011-01-01)
Publisher DOI
MIMO controller synthesis for LTI and LPV systems using input-output models
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 44 (1): 11338-11343 (2011-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Observer-based LPV control of a nonlinear PDE
- Conference Paper
Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference : (CDC-ECC 2011) ; Orlando, Florida, USA, 12 - 15 December 2011. - Piscataway, NJ. - Vol. 3 : art. no. 6161232 = pp. 2010-2015 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Output-feedback controlled-invariant sets for systems with linear parameter-varying state transition matrix
- Conference Paper
Hempel, Andreas B.; Kominek, Andreas B.; Werner, Herbert
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference : (CDC-ECC 2011) ; Orlando, Florida, USA, 12 - 15 December 2011. - Piscataway, NJ. - Vol. 5 : art. no. 6160901 = pp. 3422-3427 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Quadrocopter localization using RTK-GPS and vision-based trajectory tracking
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Gropengießer, Willem; Walder, Florian; Witt, Jonas; Werner, Herbert
Intelligent robotics and applications : 4th international conference, ICIRA 2011, Aachen, Germany, December 6 - 8, 2011 ; proceedings. - Berlin, 2011. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol. 7101 LNAI (PART 1)) : 12-21 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Torque vectoring with a feedback and feed forward controller : applied to a through the road hybrid electric vehicle
- Conference Paper
Kaiser, Gerd; Holzmann, Frédéric; Chretien, Benoît; Korte, Matthias; Werner, Herbert
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2011 ; 5 - 9 June 2011 ; Baden-Baden, Germany, Proceedings (): 5940459 448-453 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Two-degree-of-freedom LPV control for a through-the-road hybrid electric vehicle via torque vectoring
- Conference Paper
Liu, Qin; Kaiser, Gerd; Boonto, Sudchai; Werner, Herbert; Holzmann, Frédéric; Chretien, Benoît; Korte, Matthias
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference : (CDC-ECC 2011) ; Orlando, Florida, USA, 12 - 15 December 2011. - Piscataway, NJ. - Vol. 3 : art. no. 6161175 = pp. 1274-1279 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Decentralized LPV gain-scheduled PD control of a robotic manipulator
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Volume 2 : 801-808 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Closed-loop identification of LPV models using cubic splines with application to an arm-driven inverted pendulum
- Conference Paper
Boonto, Sudchai; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 : Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July 2010. - Piscataway, NJ, 2010. - 5531139 3100-3105 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Consistent identification of two-dimensional systems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 : Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July 2010. - Piscataway, NJ, 2010. - 5531055 3464-3469 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Controller synthesis for input-output LPV models
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 5717576 7694-7699 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Fixed-structure discrete-time ℋ<inf>∞</inf> controller synthesis with HIFOO
- Conference Paper
Popov, Andrey; Werner, Herbert; Millstone, Marc
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 5717673 3152-3155 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Identification of LPV models for spatially varying interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 : Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July 2010. - Piscataway, NJ, 2010. - 5530658 3889-3894 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Identification of spatially interconnected systems using neural network
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 5717080 6938-6943 (2010)
Publisher DOI
LPV gain-scheduling control of an electromechanically driven landing gear for a commercial aircraft
- Conference Paper
Lüdders, Hauke Peer; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Doberstein, D.; Thielecke, Frank; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 (): 5531070 4659-4664 (2010-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Linear recurrent neural network for open- and closed-loop consistent identification of LPV models
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Ali, Mukhtar; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 5717855 6851-6856 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Local controller synthesis for multi-agent systems subject to time-varying communication delays
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 5718064 3098-3103 (2010)
Publisher DOI
State-Space realization of LPV Input-Output models: practical methods for the user
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Toth, Roland; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 : Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July 2010. - Piscataway, NJ, 2010. - 5530659 3883-3888 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Transient energy analysis of a spatially interconnected model for 3D Poiseuille flow
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010 : Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 June - 2 July 2010. - Piscataway, NJ, 2010. - 5530564 2557-2562 (2010-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Identification of spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 5399748 7163-7168 (2009)
Publisher DOI
A hybrid gradient-LMI algorithm for the synthesis of LPV gain-scheduled controllers
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference, ECC 2009 : 7074932 3407-3412 (2009)
Publisher DOI
A robust control approach to formation control
- Conference Paper
Popov, Andrey; Werner, Herbert
2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009 (): 7075097 4428-4433 (2009)
Publisher DOI
An LPV gain scheduling approach to transition control in plane Poiseuille flow
- Conference Paper
Ali, Mukhtar; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
10 th European Control Conference (ECC), 2009: 7074703, 2033-2038 (2009)
Publisher DOI
An instrumental variable technique for open-loop and closed-loop identification of input-output LPV models
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009 : 7074805 2646-2651 (2009)
Publisher DOI
An iterative learning control approach combined with a multivariable RF controller for the free electron laser FLASH
- Conference Paper
Langkowski, H.; Schmidt, Christian; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009 (): 7074442 442-447 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Frequency-weighted discrete-time LPV model reduction using structurally balanced truncation
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference [(CCC)] ; Shanghai, China, 15 - 18 December 2009 (): 5400823 4298-4303 (2009)
Publisher DOI
LPV modelling and control of a 2-DOF robotic manipulator using PCA-based parameter set mapping
- Conference Paper
Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009 : held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference ; CDC/CCC 2009 ; 15 - 18 Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China. - Piscataway, NJ, 2009. - Art. no. 5400621 7418-7423 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Parameter identification of a robot arm using separable least squares technique
- Conference Paper
Hashemi, Seyed Mahdi; Werner, Herbert
2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009 : 7074731 2199-2204 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Robust controller design for formation flight of quad-rotor helicopters
- Conference Paper
Pilz, Ulf; Popov, Andrey; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009 : held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference ; CDC/CCC 2009 ; 15 - 18 Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China. - Piscataway, NJ, 2009. - Art. no. 5400593 8322-8327 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Robust transition control in non-periodic channels
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009 : held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference ; CDC/CCC 2009 ; 15 - 18 Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China. - Piscataway, NJ, 2009. - Art. no. 5400869 8278-8283 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Spatially interconnected controllers for flow transition problems
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009 (): 7074576 1245-1250 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Validation of a spatially interconnected model for plane poiseuille flow transition control
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Rusnáková, Gabriela; Werner, Herbert; Medviďová-Lukáčová, Mária
10th European Control Conference, ECC 2009 (): 7074575 1239-1244 (2009; online: 2015-04-02)
Publisher DOI
A hybrid gradient-LMI algorithm for solving BMIs in control design problems
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41(2): 14319-14323 (2008)
Publisher DOI
A neural-network based technique for modelling and LPV control of an arm-driven inverted pendulum
- Conference Paper
Lachhab, Nabil; Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 4739222 3860-3865 (2008)
Publisher DOI
A tool for converting FEM models into representations suitable for control synthesis
- Conference Paper
Bokhari, Syed Fawad Raza Ali; Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 6066 - 6071 (2008)
Publisher DOI
An iterative learning algorithm for control of an accelerator based free electron laser
- Conference Paper
Kirchhoff, Stefan; Schmidt, Hans Christian; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 4739064 3032-3037 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Closed-loop system identification of LPV input-output models : application to an arm-driven inverted pendulum
- Conference Paper
Boonto, Sudchai; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (): 4739334 2606-2611 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Distributed control for a class of spatially interconnected discrete-time systems
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 7761 - 7766 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Distributed controller design for dynamic speed limit control against shock waves on freeways
- Conference Paper
Popov, Andrey; Babuška, Robert; Hegyi, Andreas; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 14060 - 14065 (2008)
Publisher DOI
LPV design of charge control for an SI engine based on LFT neural state-space models
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 7427-7432 (2008)
Publisher DOI
New dilated LMIs to synthesize controllers for a class of spatially interconnected systems
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 7767 - 7771 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Parameter estimation and tuning of a multivariable RF controller with FPGA technique for the Free Electron Laser FLASH
- Conference Paper
Schmidt, Christian; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Koprek, Waldemar; Jałmużna, Wojciech; Werner, Herbert; Simrock, Stefan
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2008 (): 4586869 2516-2521 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Polytopic quasi-LPV model based on neural state-space models and application to air charge control of a SI engine
- Conference Paper
Abbas, Hossam El-Din Mahmoud Seddik; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 41 (2): 6466 - 6471 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Transition control of plane poiseuille flow - A spatially interconnected model
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : 4739261 3911-3916 (2008)
Publisher DOI
Approximate model predictive control of a 3-DOF helicopter
- Conference Paper
Witt, Jonas; Boonto, Sudchai; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control: 4501-4506 (2007)
Publisher DOI
LPV controller synthesis for charge control of a car engine - A hybrid evolutionary algebraic approach
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Werner, Herbert; Blath, Jan Peter; Schultalbers, Matthias
European Control Conference (ECC 2007): 38-45 (2007)
Publisher DOI
Less conservative polytopic LPV models for charge control by combining parameter set mapping and set intersection
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Trimpe, Sebastian; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control: 3363-3368 (2007)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of low-order controllers for discrete LPV systems using LMIs and evolutionary search
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference (ECC 2007): 4861-4866 (2007)
Publisher DOI
A comparison of LMI and GA based robust controller designs for VSC HVDC
- Conference Paper
Durrant, Martyn; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 3990-3995 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Application of LPV gain scheduling to charge control of a SI engine
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Blath, Jan Peter; Werner, Herbert; Schultalbers, Matthias
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, CACSD : 4 - 6 Oct. 2006, Munich, Germany. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 4064802 2327-2331 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Automated generation and assessment of affine LPV models
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Boll, Marie-Theres; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 13 - 15 Dec. 2006, [San Diego, CA, USA]: 4177878 6690-6695 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Canalizing Zhegalkin polynomials as models for gene expression time series data
- Conference Paper
Faisal, Saadia; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, ICEIS 2006 : 22 - 23 April 2006, [Islamabad, Pakistan]. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 1703187 324 - 329 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Design of LQG controllers for VSC HVDC transmission links using genetic algorithms
- Conference Paper
Durrant, Martyn; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, CACSD : 4 - 6 Oct. 2006, Munich, Germany. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 4064746 772-777 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Efficient Design of Low-Order H-infinity Optimal Controllers Using Evolutionary Algorithms and a Bisection Approach
- Conference Paper
Popov, Andrey; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design
Open Access
Fixed-structure μ-synthesis : an evolutionary approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2006 : Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 14 -16, 2006. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 1657400 4332-4337 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Modelling and identification of a free electron laser RF system
- Conference Paper
Koch, Guido; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Brandt, Alexander; Werner, Herbert; Simrock, Stefan
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, CACSD : 4 - 6 Oct. 2006, Munich, Germany. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 4777102 2921-2926 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Robust control of a class of LPV systems : a combined evolutionary-LMI approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, CACSD : 4 - 6 Oct. 2006, Munich, Germany. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 4064747 778-783 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of low-order controllers for LPV systems using LMIs and evolutionary search
- Conference Paper
Chughtai, Saulat S.; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control: 5784-5789 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Teaching tool based controller design - the control challenge
- Conference Paper
Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Kwiatkowski, Andreas
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (6): 235-240 (2006)
Publisher DOI
Using path integral short time propagators for numerical analysis of stochastic hybrid systems
- Conference Paper
Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Rostalski, Philipp
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (5): 179-184 (2006)
Publisher DOI
A Polynomial approach to structural gene dynamics modelling
- Conference Paper
Faisal, Saadia; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1): 37-42 (2005)
Publisher DOI
Comparison of LMI based H₂ control designs for VSC-HVDC transmission
- Conference Paper
Durrant, Martyn; Aleksić, Katarina; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1): 233-238 (2005)
Publisher DOI
Decentralized control of winding systems : a hybrid evolutionary-algebraic approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1): 628-633 (2005)
Publisher DOI
Fixed-order control of active suspension: a hybrid approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 16 (1): 171-176 (2005)
Publisher DOI
LPV control of a 2-DOF robot using parameter reduction
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Werner, Herbert
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 2005, Sevilla, Spain
Open Access
Parameter reduction for LPV systems via principal components analysis
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 16 (1): 596-601 (2005)
Publisher DOI
Robust decentralized control of a HVDC system using an LMI approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1): 18-23 (2005)
Publisher DOI
Tuning of a PID controller using a multi-objective optimization technique applied to a neutralization plant
- Conference Paper
Popov, Andrey; Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, December 2005, Sevilla, Spain
Open Access
A Riccati-genetic algorithms approach to fixed-structure controller synthesis
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference ACC: 2799-2804 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Constructing tight LFT uncertainty models for robust controller design
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 406-410 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Discrete event control of a pinball machine
- Conference Paper
Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Neidig, Jörg
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (18): 135-140 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Low-order robust decentralized controller design for a HVDC power link using successive centering
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (11): 683-688 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Low-order robust decentralized controller design for a HVDC power link: a combined riccati - genetic algorithms approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (11): 677-681 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of multi-objective controllers for a VSC HVDC terminal using LMIs
- Conference Paper
Durrant, Martyn; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4: 4473-4478 (2004)
Publisher DOI
Linear matrix inequalities
- Conference Paper
Werner, Herbert
IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications 150 (5): 499-500 (2003-09)
Publisher DOI
A design procedure for robust H2 control using a multiplier approach
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference ECC 2003 : 1-4 September, University of Cambridge, UK. - Piscataway, NJ, 2003. - 7085123 1199-1204 (2003)
Publisher DOI
Event prediction for switching linear systems with time varying thresholds using orthogonal functions
- Conference Paper
Kwiatkowski, Andreas; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Schild, Axel
Hybrid systems: computation and control ; 6th international workshop HSCC 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, April 3 - 5, 2003 ; proceedings. - Berlin, 2003. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 2623). - Seite 314-327 (2003)
Publisher DOI
K-S-Φ iteration for robust H₂ controller synthesis
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference ECC 2003 : 1-4 September, University of Cambridge, UK. - Piscataway, NJ, 2003. - 7085124 1205-1210 (2003)
Publisher DOI
Model of a VSC HVDC terminal attached to a weak AC system
- Conference Paper
Durrant, Martyn; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications Volume 1: 178-182 (2003)
Publisher DOI
Robust control of a VSC HVDC terminal attached to a weak AC system
- Conference Paper
Farag, Adel; Durrant, Martyn; Werner, Herbert; Abbott, Keith
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications 1: 173-177 (2003)
Publisher DOI
Publications of Prof. Werner before 2002
Generalized sampled-data hold functions for robust multivariable tracking and disturbance rejection
Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : December 10 - 12, 1997, San Diego, California, USA / IEEE Control Systems Society Vol. 3 (1997). - Seite 2055-2060
Publisher DOI
Robust multivariable control of a turbo-generator by periodic output feedback
Werner, Herbert
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 3 (): 1979-1983 (1997)
Publisher DOI
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection : nondynamic multirate output feedback and observer-based control
Werner, Herbert
European Control Conference : ECC 97, 1-4 July 1997, Brussels, Belgium. - Piscataway, NJ, 1997. - Seite 1508-1513
Publisher DOI