[164735] |
Title: Two-Step Reconstruction with Spatially Adaptive Regularization for Increasing the Dynamic Range in MPI. |
Written by: M. Boberg and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. (2022). |
Volume: <strong>8</strong>. Number: (1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
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DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203044 |
URL: https://journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/390 |
Note: inproceedings, artifact
Abstract: Magnetic particle imaging is capable of determining very small concentrations of particles if only a single concentration is present in the field-of-view. Meanwhile the determination of particles with widely differing concentrations is still challenging. In a recent work, we introduced a two-step reconstruction method that tackles this problem by isolating the signal of the lower concentrated tracer for a separate reconstruction. In this work, we adapt the two-step reconstruction method in order to apply a joint reconstruction to the entire signal of all particle concentrations. This is achieved by spatially adaptive Tikhonov regularization.
[164735] |
Title: Two-Step Reconstruction with Spatially Adaptive Regularization for Increasing the Dynamic Range in MPI. |
Written by: M. Boberg and T. Knopp |
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging</em>. (2022). |
Volume: <strong>8</strong>. Number: (1), |
on pages: 1-4 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: |
Address: |
Edition: |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2022.2203044 |
URL: https://journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/390 |
Note: inproceedings, artifact
Abstract: Magnetic particle imaging is capable of determining very small concentrations of particles if only a single concentration is present in the field-of-view. Meanwhile the determination of particles with widely differing concentrations is still challenging. In a recent work, we introduced a two-step reconstruction method that tackles this problem by isolating the signal of the lower concentrated tracer for a separate reconstruction. In this work, we adapt the two-step reconstruction method in order to apply a joint reconstruction to the entire signal of all particle concentrations. This is achieved by spatially adaptive Tikhonov regularization.