Open Access Publications

The Institute's work is published in both traditional journals (e.g. the prestigious imaging journal IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging) and open access journals. For traditional journals, a preprint is uploaded to ArXiv whenever possible to make the research results freely available.

In addition, Tobias Knopp, as Editor-in-Chief, has founded a new scientific Open Access journal, which makes all articles available under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY-4.0). The International Journal on MagneticParticle Imaging (IJMPI) was founded in 2015 and publishes new research developments within the MPI community.

Open Access Publications

  • J. Dora, M. Möddel, S. Flenner, J. Reimers, B. Zeller-Plumhoff, C. G. Schroer, T. Knopp, and J. Hagemann (2025). Model-based autofocus for near-field phase retrieval. Optics Express. 33. (4), 6641-6657 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, T. Knopp, and M. Möddel (2025). Unique compact representation of magnetic fields using truncated solid harmonic expansions. European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 1-28 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Mohn, F. Foerger, F. Thieben, M. Möddel, I. Schmale, T. Knopp and M. Graeser (2024). Resonant Inductive Coupling Network for Human-Sized Magnetic Particle Imaging. Review of Scientific Instruments. 95. (4), 044701 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, K. Scheffler, J. Ackers, A. Weimer, F. Wegner, F. Thieben, M. Ahlborg, P. Vogel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2024). Characterization of the Clinically Approved MRI Tracer Resotran for Magnetic Particle Imaging in a Comparison Study. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 69. (13), 135014 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Orsi, N. Sauerwein, R. P. Bhatt, J. Faltinath, E. Fedotova, N. Reiter, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, and J.-P. Brantut (2024). Cavity Microscope for Micrometer-Scale Control of Atom-Photon Interactions. PRX Quantum. 5. (4), 040333 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • F. Thieben, F. Foerger, F. Mohn, N. Hackelberg, M. Boberg, J.-P. Scheel, Möddel, M. Graeser, and T. Knopp (2024). System Characterization of a Human-Sized 3D Real-Time Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner for Cerebral Applications. Communications Engineering. 3. (1), 47 [Abstract] [doi]

  • J. Dora, M. Möddel, S. Flenner, C. G. Schroer, T. Knopp, and J. Hagemann (2024). Artifact-suppressing reconstruction of strongly interacting objects in X-ray near-field holography without a spatial support constraint. Optics Express. 32. (7), 10801-10828 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2024). Solving the MPI reconstruction problem with automatically tuned regularization parameters. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 69. (4), [Abstract] [doi]

  • M. Maass, T. Kluth, C. Droigk, H. Albers, K. Scheffler, A. Mertins, and T. Knopp (2024). Equilibrium Model With Anisotropy for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 10. 1588 - 1601 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, M. Exner, P. Szwargulski, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser (2023). Saline bolus for negative contrast perfusion imaging in magnetic particle imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 68. (17), 5026 [Abstract] [doi]

  • F. Mohn, P. Szwargulski, M. G. Kaul, M. Graeser, T. Mummert, K. M. Krishnan, T. Knopp, G. Adam, J. Salamon and C. Riedel (2023). Real-Time Multi-Contrast Magnetic Particle Imaging for the Detection of Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Scientific Reports. 13. (1), 22976 [Abstract] [doi]

  • K. Scheffler, M. Boberg, and T. Knopp (2023). Extrapolation of System Matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 42. (4), 1121 - 1132 [Abstract] [pdf] [doi]

  • T. Knopp, M. Boberg, and M. Grosser (2023). NFFT.jl: Generic and Fast Julia Implementation of the Nonequidistant Fast Fourier Transform. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 45. (3), C179-C205 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • L. Zdun, M. Boberg, and C. Brandt (2022). Joint multi-patch reconstruction: fast and improved results by stochastic optimization. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 8. (2), 1-8 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Ludewig, M. Graeser, N. D. Forkert, F. Thieben, J. Rández-Garbayo, J. Rieckhoff, K. Lessmann, F. Foerger, P. Szwargulski, T. Magnus, and T. Knopp (2022). Magnetic particle imaging for assessment of cerebral perfusion and ischemia. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, N. Gdaniec, P. Szwargulski, F. Werner, M. Möddel, and T. Knopp (2021). Simultaneous imaging of widely differing particle concentrations in MPI: problem statement and algorithmic proposal for improvement. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 66. (9), 095004 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Grosser and T. Knopp (2021). Optimized sampling patterns for the sparse recovery of system matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 7. (2), 1-15 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • M. Möddel, F. Griese, T. Kluth, and T. Knopp (2021). Estimating the Spatial Orientation of Immobilized Magnetic Nanoparticles with Parallel-Aligned Easy Axes. Phys. Rev. Applied. 16. L041003 [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp and M. Grosser (2021). MRIReco.jl: An MRI Reconstruction Framework written in Julia. Magn. Reson. Med.. 86. (3), 1633-1646 [doi] [www]

  • M. Boberg, T. Knopp, P. Szwargulski, and M. Möddel (2020). Generalized MPI Multi-Patch Reconstruction using Clusters of similar System Matrices. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 39. (5), 1347-1358 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • N. Gdaniec, M. Boberg, M. Möddel, P. Szwargulski, and T. Knopp (2020). Suppression of Motion Artifacts Caused by Temporally Recurring Tracer Distributions in Multi-Patch Magnetic Particle Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 39. (11), 3548-3558 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Szwargulski, M. Wilmes, E. Javidi, F. Thieben, M. Graeser, M. Koch, C. Gruettner, G. Adam, C. Gerhard, T. Magnus, T. Knopp, and P. Ludewig (2020). Monitoring Intracranial Cerebral Hemorrhage Using Multicontrast Real-Time Magnetic Particle Imaging. ACS Nano. 14. (10), 13913-13923 [Abstract] [doi] [www] [pmid]

  • M. Graeser, F. Thieben, P. Szwargulski, F. Werner, N. Gdaniec, M. Boberg, F. Griese, M. Möddel, P. Ludewig, D. van de Ven, O.M. Weber, O. Woywode, B. Gleich, and T. Knopp (2019). Human-sized Magnetic Particle Imaging for Brain Applications. Nature Communications. 10. (1936), 1-9 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Kluth, P. Szwargulski, and T. Knopp (2019). Towards accurate modeling of the multidimensional magnetic particle imaging physics. New Journal of Physics. 21. (10), 103032 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp, M. Möddel, F. Griese, F. Werner, P. Szwargulski, N. Gdaniec, and M. Boberg (2019). MPIFiles.jl: A Julia Package for Magnetic Particle Imaging Files. Journal of Open Source Software. 4. (38), 1331 [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp, P. Szwargulski, F. Griese, M. Grosser, M. Boberg, and M. Möddel (2019). MPIReco.jl: Julia Package for Image Reconstruction in MPI. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 5. (1), 9 pp [doi]

  • M. Möddel, C. Meins, J. Dieckhoff, and T. Knopp (2018). Viscosity quantification using multi-contrast magnetic particle imaging. New Journal of Physics. 20. (8), 083001 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Szwargulski, N. Gdaniec, M. Graeser, M. Möddel, F. Griese, K. M. Krishnan, T. M. Buzug, and T. Knopp (2018). Moving table magnetic particle imaging: a stepwise approach preserving high spatio-temporal resolution. Journal of Medical Imaging. 5. (4), 046002 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • T. Knopp (2018). Novel Field Sequences, Reconstruction Algorithms, and Particle Synthesis Approaches for Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 3. (2), ID: 1803001 [www]

  • F. Griese, T. Knopp, R. Werner, A. Schlaefer, and M. Möddel (2017). Submillimeter-Accurate Marker Localization within Low Gradient Magnetic Particle Imaging Tomograms. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 3. (1), [Abstract] [www]

  • F. Werner, N. Gdaniec, and T. Knopp (2017). Improving the Spatial Resolution of Bidirectional Cartesian MPI Data using Fourier Techniques. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 3. (1), 1-6 [doi] [www]

  • M. Graeser, T. Knopp, P. Szwargulski, T. Friedrich, A. von Gladiss, M. Kaul, K. M. Krishnan, H. Ittrich, G. Adam, and T. M. Buzug (2017). Towards Picogram Detection of Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide Particles Using a Gradiometric Receive Coil. Scientific Reports. 7. 6872 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • P. Szwargulski and T. Knopp (2017). Influence of the Receive Channel Number on the Spatial Resolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging. International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging. 3. (1), [www]

  • J. Salamon, M. Hofmann, C. Jung, M.G. Kaul, F. Werner, K. Them, R. Reimer, P. Nielsen, A. vom Scheidt, G. Adam,T. Knopp, and H. Ittrich (2016). Magnetic Particle / Magnetic Resonance Imaging: In-Vitro MPI-Guided Real Time Catheter Tracking and 4D Angioplasty Using a Road Map and Blood Pool Tracer Approach. PLoS ONE. 11. (6), [doi]