Jonas Faltinath, M.Sc.

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Sektion für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Lottestraße 55
2ter Stock, Raum 203
22529 Hamburg
- Postanschrift -

Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Institut für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Gebäude E, Raum 4.044
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg

Tel.:      040 / 7410 25812



Research Interests

  • Magneto-Mechanical Resonators
  • Tomographic Imaging
  • Magnetic Particle Imaging


Curriculum Vitae

Jonas Faltinath is a PhD student in the group of Prof. Tobias Knopp for Biomedical Imaging at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Hamburg University of Technology. During his study at the University of Hamburg, he worked mainly in the field of quantum optics resulting in the Master's thesis "Strongly Correlated Fermi Gases in Two and Three Dimensions" at the Institute of Laserphysics. For this thesis that presents a flexible set-up used for trapping and cooling of an ultracold quantum gas in different dimensions, he was awarded with the "Otto Stern-Preis". After that, he performed a one-year research stay at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland investigating an optical and non-destructive tomographic imaging modality on a quantum gas inside a high-finesse cavity. His current research focuses on the development of sensors based on the magneto-mechanical resonators platform as well as the emerging modality of magnetic particle imaging.

Journal Publications

  • F. Foerger, M. Boberg, J. Faltinath, T. Knopp, M. Möddel (2024). Design and Optimization of a Magnetic Field Generator for Magnetic Particle Imaging with Soft Magnetic Materials. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 6. (11), [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Orsi, N. Sauerwein, R. P. Bhatt, J. Faltinath, E. Fedotova, N. Reiter, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, and J.-P. Brantut (2024). Cavity Microscope for Micrometer-Scale Control of Atom-Photon Interactions. PRX Quantum. 5. (4), 040333 [Abstract] [doi] [www]