Fynn Förger, M. Sc.

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Sektion für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Lottestraße 55
2ter Stock, Raum 203
22529 Hamburg
- Postanschrift -

Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Institut für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Gebäude E, Raum 4.044
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 / 7410 25812
E-Mail: fynn.foerger(at)tuhh.de
E-Mail: f.foerger(at)uke.de
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3865-4603

Research Interests

  • Magnetic Particle Imaging

Curriculum Vitae

Fynn Förger studied physics at the University of Hamburg between 2012 and 2018. He received his master's degree with distiction on his thesis "Manipulation und Abbildung ultrakalter Fermigase". Currently, he is a PhD student in the group of Tobias Knopp for experimental Biomedical Imaging at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Hamburg University of Technology.

Journal Publications

Title: Efficient measurement and representation of magnetic fields in tomographic imaging using ellipsoidal harmonics.
Written by: K. Scheffler, L. Meyn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp
in: <em>Communications Physics</em>. January (2025).
Volume: <strong>8</strong>. Number: (112),
on pages:
Publisher: Nature:
how published:
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-025-02012-5


Note: article, openaccess, magneticfield

Abstract: Given the pivotal role of magnetic fields in modern medicine, there is an increasing necessity for a precise characterization of their strength and orientation at high spatial and temporal resolution. As source-free magnetic fields present in tomographic imaging can be described by harmonic polynomials, they can be efficiently represented using spherical harmonic expansions, which allows for measurement at a small set of points on a sphere surrounding the field of view. However, the majority of closed-bore systems possess a cylindrical field of view, making a sphere an inadequate choice for coverage. Ellipsoids represent a superior geometrical choice, and the theory of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions can be applied to magnetic fields in an analogous manner. Despite the mathematical principles underpinning ellipsoidal harmonics being well-established, their utilization in practical applications remains relatively limited. In this study, we present an effective and flexible approach to measuring and representing magnetic fields present in tomographic imaging, which draws upon the theory of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions.

Conference Proceedings

Title: Efficient measurement and representation of magnetic fields in tomographic imaging using ellipsoidal harmonics.
Written by: K. Scheffler, L. Meyn, F. Foerger, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp
in: <em>Communications Physics</em>. January (2025).
Volume: <strong>8</strong>. Number: (112),
on pages:
Publisher: Nature:
how published:
DOI: 10.1038/s42005-025-02012-5


Note: article, openaccess, magneticfield

Abstract: Given the pivotal role of magnetic fields in modern medicine, there is an increasing necessity for a precise characterization of their strength and orientation at high spatial and temporal resolution. As source-free magnetic fields present in tomographic imaging can be described by harmonic polynomials, they can be efficiently represented using spherical harmonic expansions, which allows for measurement at a small set of points on a sphere surrounding the field of view. However, the majority of closed-bore systems possess a cylindrical field of view, making a sphere an inadequate choice for coverage. Ellipsoids represent a superior geometrical choice, and the theory of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions can be applied to magnetic fields in an analogous manner. Despite the mathematical principles underpinning ellipsoidal harmonics being well-established, their utilization in practical applications remains relatively limited. In this study, we present an effective and flexible approach to measuring and representing magnetic fields present in tomographic imaging, which draws upon the theory of ellipsoidal harmonic expansions.