Reservation of our rooms in the Center for Higher and Doctoral Education

The rooms on the ground floor of Building B (Center for Higher and Doctoral Education - ZSP) are managed by the Graduate Academy.

The rooms can be reserved at any time for doctoral examinations and events aimed primarily at early career researchers (doctoral candidates and/or postdocs). Reservation requests for other uses can be processed starting two months prior to the event date.

Please refrain from earlier requests!

The doctoral examination room (B 0.001, 160 m²) is designed for max. 70 persons. It is equipped with a beamer and lectern for on-site presentations.

The adjacent preparation room (B 0.004, 21 m²) is used by the doctoral examination committee for pre- and post-examination discussions in a small circle.

There is no technical equipment available for online transmission; if you require this, please contact the Medientechnik in good time.

The instructions for using the tea kitchen B 0.007 can be found here. Please bring all consumables yourself.

 The supplies in the kitchen are intended exclusively for Graduate Academy events.  

Please direct your reservation requests to