
Paper published in Physics in Medicine & Biology

Our paper "Solving the MPI reconstruction problem with automatically tuned regularization parameters" has been published in IOP Physics in Medicine & Biology. Click here to read more.

Abstract: In the field of medical imaging, Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) poses a promising non-ionizing tomographic technique with high spatial and temporal resolution. In MPI, iterative solvers are used to reconstruct the particle distribution out of the measured voltage signal based on a system matrix. The amount of regularization needed to reconstruct an image of good quality differs from measurement to measurement, depending on the MPI system and the measurement settings. Finding the right choice for the three major parameters controlling the regularization is commonly done by hand and requires time and experience. In this work, we study the reduction to a single regularization parameter and propose a method that enables automatic reconstruction. The method is qualitatively and quantitatively validated on several MPI data sets showing promising results.

The entire methodology is described in the paper "Solving the MPI reconstruction problem with automatically tuned regularization parameters" by Konrad Scheffler, Marija Boberg, and Tobias Knopp, which you can find here.