[191958] |
Title: Power-Efficient Control of Non-LinearMagnetic Field Generators for MPI. |
Written by: P. Suskin, F. Foerger, P. Jürß, M. Boberg, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. (2025). |
Volume: <strong>11</strong>. Number: (1 Suppl 1), |
on pages: 1-2 |
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18416/IJMPI.2025.2503023 |
URL: https://www.journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/903 |
Note: inproceedings, magneticfield, ml
Abstract: The scaling of electrical power constitutes a significant challenge when adapting Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) to a human scale. The use of coils incorporating soft-iron cores serves to reduce power usage, but also introduces spatial imperfections and non-linearities in the current-to-field relationship. This study proposes methodologies for the control of the magnetic field output of a system comprising 18 coils, subject to the influence of saturated iron. In particular, we integrate current sequence optimization with neural network-based predictions for field and gradient values, thereby enabling the precise and power-optimal generation of magnetic fields. The proposed framework for controlling non-linear magnetic field generators represents a significant advancement in MPI technology, paving the way for the development of human-scale, power-efficient medical imaging solutions.