Collect, Write, Publish: Research Data Management: More Than Just Storing Data

Research Data Management: More Than Just Storing Data

Date: March 12, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Francesca Schulze, Library TU Hamburg
Collect, Write, Publish: Publishing in Open Access: Essential Knowledge for Researchers

Publishing in Open Access: Essential Knowledge for Researchers

Date: March 5, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Florian Hagen & Frauke Wienert, Bibliothek
Collect, Write, Publish: No Stress, No Mess – Finding Peace of Mind with Reference Management

No Stress, No Mess - Finding Peace of Mind with Reference Management

Date: February 26, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Detlev Bieler & Florian Hagen, Library TU Hamburg
Lateral Leadership Inside and Outside Academia Addressees:

Lateral Leadership Inside and Outside Academia

Date: February 20 - 21, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Insa Flachsbarth
Collect, Write, Publish: Choosing the Right Journal for Your Career

Choosing the Right Journal for Your Career

Datum: 19. Februar 2025
Ort: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova
The Powerful Voice Speaking with dynamism and power

The Powerful Voice: Speaking with dynamism and power

Date: February 13, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Francesca Carlin
Collect, Write, Publish: Finding a Needle in a Haystack – Discovering Specialist Information

Finding a Needle in a Haystack - Discovering Specialist Information

Date: February 12, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Detlev Bieler & Florian Hagen, Library TUHH
Visualise it! Make your research visible

Visualise it! Make your research visible

Date: February 7, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
Collect, Write, Publish: Cool Tools for Collaboration in Research and Teaching

Cool Tools for Collaboration in Research and Teaching

Date: February 5, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Axel Dürkop, ITBH
Collect, Write, Publish: Research Getting Started Listen and Share

Research getting started - Listen and Share

Date: January 29, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Speakers of the lecture series
Pitch Perfect: Presenting Your Best Self

Pitch Perfect: Presenting Your Best Self

Date: January 17, 2025
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Francesca Carlin


Good Scientific Practice
Writing and Publishing Research Articles
Fall Onboarding 2024: WiMis GettIng Started
Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters
Keeping your Talk fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations
Conference Presentation Skills: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation
Pitch Perfect: Presenting your Best Self

Pitch Perfect: Presenting Your Best Self

Date: Febraury 9, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Francesca Carlin
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully: Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully: Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: April 9-10, 2024
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Date: April 11-12, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Leadership in Heterogeneous Research Contexts
Career Planning: Perspectives Outside of Academia
Steady as You Go! Navigating Challenges and Building Resilience in Communication
The Powerful Voice: Speaking with dynamism and power
Tailor Made Job Application: How to apply for a job and be hired
Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach
Staying Calm and Full of Energy: Stress Competence for PhD Candidates


Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: December 7-8, 2023
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Phillip Mayer
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: March 30-31, 2023
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: February 8, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation

Date: February 9-10, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Female Leadership in Competitive Systems

Female Leadership in Competitive Systems

Date: March 2-3, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Insa Flachsbarth
Keeping Your Talk Fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Keeping your Talk Fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Date: March 16-17, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Collect, Write, Publish: Open Science in Practice at TUHH: Experiences in Projects, Research and Teaching

Collect, Write, Publish: Open Science in Practice at TUHH: Experiences in Projects, Research and Teaching

Date: March 22, 2023
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: University Library and Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Leonard Fisser/Axel Dürkop
Tailor Made Job Application: How to apply for a job and be hired

Tailor Made Job Applications: How to apply for a job and be hired

Date: March 27-28, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Matthias Merkelbach
Become an Inventor: How to Understand and Evaluate Patenting Potentials of Your Creative Ideas?

Become an Inventor: How to Understand and Evaluate Patenting Potentials of Your Creative Ideas?

Date: May 3, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Mohammed Ba Zuhair
Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: December 4, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: September 5-6, 2023
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Leadership in Heterogenous Research Contexts

Leadership in Heterogenous Research Contexts

Date: September 14-15, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Insa Flachsbarth
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Date: September 28-29, 2023
Place: Yet to be announced
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: October 5-6, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Best Practices for Moderating Meetings and Facilitating Discussions

Best Practices for Moderating Meetings and Facilitating Discussions

Date: October 12-13, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Make an Impact! Mastering Your "Small Talk" in Key Networking Situations

Make an Impact! Mastering Your “Small Talk” in Key Networking Situations

Date: October 24-25, 2023
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Kick-Off WiMis Getting Started 2023

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2023

Datum: 07. und 08. November 2023
Ort: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Raum B 0.001
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie and Innovation, TU Hamburg


Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen und vielleicht bereits von der Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation gehört. Diese möchte Sie als zentrale Dacheinrichtung während Ihrer Promotionsphase mit verschiedenen überfachlichen Angeboten unterstützen und lädt Sie am 7. und 8. November 2023 zu einem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started 2023“ ein.

Ziel des Kick-Offs ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Dabei geht es uns nicht zuletzt auch darum, der TUHH und ihren verschiedenen Arbeitsfeldern Gesichter zu geben und so eine spätere Kontaktaufnahme zu erleichtern. Wir möchten Ihnen außerdem die Möglichkeit geben, sich frühzeitig mit anderen Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern zu vernetzen. Abgerundet wird die Veranstaltung durch einen Vortrag zu den Richtlinien guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis, die für jeden Wissenschaftler und jede Wissenschaftlerin von zentraler Bedeutung sind.


As you have just started working as a research assistant at TUHH this year you may not have heard of the Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation. As an umbrella organization the Graduate Academy aims to support you throughout your doctoral phase by offering various courses on transferable skills and career development. As a starting point we would like to invite you to our two-day Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started 2023“ on November 7th and 8th, 2023.

The aim of the Kick-Off is to welcome you as a research assistant at TUHH and to introduce you to departments and people that you are likely to be involved with during your PhD. We want to give the TUHH and its various fields of work a face and thus facilitate getting in touch with each other. Furthermore, we would like to give you an opportunity to get in touch with other junior scientists at an early stage. The Kick-Off also contains a talk on the rules of good scientific practices, which are of great importance to every scientist and researcher.



Melden Sie sich bitte bis zum 1. November 2023 an unter/Please register by November 1st:





Early Patentability Evaluation of Creative Ideas!

Early Patentability Evaluation of Creative Ideas!

Date: Nov 30, 2022
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Mohammed Ba Zuhair
Make an Impact! Mastering Your "Small Talk" in Key Networking Situations

Make an Impact! Mastering Your “Small Talk” in Key Networking Situations

Date: November 15-16, 2022
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Clear at a Glance - Designing Effective Academic Posters

Clear at a Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: May 31 and June 3, 2022
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room 0.001 and 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
Rock Your Talk: Enhancing Style and Dynamics in Presentations

Rock Your Talk: Enhancing Style and Dynamics in Presentations

Date: May 13, 2022
Place: This workshop will take place online.
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: May 5-6, 2022
Place: This workshop will take place online.
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Date: April 28-29, 2022
Place: This workshop will take place online.
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
CWP: Open Science in Practice at TU Hamburg: Experiences in Projects, Research and Training

CWP: Open Science in Practice at TU Hamburg: Experiences in Projects, Research and Teaching

Datum: 16. März 2022
Ort: Dieses Angebot findet digital statt
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Axel Dürkop, Institut für Technische Bildung und Hochschuldidaktik, Sebastian Lindner, Institut für Kommunikationsnetze


Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: November 29, 2021
Place: Online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: August 26-27, 2021
Place: We will inform you about the place in good time
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: April 8-9, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Rock Your Talk: Enhancing Style and Dynamics in Remote Presentations

Rock Your Talk: Enhancing Style and Dynamics in Remote Presentations

Date: April 15-16, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Keeping your Talk Fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Keeping your Talk Fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Date: May 17-18, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Career Cornerstones: Active Career Building in Academia and Business

Career Cornerstones: Active Career Building in Academia and Business

Date: June 24-25, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Monika Clausen
Clear at a Glance - Designing Effective Academic Posters

Clear at a Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: June 7 & 11, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: September 9-10, 2021
Place: Online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Philipp Mayer
Mastering the Unexpected in Remote Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Mastering the Unexpected in Remote Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Date: October 14-15, 2021
Place: Online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Date: October 28, 2021
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Pavel Gurikov
Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: November 2, 2021
Place: Online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Getting It Done: How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done: How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation

Date: November 3-4, 2021
Place: Online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm


Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: December 7, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Mastering the Unexpected in Remote Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Mastering the Unexpected in Remote Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Date: November 19 & 20, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully

Date: July 9 & 10, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Clear at a Glance - Designing Effective Academic Posters

Clear at a Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: July 27 & 31, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: July 29, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: August 6 & 7, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: September 3 & 4, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Phillip Mayer
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Date: September 8, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Career Cornerstones: Active Career Building in Academia and Business

Career Cornerstones: Active Career Building in Academia and Business

Date: October 1 & 2, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Monika Clausen
Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: October 20, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Getting It Done. How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation

Date: October 21 & 22, 2020
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm


Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: August 22 & 23, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Philipp Mayer
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: April 11 & 12, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: November 18, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Mastering the Unexpected in Talks, Meetings and Discussions

Date: November 14-15, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Ric Oquita
Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully. Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: February 21 & 22, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Date: September 30 & October 1, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Team Communication: Key Roles and Intercultural Contexts

Team Communication: Key Roles and Intercultural Contexts

Date: September 26-27, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Matteo Garavoglia
Conference Presentation. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: August 29 & 30, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Staying Calm and Full of Energy - Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy - Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: December 6, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
The Key to Success: Knowing My Competences and Doing a Lasting Self-Presentation

The Key to Success: Knowing My Competences and Doing a Lasting Self-Presentation

Date: July 18 & 19, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Monika Clausen
Designing Effective Academic Posters

Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: June 27, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data

Date: March 26, 2019
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov


Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: December 10, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Helga Nolte
Workshop: "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk - Die feinen Unterschiede der Business-Kommunikation"

Workshop: "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk - Die feinen Unterschiede der Business-Kommunikation"

Termin: 15. und 16. Februar 2018
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Trainerin: Jasmin Döhling-Wölm
Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation

Date: November 15 & 16, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2018

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2018

Date: November 06 & 07, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH

Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen?

Dann sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, am 06. und 07. November an unserem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started“ teilzunehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen gleich zu Beginn Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, sich mit anderen Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen frühzeitig zu vernetzen.


Have you started to work as a research assistant at TUHH this year?

Then we would like to invite you to our two-day Kick-Off "WiMis GettIng Started" on November 6th and 7th. The aim of this event is to welcome you as a research assistant at TUHH and to introduce you to departments and people that you are likely to be involved with during your PhD. Furthermore, we would like to give you an opportunity to get in touch with other junior scientists at an early stage.



Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy. Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: October 24, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
The Key to Success. Knowing My Competences and Doing a Lasting Self-Presentation

The Key to Success. Knowing My Competences and Doing a Lasting Self-Presentation

Date: September 13 & 14, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Dr. Monika Clausen
Conference Presentation. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: August 30 & 31, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Julie Stearns
Workshop "Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data"

Workshop "Statistical Methods for Analysis of Engineering Data"

Date: January 30, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation and Institute of Thermal Separation Processes, TUHH
Trainer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov, Institute of Thermal Separation Processes, TUHH
Workshop: Designing Effective Academic Posters

Workshop: Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: July 17, 2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski, Graphic Designer and Lecturer
Workshop: "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates"

Workshop: "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully - Project Management for Doctoral Candidates"

Date: January 31 and February 1,2018
Place: Hamburg, TUHH
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TUHH
Trainer: Barbara Wagner


Workshop: Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Workshop: Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Termin: 11. Dezember 2017
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Trainerin: Helga Nolte, CoachInScience
Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2017

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2017

Termin: 14.-15. November 2017
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH

Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen?

Dann sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, vom 14. bis 15. November an unserem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started“ teilzunehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen gleich zu Beginn Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, sich mit anderen Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen frühzeitig zu vernetzen.

Weitere Informationen zum genauen Programm finden Sie hier.

Anmeldungen sind möglich unter: graduiertenakademie@tuhh.de

Workshop "Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk"

Workshop "Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk"

Termin: 31. August und 1. September 2017
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Trainerin: Julie Stearns, impulsplus
Workshop "Getting It Done: How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivations"
Workshop "The key to success: knowing my competences and doing a lasting self-presentation"

Workshop "The key to success: knowing my competences and doing a lasting self-presentation"

Termin: 01. und 02. Juni 2017
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Termin: 30.-31. März 2017
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH


Workshop "Good Scientific Practice - Workshop on Integrity in Science"

Workshop "Good Scientific Practice – Workshop on Integrity in Science"

Termin: 09. Dezember 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Writing and Publishing Research Articles: A Strategic Approach"

Workshop "Writing and Publishing Research Articles: A Strategic Approach"

Termin: 01.-02. Dezember 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Introduction to German Academic Culture for International Researchers"

Workshop "Introduction to German Academic Culture for International Researchers"

Termin: 29.-30. November 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation - Methods and Motivation"

Workshop "Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation"

Termin: 17.-18. November 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk"

Workshop "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk"

Termin: 10.-11. November 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2016

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2016

Termin: 31. Oktober bis 1. November 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH

Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen?

Dann sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, vom 31. Oktober bis 01. November an unserem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started“ teilzunehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen gleich zu Beginn Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, sich mit anderen Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen frühzeitig zu vernetzen.

Weitere Informationen zum genauen Programm finden Sie hier.

Anmeldungen sind möglich unter: graduiertenakademie@tuhh.de.

Workshop "Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk"

Workshop "Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk"

Termin: 25.-26. August 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Going Abroad as a Doctoral Researcher - Why? How?

Going Abroad as a Doctoral Researcher - Why? How?

Termin: 29. Juni 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "The key to success: knowing my competences and doing a lasting self-presentation

Workshop "The key to success: knowing my competences and doing a lasting self-presentation"

Termin: 23. und 24. Juni 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Termin: 17.-18. März 2016
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH


Workshop "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk"

Workshop "High-Position-Communication: Small-Talk, Strategic Talk & Expert Talk"

Termin: 17.-18. Dezember 2015
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Starting a Professional Career in Industry"

Workshop "Starting a Professional Career in Industry"

Termin: 26.-27. November 2015
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2015

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started 2015

Termin: 29.-30. Oktober 2015
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH

Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen?

Dann sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, vom 29.-30. Oktober an unserem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started“ teilzunehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen gleich zu Beginn Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, sich mit anderen Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen frühzeitig zu vernetzen.

Nähere Informationen zum Programm und Anmeldeverfahren finden Sie hier.

Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Workshop "Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully"

Termin: 19.-20. März 2015
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH
Workshop "Presenting Oneself: Elevator Pitches for Science and Research"

Workshop "Presenting Oneself: Elevator Pitches for Science and Research"

Termin: 27. Februar 2015
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH


Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started

Kick-Off WiMis GettIng Started

Termin: 27.10. - 28.10.2014
Ort: Hamburg, TUHH
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie und Innovation, TUHH

Sie haben in diesem Jahr Ihre Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der TUHH aufgenommen?

Dann sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, vom 27.-28. Oktober an unserem zweitägigen Kick-Off „WiMis GettIng Started“ teilzunehmen. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es, Sie in Ihrer neuen Funktion an der TUHH willkommen zu heißen und Ihnen gleich zu Beginn Bereiche und Personen vorzustellen, mit denen sie früher oder später Berührungspunkte haben werden. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, sich mit anderen Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen frühzeitig zu vernetzen.

Nähere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte obigem Link. Bitte stimmen Sie Ihre Teilnahme mit Ihrem Vorgesetzten ab und melden sich bis zum 30.09.2014 unter Angabe Ihrer Kontaktdaten unter graduiertenakademie@tuhh.de an. Die Teilnahme ist für Sie übrigens kostenfrei.