Artyom Tsanda, M.Sc.

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Sektion für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Lottestraße 55
2ter Stock, Raum 203
22529 Hamburg
- Postanschrift -

Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Institut für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Gebäude E, Raum 4.044
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 7410 25811
E-Mail: artyom.tsanda(at)
E-Mail: a.tsanda.ext(at)

Research Interests

  • Magnetic Particle Imaging

Curriculum Vitae

Journal Publications

  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). Dose robustness of deep learning models for anatomic segmentation of computed tomography images. Journal of Medical Imaging. 11. (4), 044005 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

Conference Publications

  • A. Tsanda, K. Scheffler, S. Reiss, and T. Knopp (2025). Denoising the system matrix with deep neural networks for better MPI reconstructions. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi] [www] [BibTex]

  • A. Tsanda, S. Khalid, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2025). Neural implicit representations for grid-agnostic MPI reconstructions. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi] [www] [BibTex]

  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). Learning CT Segmentation from Label Masks Only. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2024). [Abstract] [www] [BibTex]

  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). On TotalSegmentator’s performance on low-dose CT images. Medical Imaging 2024: Image Processing. 12926. 129260B [Abstract] [doi] [www] [BibTex]

  • A. Tsanda, P. Jürß, N. Hackelberg, M. Grosser, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Extension of the Kaczmarz algorithm with a deep plug-and-play regularizer. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www] [BibTex]

  • N. Hackelberg, M. Grosser, A. Tsanda, F. Mohn, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). RegularizedLeastSquares.jl: Modality Agnostic Julia Package for Solving Regularized Least Squares Problems. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [BibTex]

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