[191176] |
Title: Experimental Parameter Calibration of the Scanner Model for Model-Based MPI. |
Written by: F. Thieben, H. Albers, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. mar (2024). |
Volume: <strong>10</strong>. Number: (1 Suppl 1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
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DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2024.2403025 |
URL: https://www.journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/722 |
Note: inproceedings
Abstract: Model-based reconstruction is still one of the key challenges in magnetic particle imaging (MPI) when using multi-dimensional Lissajous-type excitation. Besides an appropriate particle model, the model of the MPI system for signal generation and reception has a major impact on the modeled system matrix. We outline the influence of the latter MPI scanner parameters on the system matrix pattern and review methods to calibrate each parameter.
[191176] |
Title: Experimental Parameter Calibration of the Scanner Model for Model-Based MPI. |
Written by: F. Thieben, H. Albers, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. mar (2024). |
Volume: <strong>10</strong>. Number: (1 Suppl 1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2024.2403025 |
URL: https://www.journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/722 |
Note: inproceedings
Abstract: Model-based reconstruction is still one of the key challenges in magnetic particle imaging (MPI) when using multi-dimensional Lissajous-type excitation. Besides an appropriate particle model, the model of the MPI system for signal generation and reception has a major impact on the modeled system matrix. We outline the influence of the latter MPI scanner parameters on the system matrix pattern and review methods to calibrate each parameter.
[191176] |
Title: Experimental Parameter Calibration of the Scanner Model for Model-Based MPI. |
Written by: F. Thieben, H. Albers, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. mar (2024). |
Volume: <strong>10</strong>. Number: (1 Suppl 1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2024.2403025 |
URL: https://www.journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/722 |
Note: inproceedings
Abstract: Model-based reconstruction is still one of the key challenges in magnetic particle imaging (MPI) when using multi-dimensional Lissajous-type excitation. Besides an appropriate particle model, the model of the MPI system for signal generation and reception has a major impact on the modeled system matrix. We outline the influence of the latter MPI scanner parameters on the system matrix pattern and review methods to calibrate each parameter.
[191176] |
Title: Experimental Parameter Calibration of the Scanner Model for Model-Based MPI. |
Written by: F. Thieben, H. Albers, F. Mohn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, K. Scheffler, M. Möddel, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. mar (2024). |
Volume: <strong>10</strong>. Number: (1 Suppl 1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2024.2403025 |
URL: https://www.journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/722 |
Note: inproceedings
Abstract: Model-based reconstruction is still one of the key challenges in magnetic particle imaging (MPI) when using multi-dimensional Lissajous-type excitation. Besides an appropriate particle model, the model of the MPI system for signal generation and reception has a major impact on the modeled system matrix. We outline the influence of the latter MPI scanner parameters on the system matrix pattern and review methods to calibrate each parameter.