Doctoral supplement

On application, doctoral students may receive a doctoral supplement from the Graduate Academy in addition to their doctoral certificate. It will document the generic competences and attainments they have acquired during their doctoral studies.

The minimum requirement for this supplementary certificate is that they must have taken part in seminars, workshops and training courses/sessions with an interactive component amounting to a total of eight event days.

The qualifying events must include at least two from the program of the Graduate Academy. They may also include workshops at TU Hamburg's Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen, the Startup Dock, the TuTech, the NIT, ProExzellenzia, the Graduate School of Leuphana University Lüneburg, the Hamburg Research Academy and the SMART-ER Academy (ECIU), as long as they are explicitly aimed at the target group of doctoral students or young research scientists. Events organised by other institutions cannot be recognized.

Information and networking events do not count toward the requirement as a matter of principle.

An event day is defined as totaling 6 to 8 hours and half an event day as 3 to 4 hours.

Updated 19/08/2022