Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Knopp

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Sektion für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Lottestraße 55
2ter Stock, Raum 209
22529 Hamburg
- Postanschrift -

Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Institut für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Gebäude E, Raum 4.044
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 / 7410 56794
Fax: 040 / 7410 45811
E-Mail: t.knopp(at)
E-Mail: tobias.knopp(at)



  • Head of the Institute for Biomedical Imaging
  • Editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IJMPI)

Consulting Hours

  • On appointment

Research Interests

  • Tomographic Imaging
  • Image Reconstruction
  • Signal- and Image Processing
  • Magnetic Particle Imaging

Curriculum Vitae

Tobias Knopp received his Diplom degree in computer science in 2007 and his PhD in 2010, both from the University of Lübeck with highest distinction. For his PHD on the tomographic imaging method Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) he was awarded with the Klee award from the DGBMT (VDE) in 2011. From 2010 until 2011 he led the MAPIT project at the University of Lübeck and published the first scientific book on MPI. In 2011 he joined Bruker Biospin to work on the first commercially available MPI system. From 2012 until 2014 he worked at Thorlabs in the field of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) as a software developer. In 2014 he has been appointed as Professor for experimental Biomedical Imaging at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Hamburg University of Technology.



  • D. Durán, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2025). Efficient Iterative Reconstruction for an MPI Equilibrium Model with Anisotropy. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [doi]

  • K. Scheffler, F. Foerger, and T. Knopp (2025). Experimental Study on Efficient Field Measurement using Ellipsoidal Harmonics. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [doi]

  • N. Hackelberg, J. Ackers, F. Mohn, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2025). Software Implementation of Greedy Optimized MPS Sequences. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • N. Hackelberg, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2025). GPU Accelerated Multi-Patch Reconstruction. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Suskin, F. Foerger, P. Jürß, M. Boberg, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2025). Power-Efficient Control of Non-LinearMagnetic Field Generators for MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • S. Reiss, F. Thieben, J. Faltinath, T. Knopp, M. Boberg (2025). Model-Based Reconstruction in MPI accounting for Field Imperfections. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • J. Dora, M. Möddel, S. Flenner, J. Reimers, B. Zeller-Plumhoff, C. G. Schroer, T. Knopp, and J. Hagemann (2025). Model-based autofocus for near-field phase retrieval. Optics Express. 33. (4), 6641-6657 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2025). Unique compact representation of magnetic fields using truncated solid harmonic expansions. European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 1-28 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, L. Meyn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2025). Efficient measurement and representation of magnetic fields in tomographic imaging using ellipsoidal harmonics. Communications Physics. 8. (112), [Abstract] [doi]

  • A. Tsanda, K. Scheffler, S. Reiss, and T. Knopp (2025). Denoising the system matrix with deep neural networks for better MPI reconstructions. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • A. Tsanda, S. Khalid, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2025). Neural implicit representations for grid-agnostic MPI reconstructions. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Foerger, P. Jürß, M. Boberg, T. Hau, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2025). Current-to-Field Prediction for Non-Linear Magnetic Systems via Neural Networks. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Jürß, C. Droigk, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2025). TrainingPhantoms.jl: Simple and Versatile Image Phantom Generation. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 11. (1 Suppl 1), 1-2 [Abstract] [doi] [www]


  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). Learning CT Segmentation from Label Masks Only. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2024). [Abstract] [www]

  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). Dose robustness of deep learning models for anatomic segmentation of computed tomography images. Journal of Medical Imaging. 11. (4), 044005 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • N. Hackelberg, M. Grosser, A. Tsanda, F. Mohn, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). RegularizedLeastSquares.jl: Modality Agnostic Julia Package for Solving Regularized Least Squares Problems. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi]

  • M. Möddel, L. Jensen, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2024). Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Elongated Multi-Patch Sequences in Magnetic Particle Imaging. 13th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2024). 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-1 [Abstract] [www]

  • M. Maass, C. Droigk, H. Albers, K. Scheffler, A. Mertins, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp (2024). Magnetic particle imaging with non-oriented immobilized particles. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi]

  • M. Grosser, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Exploiting the Fourier Neural Operator for Parameter Identification in MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi]

  • L. Nawwas, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Multi-contrast MPI channel leakage reduction using a two-step measurement and reconstruction method. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • L. Nawwas, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Influence of the System Matrix on Channel Leakage Artifacts in Multi-Contrast MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, L. Meyn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Ellipsoidal Harmonic Expansions for Efficient Approximation of Magnetic Fields in Medical Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi]

  • T. Kluth, H. Albers, M. Maass, C. Droigk, M. Boberg, F. Thieben, K. Scheffler, and T. Knopp (2024). Recent Progress in Model-Based Reconstruction using Approximate Particle Models and low Calibration Effort. 13th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2024). 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-1 [Abstract] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Foerger, F. Mohn, N. Hackelberg, M. Boberg, J.-P. Scheel, Möddel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2024). System Characterization of a Human-Sized 3D Real-Time Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner for Cerebral Applications. Communications Engineering. 3. (1), 47 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, P. Szwargulski, M. G. Kaul, M. Graeser, T. Mummert, K. M. Krishnan, T. Knopp, G. Adam, J. Salamon, and C. Riedel (2024). In Vitro Detection of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Using Single- and Multi-Contrast MPI. 10. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, K. Scheffler, J. Ackers, A. Weimer, F. Wegner, F. Thieben, M. Ahlborg, P. Vogel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2024). Characterization of the Clinically Approved MRI Tracer Resotran for Magnetic Particle Imaging in a Comparison Study. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 69. (13), 135014 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, F. Foerger, F. Thieben, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2024). Trade-off between Power Consumption and Receive Signal Strength for Inductively Coupled Transmit-Receive Circuits in MPI. 10. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, F. Foerger, F. Thieben, M. Möddel, I. Schmale, T. Knopp and M. Graeser (2024). Resonant Inductive Coupling Network for Human-Sized Magnetic Particle Imaging. Review of Scientific Instruments. 95. (4), 044701 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Foerger, N. Hackelberg, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, F. Thieben, F. Mohn, and T. Knopp (2024). Single-Shot Magnetic Field Measurements for MPI. 13th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2024). 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-1 [Abstract] [www]

  • F. Foerger, M. Boberg, J. Faltinath, T. Knopp, M. Möddel (2024). Design and Optimization of a Magnetic Field Generator for Magnetic Particle Imaging with Soft Magnetic Materials. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 6. (11), [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • A. Tsanda, H. Nickisch, T. Wissel, T. Klinder, T. Knopp, and M. Grass (2024). On TotalSegmentator’s performance on low-dose CT images. Medical Imaging 2024: Image Processing. 12926. 129260B [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2024). Solving the MPI reconstruction problem with automatically tuned regularization parameters. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 69. (4), [Abstract] [doi]

  • A. Tsanda, P. Jürß, N. Hackelberg, M. Grosser, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Extension of the Kaczmarz algorithm with a deep plug-and-play regularizer. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • J. Dora, M. Möddel, S. Flenner, C. G. Schroer, T. Knopp, and J. Hagemann (2024). Artifact-suppressing reconstruction of strongly interacting objects in X-ray near-field holography without a spatial support constraint. Optics Express. 32. (7), 10801-10828 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • L. Nawwas, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2024). Sparse Kaczmarz for Convergence Speed-up in Multi-Contrast Magnetic Particle Imaging. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). (1-4), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi]

  • M. Maass, T. Kluth, C. Droigk, H. Albers, K. Scheffler, A. Mertins, and T. Knopp (2024). Equilibrium Model With Anisotropy for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 10. 1588 - 1601 [Abstract] [doi]

  • L. Nawwas, M. Möddel and T. Knopp (2024). Analysis of leakage artifacts and their impact on convergence of algebraic reconstruction in multi-contrast magnetic particle imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 69. (21), 1-15 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, H. Albers, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp (2024). Experimental Parameter Calibration of the Scanner Model for Model-Based MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 10. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]


  • T. Knopp, P. Jürß, and M. Grosser (2023). A Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Image Reconstruction in MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2023). Hands-free Reconstruction for MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp, M. Boberg, and M. Grosser (2023). NFFT.jl: Generic and Fast Julia Implementation of the Nonequidistant Fast Fourier Transform. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 45. (3), C179-C205 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp, H. Albers, M. Grosser, M. Möddel, and T. Kluth (2023). Exploiting the Fourier Neural Operator for faster magnetization model evaluations based on the Fokker-Planck equation. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • N. Hackelberg, J. Schumacher, J. Ackers, M. Möddel, F. Foerger, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2023). MPIMeasurements.jl: An Extensible Julia Framework for Composable Magnetic Particle Imaging Devices. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Möddel, A. Schlömerkemper, T. Knopp, and T. Kluth (2023). Limitations of current MPI models in the context of fluid dynamics. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2023). Reducing displacement artifacts in multi-patch magnetic particle imaging. 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023). 05026 [Abstract] [www]

  • M. Boberg, J. Hunecke, F. Thieben, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2023). MPI Transfer-Function Estimation with Receive-Coil Coupling. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Grosser, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2023). Sparsifying system matrices by combined usage of compressed sensing and extrapolation. 12th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2023). 1-1 [Abstract] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, F. Thieben, F. Mohn, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2023). MPI Signal Performance of Resotran. 12th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2023). 1-1 [Abstract] [www]

  • H. Albers, F. Thieben, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, T. Knopp, and T. Kluth (2023). Model-based Calibration and Image Reconstruction with Immobilized Nanoparticles. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-5 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, T. Knopp, M. Boberg, F. Foerger, M.Graeser, and M. Möddel (2023). On the Receive Path Calibration of Magnetic Particle Imaging Systems. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 72. 1-15 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Mickoleit, S. Tessaro, P. Ludewig, D. Schüler, J.R. Garbayo, R. Uebe, and T. Knopp (2023). Development of Optimized Magnetic Particle Imaging Tracers Utilizing Genetically Engineered Magnetosomes. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Mohn, P. Szwargulski, M. G. Kaul, M. Graeser, T. Mummert, K. M. Krishnan, T. Knopp, G. Adam, J. Salamon and C. Riedel (2023). Real-Time Multi-Contrast Magnetic Particle Imaging for the Detection of Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Scientific Reports. 13. (1), 22976 [Abstract] [doi]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2023). Extrapolation of System Matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 42. (4), 1121 - 1132 [Abstract] [pdf] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, M. Exner, P. Szwargulski, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2023). Saline bolus for negative contrast perfusion imaging in magnetic particle imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 68. (17), 5026 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, M. Exner, P. Szwargulski, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2023). Using Negative Bolus in Dynamic MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI. 9.(1). [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • J. Ackers, F. Mohn, N. Hackelberg, T. Knopp, T.M. Buzug, and M. Graeser (2023). Model-based voltage predictions for arbitrary waveform excitation in Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI. 9.(1). [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, T. Knopp, M. Boberg, F. Foerger, M. Graeser, and M. Möddel (2023). The pitfalls of receive path calibration. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI. 9. (1 Suppl 1), [Abstract] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, N. Hackelberg, J.-P. Scheel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2023). Safe and Rapid 3D Imaging: Upgrade of a Human-Sized Brain MPI System. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1 Suppl 1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Foerger, N. Hackelberg, M. Boberg, J.-P. Scheel, F. Thieben, L. Mirzojan, F. Mohn, M. Möddel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2023). Flexible Selection Field Generation using Iron Core Coil Arrays. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 9. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]


  • F. Foerger, J.-P. Scheel, F. Thieben, F. Mohn, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2022). Multi-Channel Current Control System for Coupled Multi-Coil Arrays. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • L. Moor, S. Scheibler, L. Gerken, K. Scheffler, F. Thieben, T. Knopp, I. K. Herrmann, and F. H. L. Starsich (2022). Particle interactions and their effect on magnetic particle spectroscopy and imaging. Nanoscale. [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Szwargulski, T. Knopp, M. Boberg, J. Salamon, V. Scheitenberger, T. Göttsche, R. Linemann, F. Wegner, T. Friedrich, J. Barkhausen, T. M. Buzug, and M. Ahlborg (2022). First Complex Trials Using a Dedicated Balloon Catheter for Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Ludewig, M. Graeser, N. D. Forkert, F. Thieben, J. Rández-Garbayo, J. Rieckhoff, K. Lessmann, F. Foerger, P. Szwargulski, T. Magnus, and T. Knopp (2022). Magnetic particle imaging for assessment of cerebral perfusion and ischemia. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • N. Hackelberg, J. Schumacher, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2022). A Flexible High-Performance Signal Generation and Digitization Plattform based on Low-Cost Hardware. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, N. Gdaniec, M. Möddel, P. Szwargulski, and T. Knopp (2022). Suppression of Motion Artifacts in Multi-Patch Magnetic Particle Imaging of a Phantom with Periodic Motion. SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS22). [Abstract]

  • M. Boberg and T. Knopp (2022). Two-Step Reconstruction with Spatially Adaptive Regularization for Increasing the Dynamic Range in MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg and T. Knopp (2022). Two-Step Reconstruction of Widely Differing Particle Concentrations in Magnetic Particle Imaging. 4th Workshop Women in Optimization. [www]

  • L. Nawwas, M. Grosser, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2022). Accelerated Kaczmarz for Convergence Speed-up in Multi-Contrast Magnetic Particle Imaging. 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • L. Moor, S. Scheibler, L. Gerken, K. Scheffler, F. Thieben, T. Knopp, I. Herrmann, and F. Starsich (2022). MPI tracer interactions and their effect on signal stability. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Foerger, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, J.-P. Scheel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2022). Low-Power Iron Selection and Focus Field Generator. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2022). Boundary artifact reduction by extrapolating system matrices outside the field-of-view in joint multi-patch MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, M. Boberg, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2022). Efficient 3D Drive-Field Characterization for Magnetic Particle Imaging Systems. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, T. Liebing, M. Graeser, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2022). Algorithmic Channel Decoupling for Misaligned Receive Coils in Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-4 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Foerger, F. Mohn, F. Sevecke, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2022). Heat it up: Thermal stabilization by active heating to reduce impedance drifts in capacitive matched networks. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (1), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Mohn, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2022). Role of Phase Encoding in Pulsed Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8.(1) [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp and M. Grosser (2022). Warmstart Approach for Accelerating Deep Image Prior Reconstruction in Dynamic Tomography. [www]

  • H. Albers, T. Knopp, M. Möddel, M. Boberg, and T. Kluth (2022). Modeling the magnetization dynamics for large ensembles of immobilized magnetic nanoparticles in multi-dimensional magnetic particle imaging. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 543. 168534 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • I. Molwitz, G. M. Campbell, J. Yamamura, T. Knopp, K. Toedter, R. Fischer, Z. J. Wang, A. Busch, A.-K. Ozga, S. Zhang, T. Lindner, F. Sevecke, M. Grosser, G. Adam, and P. Szwargulski (2022). Fat Quantification in Dual-Layer Detector Spectral Computed Tomography: Experimental Development and First In-Patient Validation. Investigative Radiology. 57. (7), 463-469 [Abstract] [doi] [www] [pmid]

  • F. Mohn, T. Knopp, M. Boberg, F. Thieben, P. Szwargulski, and M. Graeser (2022). System Matrix Based Reconstruction for Pulsed Sequences in Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 41. (7), 1862-1873 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Ahlborg, T. Friedrich, T. Göttsche, V. Scheitenberger, R. Linemann, M. Wattenberg, A. T. Buessen, T. Knopp, P. Szwargulski, M. G. Kaul, J. Salamon, T. M. Buzug, J. Barkhausen, F. Wegner (2022). First Dedicated Balloon Catheter for Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. [Abstract] [doi] [www] [pmid]


  • I. M. Baltruschat, P. Szwargulski, F. Griese, M. Grosser, R. Werner, and T. Knopp (2021). Reduktion der Kalibrierungszeit für die Magnetpartikelbildgebung mittels Deep Learning. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021: Proceedings, German Workshop on Medical Image Computing. 337-337

  • L. Nawwas, C. Brandt, P. Szwargulski, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2021). Reduction of bias for sparsity promoting regularization in MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 7. (2), 1-13 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Grosser and T. Knopp (2021). Fast Image Reconstruction for Non-Cartesian Acquisitions in the Presence of B0-inhomogeneities. Proc. ISMRM 2021.

  • M. Grosser and T. Knopp (2021). Optimized sampling patterns for the sparse recovery of system matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 7. (2), 1-15 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Grosser, T. Knopp (2021). Efficient Optimization Of MRI Sampling Patterns Using The Bayesian Fisher Information Matrix. IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). 234-237

  • T. Knopp, M. Grosser, M. Graeser, T. Gerkmann, and M. Möddel (2021). Efficient Joint Estimation of Tracer Distribution and Background Signals in Magnetic Particle Imaging using a Dictionary Approach. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. accepted [www]

  • T. Knopp, M. Grosser, M. Graeser, T. Gerkmann, M. Möddel (2021). Dictionary-Based Background Signal Estimation For Magnetic Particle Imaging.

  • M. Boberg, N. Gdaniec, P. Szwargulski, F. Werner, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2021). Simultaneous imaging of widely differing particle concentrations in MPI: problem statement and algorithmic proposal for improvement. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 66. (9), 095004 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Lieb and T. Knopp (2021). A Wavelet Based Sparse Row-Action Method for Image Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging. Medical Physics. published online [Abstract] [pdf] [doi] [www]

  • M. Möddel, F. Griese, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp (2021). Estimating the Spatial Orientation of Immobilized Magnetic Nanoparticles with Parallel-Aligned Easy Axes. Phys. Rev. Applied. 16. L041003 [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp and M. Grosser (2021). MRIReco.jl: An MRI Reconstruction Framework written in Julia. Magn. Reson. Med.. 86. (3), 1633-1646 [doi] [www]


  • A. A. Ozaslan, A. R. Cagil, M. Graeser, T. Knopp, E. U. Saritas (2020). Design of a Magnetostimulation Head Coil with Rutherford Cable Winding. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6. (2), [Abstract]

  • A. Antonelli, P. Szwargulski, E. Scarpa, C. Grüttner, L. Guidi, G. Ambrosi, T. Knopp, M. Magnani (2020). Encapsulation of new MPI tracer nanoparticles in the human red blood cells. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6. (2), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Foerger, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2020). Iron core coil designs for MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6. (2), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Griese, P. Ludewig, C. Gruettner, F. Thieben, K. Müller, T. Knopp (2020). Quasi-simultaneous magnetic particle imaging and navigation of nanomag/synomag-D particles in bifurcation flow experiments. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6. (2), [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, M. Boberg, P. Szwargulski, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2020). Gradient power reducing using pulsed selection-field sequences. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 6. (2), 1-3 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Griese, T. Knopp, C. Gruettner, F. Thieben, K. Müller, S. Loges, P. Ludewig, N. Gdaniec (2020). Simultaneous Magnetic Particle Imaging and Navigation of large superparamagnetic nanoparticles in bifurcation flow experiments. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 498. 166206 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • A. Antonelli, P. Szwargulski, E. S. Scarpa, F. Thieben, C. Grüttner, G. Ambrosi, L. Guidi, P. Ludewig, T. Knopp and M. Magnani (2020). Development of long circulating magnetic particle imaging tracers: use of novel magnetic nanoparticles and entrapment into human erythrocytesDevelopment of long circulating magnetic particle imaging tracers: use of novel magnetic nanoparticles and entrapm. Nanomedicine. 15. (8), 739-753 [Abstract] [www]

  • D. Weller, J. M. Salamon, A. Frölich, M. Möddel, T. Knopp and R. Werner (2020). Combining Direct 3D Volume Rendering and Magnetic Particle Imaging to Advance Radiation-Free Real-Time 3D Guidance of Vascular Interventions. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. 43. (2), 322-330 [Abstract] [pdf] [www]

  • F. Griese, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, M. Graeser, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer and T. Knopp (2020). In-Vitro MPI-guided IVOCT catheter tracking in real time for motion artifact compensation. Plos one. 20. (3), e0230821 [Abstract] [pdf] [www]