Completed projects

Actuation and Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Magnetic Particle Imaging

Actuation and Imaging of Magnetic Nanoparticles

In this project, we exploit the ability of magnetic particle imaging to manipulate magnetic particles with magnetic force and simultaneously image the particles by switching between both modes. In the imaging mode, we perform a normal imaging sequence, while in the force mode, we use the focus fields to move the FFP away from the particles to induce a magnetic force by increasing the magnetic field strength at the particle position. We are able to continuously switch between imaging and force modes and obtain a temporal imaging resolution of 4Hz.


Magnetic force mode
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  • F. Griese, P. Ludewig, F. Thieben, N. Gdaniec, and T. Knopp (2018). Imaging and Moving Magnetic Beads with Magnetic Particle Imaging for targeted drug delivery. 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018). 1293-1296 [Abstract] [doi]

Bimodal Fiducial Markers
Magnetic Particle Imaging

Bimodal MRI/MPI Fiducial Markers

In this project we develop bimodal fiducial markers for magnetic resonance and magnetic particle imaging to perform positioning within MPI experiments and to register and fuse images of both modalities.

Compared to most other medical imaging techniques MPI only visualizes an applied tracer without additional morphological information. However, this information is crucial for the interpretation of magnetic particle images and the positioning of objects within the MPI scanner.

Our bimodal fiducial markers provide visual landmarks in MP and MR images. These landmarks can be used as points of reference to perform faithful positioning within the MPI scanner prior to MPI experiments. Furthermore, they can be used for an automated image registration and fusion.



This project was funded by the FMTHH (grant number 01fmthh15)




  • F. Griese, T. Knopp, R. Werner, A. Schlaefer, and M. Möddel (2017). Submillimeter-Accurate Marker Localization within Low Gradient Magnetic Particle Imaging Tomograms. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 3. (1), [Abstract] [www]

  • F. Werner, C. Jung, M. Hofmann, J. Salamon, R. Werner, D. Saering, M. G. Kaul, K. Them, O. M. Weber, T. Mummert, G. Adam, H. Ittrich, and T. Knopp (2016). Geometrieplanung und Bildregistrierung mittels bimodaler Fiducial-Marker für Magnetic Particle Imaging. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2016 Springer: 128--133

  • F. Werner, C. Jung, M. Hofmann, R. Werner, J. Salamon, D. Säring, M. G. Kaul, K. Them, O. M. Weber, T. Mummert, G. Adam, H. Ittrich, and T. Knopp (2016). Fiducial-Based Geometry Planning and Image Registration for Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2016) 87

  • F. Werner, C. Jung, M. Hofmann, R. Werner, J. Salamon, D. Säring, M. G. Kaul, K. Them, O. M. Weber, T. Mummert, G. Adam, H. Ittrich, and T. Knopp (2016). Geometry planning and image registration in magnetic particle imaging using bimodal fiducial markers. Med. Phys.. 43. 2884

  • F. Werner, C. Jung, M. Hofmann, R. Werner, J. Salamon, D. Säring, M. G. Kaul, K. Them, O. M. Weber, T. Mummert, G. Adam, H. Ittrich, and T. Knopp (2016). Geometrieplanung und Bildregistrierung mittels bimodaler Fiducial-Marker für Magnetic Particle Imaging. 1-5

  • M. Hofmann, K. Bizon, A.Schlaefer, and T. Knopp (2016). Subpixelgenaue Positionsbestimmung in Magnetic-Particle-Imaging. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2016 Springer: 20--25

Guidance of Vascular Interventions
Magnetic Particle Imaging

Interventional Magnetic Particle Imaging

Magnetic particle imaging is a new radiation-free tomographic imaging method providing fast, background-free, sensitive, directly quantifiable information about the spatial distribution of SPIOs at high temporal resolution. In this project we investigate its potential to offer an alternative to traditional Digital subtraction angiography in interventional procedures.

Multi-contrast MPI makes it possible to jointly image blood pool tracer and labeled cardiovascular devices.





  • D. Weller, J. M. Salamon, A. Frölich, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and R. Werner (2019). Combining Direct 3D Volume Rendering and Magnetic Particle Imaging to Advance Radiation-Free Real-Time 3D Guidance of Vascular Interventions. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • R. Werner, D. Weller and J. Salamon and M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2019). Toward employing the full potential of magnetic particle imaging: exploring visualization techniques and clinical use cases for real-time 3D vascular imaging. 10953. 426 -- 431 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • J. Salamon, M. Hofmann, C. Jung, M. G. Kaul, R. Reimer, A. vom Scheid, G. Adam, T. Knopp, and H. Ittrich (2016). The Next Step towards Interventional MPI: Real Time 3D MPI-Guided Treatment of a Vessel Stenosis using a Blood Pool Agent and MRI Road Map Approach. 122

  • J. Salamon, M. Hofmann, C. Jung, M. G. Kaul, R. Reimer, A. vom Scheidt, G. Adam, H. Ittrich, and T. Knopp (2016). Real-time 3D MPI-guided angioplasty using an MRI road map and blood pool agent approach: next steps towards interventional MPI. Insights into Imaging. 7. (1), 425 [doi] [www]

  • J. Salamon, M. Hofmann, C. Jung, M.G. Kaul, F. Werner, K. Them, R. Reimer, P. Nielsen, A. vom Scheidt, G. Adam,T. Knopp, and H. Ittrich (2016). Magnetic Particle / Magnetic Resonance Imaging: In-Vitro MPI-Guided Real Time Catheter Tracking and 4D Angioplasty Using a Road Map and Blood Pool Tracer Approach. PLoS ONE. 11. (6), [doi]

Online Reconstruction
Magnetic Particle Imaging

Online Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging

MPI is an imaging modality that provides very high acquisition rates with up to 46 volumes per second. However, in practice in order to show images of the SPIO distribution directly on the screen it is equally important that the data reconstruction is fast enough to handle the incoming raw data from the receiver unit. Within this project we develop efficient algorithms that allow to reconstruct the SPIO distribution in near real-time such that the reconstructed images can be shown directly on the acquisition computer.


  • D. Weller, J. M. Salamon, A. Frölich, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and R. Werner (2019). Combining Direct 3D Volume Rendering and Magnetic Particle Imaging to Advance Radiation-Free Real-Time 3D Guidance of Vascular Interventions. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Möddel, L. Schmiester, W. Erb, T. Hauswald, and T. Knopp (2018). Direct Reconstruction of Lissajous MPI Data using Chebyshev Compressed System Matrices.

  • L. Schmiester, M. Möddel, W. Erb, and T. Knopp (2017). Direct Image Reconstruction of Lissajous Type Magnetic Particle Imaging Data using Chebyshev-based Matrix Compression. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. [Abstract] [doi]

  • T. Knopp and M. Hofmann (2016). Online reconstruction of 3D magnetic particle imaging data. Phys. Med. Biol.. 61. (11), N257–N267

  • T. Knopp and A. Weber (2015). Local System Matrix Compression for Efficient Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging. Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2015. (Article {ID} 472818), 7pp