HOOU an der TU Hamburg : Jahresbericht 2023
Bock, Katrin; Dublasky, Stephan; Dürkop, Axel; Guglielmi, Paula O.; Panke, Jana; Schielein, Dorothee; Beck, Katharina; Frey, Mascha-Josephine; Hernacki, Katharina; Jäger, Ineke; Küchenhof, Jan; Lüssenhop, Phillipp; Olberg, Nina; Schaldach, Ruth; Wichmann, Stephanie
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Open Access
Mechanical behavior of supercrystalline nanocomposites
Bor, Büsra
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-5512-6: (2024)
Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties and Photoinduced Crystallization of TiO2–Fe2O3 Inverse Opals Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition
Hedrich, Carina; Thonakkara James Nithin; Maragno, Laura G.; Vieira Carvalho de Lima, Valéria; Gómez González, Sergio Yesid; Blick, Robert H.; Zierold, Robert; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16: 46964−46974 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Multi-scale structural characterization of ceramic-based photonic glasses for structural colors
Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Diaz, Ana; Holler, Mirko; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Rosenfeldt, Sabine; Retsch, Markus; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Discover Nano 19 (1): 114 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Operation of bending machine BM2 : user manual
Jelitto, Hans
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Open Access
Stabilization of porosity in reaction bonded aluminum oxide (RBAO) by coarsening in a reactive atmosphere
Kauermann, Richard; Flinn, Brian D.; Janßen, Rolf; Claussen, Nils; Hadagalli, Komalakrushna; Bordia, Rajendra K.
Ceramics International 50 (19 Part C): 37395-37401 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Modeling of time-dependent mechanical behavior of oleic acid nanocomposites using nanoindentation
Kolli, Vasu; Scheider, Ingo; Ovri, Henry; Giuntini, Diletta; Cyron, Christian J.
Materials Today 39: 108892 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Optimizing raw material composition to increase sustainability in porcelain tile production: A simulation-based approach
Lourenco Alves, Carine; Skorych, Vasyl; Noni, Agenor de; Hotza, Dachamir; Gómez González, Sergio Yesid; Heinrich, Stefan
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 107 (4): 2110-2127 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Synthesis and characterisation of dielectric composites produced from glycine and alkaline niobate-based ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Semeykina, Viktoriya
Kufa Journal of Engineering 15 (1): 81-94 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Impact of thermal shock on the R-curve and subcritical damage behaviour of flame-sprayed alumina compounds
Neumann, Marc; Hubálková, Jana; Kerber, Florian; Gehre, Patrick; Jelitto, Hans; Aneziris, Christos G.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (5): 3418-3428 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Water, not salt, causes most of the Seebeck effect of nonisothermal aqueous electrolytes
Nickel, Ole; Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig; Meißner, Robert; Janssen, Mathijs
Physical Review Letters 132 (18): 186201 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Switchable 3D Photonic Crystals Based on the Insulator-to-Metal Transition in VO2
Peng, Jun; Brandt, Julia; Pfeiffer, Maurice; Maragno, Laura G.; Krekeler, Tobias; Thonakkara James, Nithin; Henf, Julius; Heyn, Christian; Ritter, Martin; Eich, Manfred; Petrov, Alexander; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Blick, Robert H.; Zierold, Robert
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16 (49): 67106-67115 (2024-12-11)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Expectations vs. reality in nacre-like composites: dominating role of particle packing and polymer confinement in mechanical performance
Semeykina, Viktoriya; Appiah, Clement; Rothberg, Hannah Sophia; Heinrich, Stefan; Giuntini, Diletta; Schneider, Gerold A.
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 8 (1): 65 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Achieving high-temperature stable structural color through nanostructuring in polymer-derived ceramics
Winhard, Benedikt; Gomez Gomez, Alberto; Maragno, Laura G.; Ribas Gomes, Diego; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (17): 22379−22390 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Additive manufacturing combined with colloidal assembly
Winhard, Benedikt
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Nanofatigue of supercrystalline nanocomposites
Yan, Cong; Giuntini, Diletta
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science 6 (1): e10199 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
An analytical review on Spark Plasma Sintering of metals and alloys: from processing window, phase transformation, and property perspective
Abedi, Mohammad; Sovizi, Saeed; Azarniya, Abolfazl; Giuntini, Diletta; Seraji, Melica Esmaeeli; Hosseini, Hamid Reza Madaah; Amutha, Chinappan; Ramakrishna, Seeram; Mukasyan, Alexander
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 48 (2): 169-214 (2023)
Publisher DOI
Sulfur-doped Li₁.₃Al₀.₃Ti₁.₇(PO₄)₃ as a solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries: First-principles calculations
Ahmed, Doaa; Kızılaslan, Abdulkadir; Çelik, Mustafa; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Cetinkaya, Tuğrul
Electrochimica Acta 463: 142872 (2023-09-20)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Microscale DEM simulation of spray-dried porcelain granules under uniaxial compaction
Alves, C. L.; Skorych, Vasyl; De Noni, A. Jr.; Hotza, Dachamir; Gómez González, S. Y.; Heinrich, Stefan
Powder Technology 428: 118863 (2023-10-01)
Publisher DOI
Solvent controlled 2D structures of bottom-up fabricated nanoparticle superlattices
Beck, Esko Erik; Weimer, Agnes; Feld, Artur; Vonk, Vedran; Noei, Heshmat; Lott, Dieter; Jeromin, Arno; Kulkarni, Satishkumar; Giuntini, Diletta; Plunkett, Alexander; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Schneider, Gerold A.; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Keller, Thomas F.; Stierle, Andreas
Nanoscale 15 (9): 4506-4514 (2023-02-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Influence of B-site substituent Ce on thermophysical, oxygen diffusion, and mechanical properties of La₂Zr₂O₇
Che, Junwei; Liu, Xiangyang; Wang, Xuezhi; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Zhang, Shengli
Ceramics International 49 (7): 10936-10945 (2023-04-01)
Publisher DOI
Mullite photonic glasses with exceptional thermal stability for novel reflective thermal barrier coatings
Gomez Gomez, Alberto; Ribas Gomes, Diego; Winhard, Benedikt; Maragno, Laura G.; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Journal of Materials Science 58 (32): 12993-13008 (2023-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Unraveling the role of shell thickness and pore size on the mechanical properties of ceramic-based macroporous structures
Gomez Gomez, Alberto; Winhard, Benedikt; Lilleodden, Erica; Huber, Norbert; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106 (2): 1273-1286 (2023-02)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Oxidation-state dynamics and emerging patterns in magnetite
Gürsoy, Emre; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Meißner, Robert
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (30): 6800-6807 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Densification of nanoporous metals during nanoindentation: The role of structural and mechanical properties
Huber, Norbert; Ryl, Ilona; Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu; Hablitzel, Murilo P.; Zandersons, Birthe; Richert, Claudia; Lilleodden, Erica
Journal of Materials Research 38: 853-866 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Influence of water and protein content on the creep behavior in dental enamel
Koldehoff, Jasmin; Swain, Michael V.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Acta Biomaterialia 158: 393-411 (2023-03)
Publisher DOI
Reconstructing the infrared spectrum of a peptide from representative conformers of the full canonical ensemble
Kotobi, Amir; Schwob, Lucas; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Rossi, Mariana; Gasparotto, Piero; Feiler, Christian; Berden, Giel; Oomens, Jos; Oostenrijk, Bart; Scuderi, Debora; Bari, Sadia; Meißner, Robert
Communications Chemistry 6 (1): 46 (2023-12)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Effects of twinning and detwinning on the mechanical behavior of Mg and Mg-Gd alloy at the micron scale
Maghsoudi, Mohammadhadi
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Open Access
On the fracture behaviour of niobium–alumina castables
Neumann, Marc; Michon, Kacper; Endler, Dirk; Zienert, Tilo; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Aneziris, Christos G.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (11): 5026-5031 (2023-09)
Publisher DOI
Multiscale nanomaterials : from colloidal self-assembly to marcroscale, functional materials systems
Plunkett, Alexander
Verlag Dr. Hut (2023)
Mechanical properties of TiO2/carboxylic-acid interfaces from first-principles calculations
Sellschopp, Kai; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor
Nanoscale 15 (42): 16967-16975 (2023-10-12)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Efficient modelling of ceramic sintering processes: application to bilayers and membranes
Shi, Hao; Giuntini, Diletta; Dommelen, Hans van; Geers, Marc G. D.; Remmers, Joris J.C.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (11): 4939-4949 (2023-09-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
4D-Printing of Smart, Nacre-Inspired, Organic-Ceramic Composites
Winhard, Benedikt; Haida, Philipp; Plunkett, Alexander; Katz, Julian; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Abetz, Volker; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Schneider, Gerold A.
Additive Manufacturing 77: 103776 (2023-09-05)
Publisher DOI
Printing crack‐free microporous structures by combining additive manufacturing with colloidal assembly
Winhard, Benedikt; Maragno, Laura G.; Gomez Gomez, Alberto; Katz, Julian; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Small Methods 7 (2): 2201183 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
On the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic size effects on the mechanical response of nanoporous Au
Wu, Yijuan; Markmann, Jürgen; Lilleodden, Erica
Materials and Design 232: 112175 (2023-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
When cortical bone matrix properties are indiscernible between elderly men with and without Type 2 Diabetes, fracture resistance follows suit
Wölfel, Eva Maria; Bartsch, Benjamin; Koldehoff, Jasmin; Fiedler, Imke A. K.; Dragoun Kolibová, Sofie; Schmidt, Felix Nikolai; Krug, Johannes; Lin, Mei Chun; Püschel, Klaus; Ondruschka, Benjamin; Zimmermann, Elizabeth A.; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Gludovatz, Bernd; Busse, Björn
JBMR Plus 7 (12): e10839 (2023-12)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nanoindentation creep of supercrystalline nanocomposites
Yan, Cong; Bor, Büsra; Plunkett, Alexander; Domènech, Berta; Maier-Kiener, Verena; Giuntini, Diletta
Materials and Design 231: 112000 (2023-07)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Using polystyrene spheres to produce thin, porous interlayers in alumina laminates
Barros, Marcelo Daniel; Hotza, Dachamir; Jelitto, Hans; Janßen, Rolf
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 19 (3): 1453-1461 (2022-05)
Publisher DOI
Surface structure of magnetite (111) under oxidizing and reducing conditions
Creutzburg, Marcus; Sellschopp, Kai; Gleißner, Robert; Arndt, Björn; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Vonk, Vedran; Noei, Heshmat; Stierle, Andreas
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 34 (16): 164003 (2022-02-22)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Spin‐ and Stress‐Depending Electrical Transport in Nanoparticle Supercrystals: Sensing Elastic Properties of Organic Tunnel Barriers via Tunneling Magnetoresistance
Dreyer, Axel; Rempel, Thomas; Gottschalk, Martin; Zierold, Robert; Weimer, Agnes; Feld, Artur; Schneider, Gerold A.; Weller, Horst; Hütten, Andreas
Advanced Electronic Materials 8 (9): 2200082 (2022-05-26)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Understanding centrifugal casting in the manufacture of functionally graded materials
Florenciano, Jessica Tatianne Ortiz; Ambrosi, Alan; Hotza, Dachamir; González, Sergio Yesid Gómez
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (15): 7089-7101 (2022-12)
Publisher DOI
On the factors impacting the mechanical response of nanoporous gold-polymer composites
Hablitzel, Murilo P.
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Colloidal self-assembly – from controlled deposition to structural colors
Häntsch, Quynh Yen
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-4970-5: (2022)
Area moment of inertia and other physical quantities for special cross-sectional areas of bend specimens
Jelitto, Hans
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Generalized trigonometric power sums covering the full circle
Jelitto, Hans
Journal of applied mathematics and physics 10 (2): 405-414 (2022-02-14)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Characterization of an Al-Cu-Mg-Zn multi principal element alloy by experimental and computational screening methods
Kirschner, Johannes; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried; Bernardi, Johannes; Gaschl, Robert; Schwarz, Sabine; Simson, Clemens; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Eisenmenger-Sittner, Christoph
Acta Materialia 224: 117510 (2022-02-01)
Publisher DOI
Structural, compositional and mechanical characterization of bovine dental enamel
Koldehoff, Jasmin
Dr. Hut (2022)
Open Access
Controlling the solid-state reaction in Fe-MoS2 self-lubricating composites for optimized tribological properties
Lima, Gabriel Araujo de; Klein, Aloisio Nelmo; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Lubricants 10 (7): 142 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
The Role of Ordered Phases in Enhanced Ductility of RE-Based Mg Alloys
Ovri, Henry; Lilleodden, Erica
Magnesium Technology Symposium held at the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition (2022)
Publisher DOI
Strengthening engineered nanocrystalt three-dimensional superlattices via ligand conformation and reactivity
Plunkett, Alexander; Kampferbeck, Michael; Bor, Büsra; Sazama, Uta; Krekeler, Tobias; Bekaert, Lieven; Noei, Heshmat; Giuntini, Diletta; Fröba, Michael; Stierle, Andreas; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Schneider, Gerold A.; Domènech Garcia, Berta
ACS Nano 16 (8): 11692–11707 (2022-08-23)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Functionalization of carbon electrodes with nanotitania by atomic layer deposition
Souza, Graciano B. de; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Rambo, Carlos R.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering: 9575845 (2022-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling of nanoporous gold at the microscale
Wu, Yijuan
Technische Universität Hamburg (2022)
Open Access
Nanoindentation of supercrystalline nanocomposites: linear relationship between elastic modulus and hardness
Yan, Cong; Bor, Büsra; Plunkett, Alexander; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Schneider, Gerold A.; Giuntini, Diletta
JOM 74 (6): 2261-2276 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Constant potential simulations on a mesh
Ahrens-Iwers, Ludwig; Meißner, Robert
Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (10): 104104 (2021-09-14)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Colloidal processing and characterization of TiO2–MnO-doped alumina/alumina slurries and tapes
Barros, Marcelo Daniel; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science 3 (4): 173-179 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dopant diffusion at the interface of TiO₂-MnO-doped alumina/alumina layers in sintered laminates
Barros, Marcelo Daniel; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science 3 (3): 105-112 (2021-05)
Publisher DOI
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of TiO₂-MnO-doped alumina/alumina laminates
Barros, Marcelo Daniel; Jelitto, Hans; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2 (104): 1047-1057 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Constitutive and fracture behavior of ultra-strong supercrystalline nanocomposites
Bor, Büsra; Giuntini, Diletta; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Plunkett, Alexander; Kampferbeck, Michael; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Scheider, Ingo; Schneider, Gerold A.
Applied Physics Reviews 8 (3): 031414 (2021-09-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Heterogeneous adsorption and local ordering of formate on a magnetite surface
Creutzburg, Marcus; Sellschopp, Kai; Tober, Steffen; Grånäs, Elin; Vonk, Vedran; Mayr-Schmölzer, Wernfried; Müller, Stefan; Noei, Heshmat; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Stierle, Andreas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12: 3847-3852 (2021-04-22)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Mesh-free micromechanical modeling of inverse opal structures
Dosta, Maksym; Bistreck, Katrin; Skorych, Vasyl; Schneider, Gerold A.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 204: 106577 (2021-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Grain boundary formation through particle detachment during coarsening of nanoporous metals
Elder, Kate L.M.; Beck Andrews, W.; Ziehmer, Markus; Mameka, Nadiia; Kirchlechner, Christoph; Davydok, Anton; Micha, Jean Sébastien; Chadwick, Alexander F.; Lilleodden, Erica; Thornton, Katsuyo; Voorhees, Peter W.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (30): e2104132118 (2021-07-27)
Publisher DOI
Influence of the experimental set-up and voltage ramp on the dielectric breakdown strength and breakdown site in borosilicate glass
Fischer, Pia-Kristina; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2 (41): 1332-1341 (2021-02-02)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Improved thermal stability of zirconia macroporous structures via homogeneous aluminum oxide doping and nanostructuring using atomic layer deposition
Gehensel, Raphael J.; Zierold, Robert; Schaan, Gunnar; Shang, Guoliang; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Blick, Robert H.; Krekeler, Tobias; Janßen, Rolf; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (7): 4302-4312 (2021-07-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Defects and plasticity in ultrastrong supercrystalline nanocomposites
Giuntini, Diletta; Zhao, Shiteng; Krekeler, Tobias; Li, Mingjing; Blankenburg, Malte; Bor, Büsra; Schaan, Gunnar; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Müller, Martin; Scheider, Ingo; Ritter, Martin; Schneider, Gerold A.
Science Advances 2 (7): eabb6063 (2021-01-06)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Deformation behavior of cross-linked supercrystalline nanocomposites: an in situ SAXS/WAXS study during uniaxial compression
Giuntini, Diletta; Davydok, Anton; Blankenburg, Malte; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Bor, Büsra; Li, Mingjing; Scheider, Ingo; Krywka, Christina; Müller, Martin; Schneider, Gerold A.
Nano letters 21 (7): 2891-2897 (2021-04-14)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Direct and broadband plasmonic charge transfer to enhance water oxidation on a gold electrode
Graf, Matthias; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Koper, Marc T. M.
ACS Nano 15 (2): 3188-3200 (2021-02-23)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Tailoring disorder and quality of photonic glass templates for structural coloration by particle charge interactions
Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Shang, Guoliang; Lei, Bo; Winhard, Benedikt; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Holm, Elizabeth; Schneider, Gerold A.; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (17): 20511-20523 (2021-05-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Effect of deproteinization treatments on the structure and mechanical properties of dental enamel
Koldehoff, Jasmin; Schneider, Gerold A.
Materialia 16: 101088 (2021-05)
Publisher DOI
Modeling charge redistribution at magnetite interfaces in empirical force fields
Konuk Onat, Mine; Sellschopp, Kai; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Meißner, Robert
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (8): 4794-4805 (2021-03-04)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Structural degradation of tungsten sandwiched in hafnia layers determined by in-situ XRD up to 1520 °C
Krishnamurthy, Gnanavel Vaidhyanathan; Chirumamilla, Manohar; Rout, Surya Snata; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Becker, Hans Werner; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Störmer, Michael
Scientific Reports 11 (1): 3330 (2021-02-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Integrated process simulation of porcelain stoneware manufacturing using flowsheet simulation
Lourenco Alves, Carine; Noni, Agenor de; Janßen, Rolf; Hotza, Dachamir; Rodrigues Neto, João Batista; Gómez González, Sergio Yesid; Dosta, Maksym
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 33: 473-487 (2021-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
True strength of ceramic fiber bundles : experiments and simulations
Neckel, Leandro; Faller, Cristian A.; Babič, Matej; Montedo, Oscar R. K.; Bergmann, Carlos P.; Janßen, Rolf
Materials 14 (1): 64 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Life time prediction of self-supporting flame-sprayed alumina-rich coatings
Neumann, Marc; Gehre, Patrick; Nwokoye, Rapuruchukwu Ifeyinwa; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Aneziris, Christos G.
Ceramics International 47 (13): 18656-18661 (2021-07-01)
Publisher DOI
High heating rate sintering and microstructural evolution assessment using the discrete element method
Paiva Teixeira, Mirele Horsth de; Skorych, Vasyl; Janßen, Rolf; Gómez González, Sergio Yesid; Noni, Agenor de; Rodrigues Neto, João Batista; Hotza, Dachamir; Dosta, Maksym
Open Ceramics 8 : 100182 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Image segmentation and analysis for densification mapping of nanoporous gold after nanoindentation
Richert, Claudia; Wu, Yijuan; Hablitzel, Murilo P.; Lilleodden, Erica; Huber, Norbert
MRS Advances 6 (20): 519-523 (2021-07-14)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Understanding interfaces in metal-oxide/organic-acid hybrid materials from first-principles calculations
Sellschopp, Kai
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-4885-2: (2021)
Open Access
Influence of alumina addition on the optical properties and the thermal stability of titania thin films and inverse opals produced by atomic layer deposition
Waleczek, Martin; Dendooven, Jolien; Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Blick, Robert H.; Detavernier, Christophe; Nielsch, Kornelius; Furlan, Kaline P.; Zierold, Robert
Nanomaterials 11 (4): 1053 (2021-04)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Direct writing of colloidal suspensions onto inclined surfaces: optimizing dispense volume for homogeneous structures
Winhard, Benedikt; Haugg, Stefanie; Blick, Robert H.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 597: 137-148 (2021-09-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Development of magnesium-aluminum-silicate glass-ceramics nucleated with Nb₂O₅
Benitez, Tobias; Veber, Alexander; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Barros Rebouças, Lara; de Ligny, Dominique; Hotza, Dachamir; Novaes de Oliveira, Antonio Pedro; Travitzky, Nahum
International Journal of Applied Glass Science 1 (11): 155-169 (2020-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Mapping the mechanical properties of hierarchical supercrystalline ceramic-organic nanocomposites
Bor, Büsra; Heilmann, Lydia; Domènech, Berta; Kampferbeck, Michael; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Schneider, Gerold A.; Giuntini, Diletta
Molecules 25 (20): 4790 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Strong macroscale supercrystalline structures by 3D printing combined with self-assembly of ceramic functionalized nanoparticles
Domènech Garcia, Berta; Tan, Alvin T. L.; Jelitto, Hans; Zegarra Berodt, Eduardo; Blankenburg, Malte; Focke, Oliver; Cann, Jaclyn; Cem Tasan, Cemal; Colombi Ciacchi, Lucio; Müller, Martin; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Hart, A. John; Schneider, Gerold A.
Advanced Engineering Materials 7 (22): 2000352 (2020-07-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Influence of pores arrangement on stability of photonic structures during sintering
Dosta, Maksym; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Skorych, Vasyl; Heinrich, Stefan; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 13 (40): 4562-4571 (2020-10-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Alkaline induced indium gradient distribution in Znm In2 S3+m/In(OH)3 heterojunction for improved photocatalytic H2 generation
Fang, Wenjian; Liu, Junying; Zhang, Yongcai; Li, Xiaochuan; Li, Nailu; Zeng, Xianghua; Shangguan, Wenfeng
Applied Surface Science (530): 147241 (2020-11-15)
Publisher DOI
Shear resistance and composition of polyethylene protuberances from hip-simulating pin-on-disc wear tests
Heuberger, Roman; Bortel, Emely Lea; Sague, Jorge; Escuder, Pablo; Nohava, Jiri
Biotribology (23): 100139 (2020-09)
Publisher DOI
Surface properties of silver-gold alloys – a quantum mechanics-based approach combining theory and experiment
Hoppe, Sandra
Technische Universität Hamburg (2020)
Open Access
Heterostructured Monolayer MoS₂ Nanoparticles toward Water-Dispersible Catalysts
Jatav, Sanjay; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Liu, Junying; Hill, Eric
ACS applied materials & interfaces 17 (12): 19813-19822 (2020-04-29)
Publisher DOI
Area moment of inertia of a “flower-shaped” cross section and generalization for N-fold rotational symmetry and multipole moments
Jelitto, Hans
Technische Universität Hamburg (2020)
Open Access
Extended cubic fracture model for porous materials and the dependence of the fracture toughness on the pore size
Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Materialia (12): 100761 (2020-08)
Publisher DOI
The geometrical structure of interfaces in dental enamel: A FIB-STEM investigation
Koldehoff, Jasmin; Swain, Michael V.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Acta Biomaterialia (104): 17-27 (2020-03-01)
Publisher DOI
Ultra-thin and ultra-strong organic interphase in nanocomposites with supercrystalline particle arrangement : mechanical behavior identification via multiscale numerical modeling
Li, Mingjing; Scheider, Ingo; Bor, Büsra; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Schneider, Gerold A.; Giuntini, Diletta
Composites Science and Technology (198): 108283 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Detwinning-mediated hardening in Mg: A microcompression study of a single twin boundary
Maghsoudi, Mohammadhadi; Ziehmer, Markus; Lilleodden, Erica
Materials Science and Engineering A (772): 138747 (2020-01-20)
Publisher DOI
On the Influence of Twinning and Detwinning on the Deformation of Mg at the Micron Scale
Maghsoudi, Mohammadhadi; Kim, Gyuseok; Ziehmer, Markus; Lilleodden, Erica
149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition (TMS 2020)
Publisher DOI
Crack propagation behaviour of carbon free and carbon bonded alumina based filter materials
Neumann, Marc; Wetzig, Tony; Fruhstorfer, Jens; Lampert, Vicky; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Aneziris, Christos G.
Ceramics International 8 (46): 11198-11207 (2020-06-01)
Publisher DOI
Controlling the large-scale fabrication of supraparticles
Plunkett, Alexander; Eldridge, Catriona; Schneider, Gerold A.; Domènech Garcia, Berta
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 49 (124): 11263-11272 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
A combined compression and indentation study of mechanical metamaterials based on inverse opal coatings
Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Schneider, Gerold A.; Lilleodden, Erica
Acta Materialia (195): 98-108 (2020-08-15)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Fabrication of highly filled composites with an innovative miniaturized spouted bed
Rothberg, Hannah Sophia; Pietsch, Swantje; Schneider, Gerold A.; Heinrich, Stefan
Processes 8 (5): 521 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Shape-controlling effects of hydrohalic and carboxylic acids in TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis
Sellschopp, Kai; Heckel, Wolfgang; Gäding, Johannes; Schröter, Clemens Jasper; Hensel, Andreas; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Müller, Stefan; Feldbauer, Gregor B.
The Journal of Chemical Physics 6 (152): 064702 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Enhanced twisting degree assisted overall water splitting on a novel nano-dodecahedron BiVO₄-based heterojunction
Wei, Zhidong; Zhu, Yong; Guo, Weiqi; Liu, Junying; Fang, Wenjian; Jiang, Zhi; Shangguan, Wenfeng
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (266): 118664 (2020-06-05)
Publisher DOI
A first-principles analysis of the charge transfer in magnesium corrosion
Würger, Tim; Feiler, Christian; Vonbun-Feldbauer, Gregor; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.; Meißner, Robert
Scientific Reports 10 (1): 15006 (2020-12-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
The isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold from the ring perspective - an application of graph theory
Ziehmer, Markus; Lilleodden, Erica
Acta Materialia (199): 669-679 (2020-10-15)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Carboxylic acid induced near-surface restructuring of a magnetite surface
Arndt, Björn; Sellschopp, Kai; Creutzburg, Marcus; Grånäs, Elin; Krausert, Konstantin; Vonk, Vedran; Müller, Stefan; Noei, Heshmat; Feldbauer, Gregor; Stierle, Andreas
Communications Chemistry 1 (2): 92 (2019-12-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nanoindentation-based study of the mechanical behavior of bulk supercrystalline ceramic-organic nanocomposites
Bor, Büsra; Giuntini, Diletta; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Swain, Michael V.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 10 (39): 3247-3256 (2019-03)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Effects of processing parameters on 3D structural ordering and optical properties of inverse opal photonic crystals produced by atomic layer deposition
Campos, Heloisa G.; Pagnan Furlan, Kaline; Garcia, Daniel E.; Blick, Robert H.; Zierold, Robert; Eich, Manfred; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science 2 (1): 68-76 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Alumina-doped zirconia submicro-particles : synthesis, thermal stability, and microstructural characterization
Dahl, Gregor Thomas; Döring, Sebastian; Krekeler, Tobias; Janßen, Rolf; Ritter, Martin; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias
Materials 12 (18): 2856 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hierarchical supercrystalline nanocomposites through the self-assembly of organically-modified ceramic nanoparticles
Domènech Garcia, Berta; Kampferbeck, Michael; Larsson, Emanuel; Krekeler, Tobias; Bor, Büsra; Giuntini, Diletta; Blankenburg, Malte; Ritter, Martin; Müller, Martin; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Schneider, Gerold A.
Scientific reports 1 (9): 3435 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Modulating the mechanical properties of supercrystalline nanocomposite materials via solvent-ligand interactions
Domènech Garcia, Berta; Plunkett, Alexander; Kampferbeck, Michael; Blankenburg, Malte; Bor, Büsra; Giuntini, Diletta; Krekeler, Tobias; Wagstaffe, Michael; Noei, Heshmat; Stierle, Andreas; Ritter, Martin; Müller, Martin; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Schneider, Gerold A.
Langmuir 43 (35): 13893-13903 (2019-10-29)
Publisher DOI
Production of composites with high relative permittivity using the spouted bed technique
Eichner, Eduard; Fischer, Pia-Kristina; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Particuology 42: 184-189 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Surface mechanical properties from first principles
Elsner, Beatrix A. M.
Dr. Hut, München (2019)
Iron oxide-based nanostructured ceramics with tailored magnetic and mechanical properties: Development of mechanically robust, bulk superparamagnetic materials
Giuntini, Diletta; Torresani, Elisa; Chan, Kyle T.; Blankenburg, Malte; Saviot, Lucien; Bor, Büsra; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Shachar, Meir; Müller, Martin; Olevsky, Eugene A.; Garay, Javier E.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Nanoscale Advances 8 (1): 3139-3150 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
On measuring the independent mechanical response of the polymer phase from nanoporous gold polymer composites
Hablitzel, Murilo P.; Lilleodden, Erica
Scripta Materialia (170): 67-70 (2019-09)
Publisher DOI
Solvent-Assisted Self-Assembly of Gold Nanorods into Hierarchically Organized Plasmonic Mesostructures
Hanske, Christoph; Hill, Eric H.; Vila-Liarte, David; González-Rubio, Guillermo; Matricardi, Cristiano; Mihi, Agustín; Liz-Marzán, Luis M.
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (11): 11763-11771 (2019-03-27)
Publisher DOI
Low-temperature vapor-solid growth of ZnO nanowhiskers for electron field emission
Hedrich, Carina; Haugg, Stefanie; Pacarizi, Leutrim; Furlan, Kaline P.; Blick, Robert H.; Zierold, Robert
Coatings 9 (11): 698 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
YSZ Hollow Sphere Photonic Glasses: Tailoring Optical Properties for Highly Saturated Non-Iridescent Structural Coloration
Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Shang, Guoliang; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold A.
Advanced Optical Materials 18 (7): 1900428 (2019-09-01)
Publisher DOI
Fracture toughness of porous materials – Experimental methods and data
Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Data in Brief (23): 103709 (2019-04)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nanoporous gold : a hierarchical and multiscale 3D test pattern for characterizing X-ray nano-tomography systems
Larsson, Emanuel; Gürsoy, Doğa; De Carlo, Francesco; Lilleodden, Erica; Storm, Malte; Wilde, Fabian; Hu, Kaixiong; Müller, Martin; Greving, Imke
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1 (26): 194-204 (2019-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Optical Nanoprinting of Colloidal Particles and Functional Structures
Li, Jingang; Hill, Eric; Lin, Linhan; Zheng, Yuebing
ACS Nano 4 (13): 3783-3795 (2019-04-23)
Publisher DOI
Room temperature R-curve and stable crack growth behaviour of ZrB2–SiC ceramic composites
Lugovy, Mykola; Orlovskaya, Nina A.; Neumann, Marc; Aneziris, Christos G.; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Kuebler, Jakob
Advances in Applied Ceramics 4 (118): 169-182 (2019-05-19)
Publisher DOI
Stable crack propagation in free standing thermal sprayed Al2O3 and Al2 O3 [sbnd]ZrO 2[sbnd]TiO2 coatings
Neumann, Marc; Gehre, Patrick; Kuebler, Jakob; Dadivanyan, Natalia; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Aneziris, Christos G.
Ceramics International 7 (45): 8761-8766 (2019-05)
Publisher DOI
Grain-scale investigation of the anisotropy of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Mg AZ91 alloy
Ovri, Henry; Steglich, Dirk; Dieringa, Hajo; Lilleodden, Erica
Materials Science and Engineering A (740-741): 226-234 (2019-01-07)
Publisher DOI
On the Estimation of Thermal Activation Parameters for Portevin–Le Chatelier Effect from Nanoindentation Data
Ovri, Henry; Lilleodden, Erica
JOM 10 (71): 3343-3349 (2019-10-01)
Publisher DOI
Modelling flash sintering using systems of nonlinear differential equations
Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo
Dissertation 2019
Highly otimized nitrogen-doped MWCNTs through in-depth parametric study using design of experiments
Plunkett, Alexander; Kröning, Katharina; Fiedler, Bodo
Nanomaterials 9 (4): 643 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Advancing the fabrication of YSZ-inverse photonic glasses for broadband omnidirectional reflector films
Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Vriend, Eleonora; Petrov, Alexander; Furlan, Kaline P.; Eich, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 11 (39): 3353-3363 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Highly selective photonic glass filter for saturated blue structural color
Shang, Guoliang; Häntsch, Quynh Yen; Furlan, Kaline P.; Janßen, Rolf; Schneider, Gerold A.; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred
APL Photonics 4 (4): 046101 1-7 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Transparency induced in opals via nanometer thick conformal coating
Shang, Guoliang; Furlan, Kaline P.; Zierold, Robert; Blick, Robert; Janßen, Rolf; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred
Scientific Reports 1 (9): 11379 (2019-12-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Anisotropy of Mass Transfer During Sintering of Powder Materials with Pore–Particle Structure Orientation
Torresani, E.; Giuntini, Diletta; Zhu, C.; Harrington, T.; Vecchio, K. S.; Molinari, A.; Bordia, Rajendra K.; Olevsky, Eugene A.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 2 (50): 1033-1049 (2019-02-15)
Publisher DOI
Energy harvesting near room temperature using a thermomagnetic generator with a pretzel-like magnetic flux topology
Waske, Anja; Dzekan, Daniel; Sellschopp, Kai; Berger, Dietmar; Stork, Alexander; Nielsch, Kornelius; Fähler, Sebastian
Nature Energy 1 (4): 68-74 (2019-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling of nanoporous gold at the microscale
Wu, Yijuan; Markmann, Jürgen; Lilleodden, Erica
Applied Physics Letters 25 (115): 251602 (2019-12-17)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Data science based mg corrosion engineering
Würger, Tim; Feiler, Christian; Musil, Félix; Feldbauer, Gregor; Höche, Daniel; Lamaka, Sviatlana V.; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.; Meißner, Robert
Frontiers in Materials (6): 1-9 (2019-03-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Processing and properties of tape-cast alumina/zirconia laminates composites
dos Reis Araújo, Micheline; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf; Acchar, Wilson
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 12 (39): 3462-3465 (2019-09)
Publisher DOI
Mechanical behaviour of zirconia-toughened alumina laminates with or without Y-PSZ intermediate layers
Barros, Marcelo; Rachadel, Priscila Lemes; Fredel, Márcio Celso; Janßen, Rolf; Hotza, Dachamir
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 1 (9): 69-78 (2018-03)
Publisher DOI
R-curve behavior and flexural strength of zirconia-toughened alumina and partially stabilized zirconia composite laminates
Blaese, Diego; Benitez, Tobias; Barros, Marcelo; Jelitto, Hans; Travitzky, Nahum; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
Ceramics International 12 (44): 13463-13468 (2018-08-15)
Publisher DOI
High-temperature stable inverse opal photonic crystals via mullite-sol-gel infiltration of direct photonic crystals
Bueno, Priscila; Furlan, Kaline P.; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2 (102): 1- 9 (2018-12-03)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Suppression of material transfer at contacting surfaces: the effect of adsorbates on Al/TiN and Cu/diamond interfaces from first-principles calculations
Feldbauer, Gregor; Wolloch, Michael; Bedolla, Pedro O.; Redinger, Josef; Vernes, András; Mohn, Peter
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (30): 105001- (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dielectric breakdown toughness from filament induced dielectric breakdown in borosilicate glass
Fischer, Pia-Kristina; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 13 (38): 4476-4482 (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dataset of ptychographic X-ray computed tomography of inverse opal photonic crystals produced by atomic layer deposition
Furlan, Kaline P.; Larsson, Emanuel; Diaz, Ana; Holler, Mirko; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Petrov, Alexander Yu.; Eich, Manfred; Blick, Robert; Schneider, Gerold A.; Greving, Imke; Zierold, Robert; Janßen, Rolf
Data in brief (21): 1924-1936 (2018-12)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Photonic materials for high-temperature applications: synthesis and characterization by X-ray ptychographic tomography
Furlan, Kaline P.; Larsson, Emanuel; Diaz, Ana; Holler, Mirko; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Petrov, Alexander Yu.; Eich, Manfred; Blick, Robert; Schneider, Gerold A.; Greving, Imke; Zierold, Robert; Janßen, Rolf
Applied Materials Today (13): 359-369 (2018-12-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Feasibility of in situ de‐agglomeration during powder consolidation
Giuntini, Diletta; Bordia, Rajendra K.; Olevsky, Eugene A.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2 (102) (2018)
Publisher DOI
On a novel strain indicator based on uncorrelated misorientation angles for correlating dislocation density to local strength
Guglielmi, Paula O.; Ziehmer, Markus; Lilleodden, Erica
Acta Materialia (150): 195-205 (2018-05-15)
Publisher DOI
Opto-Thermophoretic Attraction, Trapping, and Dynamic Manipulation of Lipid Vesicles
Hill, Eric; Li, Jingang; Lin, Linhan; Liu, Yaoran; Zheng, Yuebing
Langmuir 44 (34): 13252-13262 (2018-11-06)
Publisher DOI
A geometric model for the fracture toughness of porous materials
Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Acta Materialia (151): 443-453 (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
On the topological, morphological, and microstructural characterization of nanoporous metals
Lilleodden, Erica; Voorhees, Peter W.
MRS Bulletin 1 (43): 20-26 (2018-01-01)
Publisher DOI
The role of carbon and tungsten disulphide nanotubes in the fracture of polymer-interlayered ceramic composites: a microscopy study
Livanov, Konstantin; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Wagner, H. Daniel
Journal of Materials Science 8 (53): 5879-5890 (2018-04-01)
Publisher DOI
Comparative study of static and cyclic fatigue of ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites
Lugovy, Mykola; Orlovskaya, Nina A.; Slyunyayev, Viktor; Mitrentsis, Eleni; Neumann, Marc; Aneziris, Christos G.; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Kuebler, Jakob
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 4 (38): 1128-1135 (2018-04)
Publisher DOI
Nanoporous gold dealloyed from AuAg and AuCu: Comparison of structure and chemical composition
Mahr, Christoph; Schowalter, Marco; Mitterbauer, Christoph; Lackmann, Anastasia; Fitzek, Lisa; Mehrtens, Thorsten; Wittstock, Arne; Rosenauer, Andreas
Materialia (2): 131-137 (2018-10)
Publisher DOI
Electrocapillary Coupling at Metal Surfaces from First Principles: On the Impact of Excess Charge on Surface Stress and Relaxation
Michl, Anja; Weissmüller, Jörg; Müller, Stefan
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 16 (34): 4920-4928 (2018)
Publisher DOI
Skeletonization, geometrical analysis, and finite element modeling of nanoporous gold based on 3D tomography data
Richert, Claudia; Huber, Norbert
Metals 4 (8): 282- (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Interfacial Thermal Resistance in Magnetocaloric Epoxy-Bonded La-Fe-Co-Si Composites
Sellschopp, Kai; Weise, Bruno; Krautz, Maria; Cugini, Francesco; Solzi, Massimo; Helmich, Lars; Hütten, Andreas; Waske, Anja
Energy Technology 8 (6): 1448-1452 (2018-08)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of uniform bulk nanoporous palladium with tunable structure
Shi, Shan; Markmann, Jürgen; Weissmüller, Jörg
Electrochimica Acta (285): 60-69 (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Reactive Synthesis of Ceramic-Metal Composites
Travitzky, Nahum; Fu, Zongwen; Knyazeva, Anna; Janßen, Rolf; Nekludov, Dmitri; Yin, Xiaowei; Greil, Peter
Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (20): 1800324- (2018-08)
Publisher DOI
Adsorption of acetone on rutile TiO2: a DFT and FTIRS study
Würger, Tim; Heckel, Wolfgang; Sellschopp, Kai; Müller, Stefan; Stierle, Andreas; Wang, Yuemin; Noei, Heshmat; Feldbauer, Gregor
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 34 (122): 19481-19490 (2018-08-30)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
On the systematic documentation of the structural characteristics of bovine enamel: A critic to the protein sheath concept
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Koldehoff, Jasmin; Schneider, Gerold A.
Dental Materials 10 (34): 1518-1530 (2018-10)
Publisher DOI
Ultrastructural and mechanical characterization of bovine enamel at multiple length scales
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.
Hierarchical microcrack model for materials exemplified at enamel
Özcoban, Hüseyin; Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 1 (34): 69-77 (2018-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Bulk-sized nacre-inspired composites by sedimentation processes
Behr, Sebastian
Cuvillier Verlag: (2017)
Effect of processing route on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot work tool steel
Besler, Robert; Bauer, Markus; Furlan, Kaline P.; Klein, Aloisio Nelmo; Janßen, Rolf
Materials Research 6 (20): 1518-1524 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Pulvermetallurgische Synthese eines interpenetrierenden Stahl-Al2O3-Verbundwerkstoffs
Besler, Robert
Dr. Hut, Materialwissenschaften: (2017)
Approximation of mechanical properties of sintered materials with discrete element method
Dosta, Maksym; Besler, Robert; Ziehdorn, Christian; Janßen, Rolf; Heinrich, Stefan
EPJ Web of Conferences (140): 15022 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Thermostat Influence on the Structural Development and Material Removal during Abrasion of Nanocrystalline Ferrite
Eder, Stefan J.; Cihak-Bayr, Ulrike; Bianchi, Davide; Feldbauer, Gregor; Betz, Gerhard
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (15), 13713-13725 ( 2017)
Publisher DOI
Fabrication of composites via spouted bed granulation process and simulation of their micromechanical properties
Eichner, Eduard; Dosta, Maksym; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
EPJ Web of Conferences (140): 13005 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Using a spouted bed spray granulation process to study the influence of aspect ratio on fracture toughness in composites
Eichner, Eduard; Dosta, Maksym; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB: 541-546 (2017-05)
Using dilute spouting for fabrication of highly filled metal-polymer composite materials
Eichner, Eduard; Salikov, Vitalij; Bassen, Pia-Kristina; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Powder Technology (316): 426-433 (2017-07-01)
Publisher DOI
Development and Evaluation of Interactive, Research-oriented Teaching Elements for Raising the Students' Interest in Research and for Facilitating the Achievement of Educational Objectives within the Lecture "Atomistic Materials Modeling"
Feldbauer, Gregor; Steffen, Marcel
arXiv: 1708.08838v1 (2017)
Highly porous α-Al 2 O 3 ceramics obtained by sintering atomic layer deposited inverse opals
Furlan, Kaline P.; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Zierold, Robert; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schneider, Gerold A.; Janßen, Rolf
Ceramics International 14 (43): 11260-11264 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Low-Temperature Mullite Formation in Ternary Oxide Coatings Deposited by ALD for High-Temperature Applications
Furlan, Kaline P.; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Blick, Robert; Schneider, Gerold A.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Zierold, Robert; Janßen, Rolf
Advanced Materials Interfaces 23 (4): 1700912 (2017-12-08)
Publisher DOI
Exceptionally strong, stiff and hard hybrid material based on an elastomer and isotropically shaped ceramic nanoparticles
Georgopanos, Prokopios; Schneider, Gerold A.; Dreyer, Axel; Handge, Ulrich A.; Filiz, Volkan; Feld, Artur; Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Weller, Horst; Abetz, Volker
Scientific reports 1 (7): 7314 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Improvement of mechanical properties by a polydopamine interface in highly filled hierarchical composites of titanium dioxide particles and poly(vinyl butyral)
Georgopanos, Prokopios; Eichner, Eduard; Filiz, Volkan; Handge, Ulrich A.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Heinrich, Stefan; Abetz, Volker
Composites Science and Technology (146): 73-82 (2017-07-07)
Publisher DOI
Effect of hexagonal boron nitride and graphite on mechanical and scuffing resistance of self lubricating iron based composite
Hammes, Gisela; Mucelin, Kelian Juliane; da Costa Gonçalves, Priscila; Binder, Cristiano; Binder, Roberto; Janßen, Rolf; Klein, Aloisio Nelmo; de Mello, José Daniel Biasoli
Wear (376-377): 1084-1090 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Van der Waals Interaction Really Matters: Energetics of Benzoic Acid on TiO₂ Rutile Surfaces
Heckel, Wolfgang; Würger, Tim; Müller, Stefan; Feldbauer, Gregor
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 32 (121): 17207-17214 (2017-08-17)
Publisher DOI
Metal nanoparticle growth within clay-polymer nacre-inspired materials for improved catalysis and plasmonic detection in complex biofluids
Hill, Eric; Hanske, Christoph; Johnson, Alexander; Yate, Luis; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Liz-Marzán, Luis M.
Langmuir 35 (33): 8774-8783 (2017-09-05)
Publisher DOI
A first principles study on the electronic origins of silver segregation at the Ag-Au (111) surface
Hoppe, Sandra; Müller, Stefan
Journal of Applied Physics 23 (122) : 235303 (2017-12-21)
Publisher DOI
How silver segregation stabilizes 1D surface gold oxide: A cluster expansion study combined with: Ab initio MD simulations
Hoppe, Sandra; Li, Yong; Moskaleva, Lyudmila; Müller, Stefan
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (19): 14845-14853 (2017-05-09)
Publisher DOI
Micromechanical and three-dimensional microstructural characterization of nanoporous gold-epoxy composites
Hu, Kaixiong
Open Access
Quantum many-body intermetallics: Phase stability of Fe3Al and small-gap formation in Fe2VAl
Kristanovski, Oleg; Richter, Raphael; Krivenko, Igor; Lichtenstein, Alexander I.; Lechermann, Frank
Physical Review B 4 (95): 045114 - (2017-01-10)
Publisher DOI
Oxygen-vacancy driven electron localization and itinerancy in rutile-based TiO2
Lechermann, Frank; Heckel, Wolfgang; Kristanovski, Oleg; Müller, Stefan
Physical Review B 19 (95): 195159 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Realistic many-body approaches to materials with strong nonlocal correlations
Lechermann, Frank; Lichtenstein, Alexander I.; Potthoff, Michael
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 11 (226): 2591-2613 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Unconventional electron states in δ-doped SmTiO3
Lechermann, Frank
Scientific reports 1 (7): art. no 1565 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nanomechanics of individual aerographite tetrapods
Meija, Raimonds; Signetti, Stefano; Schuchardt, Arnim; Meurisch, Kerstin; Smazna, Daria; Mecklenburg, Matthias; Schulte, Karl; Erts, Donats; Lupan, Oleg; Fiedler, Bodo; Mishra, Yogendra Kumar; Adelung, Rainer; Pugno, Nicola M.
Nature communications (8): 14982- (2017-04-12)
Open Access
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Effect of bismuth titanate on the properties of potassium sodium niobate-based ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Akano, Theddeus T.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 1 (5): 49-55 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Electric-field-induced phase transition in Mn-Doped (K0.48Na0.48Li0.04)NbO3 lead-free ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.; Schmitt, Ljubomira Ana; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 1 (8): 45-52 (2017-03-01)
Publisher DOI
Zum dielektrischen Durchschlag von keramischen Materialien
Neusel, Claudia
Dr. Hut, Materialwissenschaften: (2017)
Temperature dependence of plastic instability in Al alloys: a nanoindentation study
Ovri, Henry; Lilleodden, Erica
Materials and Design (125): 69-75 (2017-07-05)
Publisher DOI
Mechanical strength and defect distributions in flash sintered 3YSZ
Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo; Nazari Yamchelou, Amir; Debris, Audrey; Wieck, Christian; Jelitto, Hans; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 8 (37): 2901-2905 (2017-07-01)
Publisher DOI
Onset conditions for flash sintering of UO2
Raftery, Alicia M.; Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo; Byler, Darrin D.; Andersson, David A.; Uberuaga, Blas Pedro; Stanek, Christopher R.; McClellan, Kenneth J.
Journal of Nuclear Materials (493): 264-270 (2017-09-01)
Publisher DOI
On the photonic and mechanical properties of ordered and disordered arrays of pores
Rosário, Jefferson J. do
Verlag Dr. Hut, Ingenieurwissenschaften: (2017)
Influence of oxygen vacancies on two-dimensional electron systems at SrTiO3-based interfaces and surfaces
Sing, Michael; Jeschke, Harald O.; Lechermann, Frank; Valentí, Roser; Claessen, Ralph
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 11 (226): 2457-2475 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Effect of surface elasticity on the elastic response of nanoporous gold
Soyarslan, Celal; Husser, Edgar; Bargmann, Swantje
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 4 (7): 04017013 (2017-06-29)
Open Access
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A nanoporous gold-polypyrrole hybrid nanomaterial for actuation
Wang, Ke; Stenner, Charlotte; Weissmüller, Jörg
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (248): 622-629 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Magnetism, spin texture, and in-gap states : atomic specialization at the surface of oxygen-deficient SrTiO3
Altmeyer, Michaela; Jeschke, Harald O.; Hijano-Cubelos, Oliver; Martins, Cyril; Lechermann, Frank; Koepernik, Klaus; Santander-Syro, Andrés F.; Rozenberg, Marcelo J.; Valentí, Roser; Gabay, Marc
Physical Review Letters 116 (15): 157203-1 (2016-04-14)
Open Access
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Hubbard band versus oxygen vacancy states in the correlated electron metal SrVO3
Backes, Steffen; Rödel, Tobias C.; Fortuna, F.; Frantzeskakis, Emmanouil; Le Fèvre, P.; Bertran, F.; Kobayashi, M.; Yukawa, Ryu; Mitsuhashi, T.; Kitamura, Miho; Horiba, Koji; Kumigashira, H.; Saint-Martin, Romuald; Fouchet, A.; Berini, Bruno; Dumont, Yves; Kim, Aaram J.; Lechermann, Frank; Jeschke, Harald O.; Rozenberg, Marcelo J.; Valentí, Roser; Santander-Syro, Andrés F.
Physical Review B 24 (94): 241110 - (2016-12-19)
Publisher DOI
Shear Strength and Interfacial Toughness Characterization of Sapphire-Epoxy Interfaces for Nacre-Inspired Composites
Behr, Sebastian; Jungblut, Laura; Swain, Michael V.; Schneider, Gerold A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 40 (8): 27322-27331 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Tailoring Toughness and Mechanical Reliability by Controlled Defects: Nature-Inspired Composite Laminates of Laser-Perforated Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia
Behr, Sebastian; Köllner, Andre; Schneider, Gerold A.
Advanced Engineering Materials 11 (18): 1877-1883 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Versatile Approach to the Spin Dynamics in Correlated Electron Systems
Behrmann, Malte; Lichtenstein, Alexander I.; Katsnelson, Mikhail; Lechermann, Frank
Phys. Rev. B 94, 165120 (2016) 16 (94): Artikel Nr. 165120 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Mechanical properties of natural radiation-damaged titanite and temperature-induced structural reorganization: A nanoindentation and Raman spectroscopic study
Beirau, Tobias; Nix, William D.; Ewing, Rodney C.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Groat, Lee A.; Bismayer, Ulrich
American Mineralogist 2 (101): 399-406 (2016-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Discrete element simulation of metal ceramic composite materials with varying metal content
Besler, Robert; Silva, Marcel Rossetti da; Dosta, Maksym; Heinrich, Stefan; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 9 (36): 2245-2253 (2016-08-01)
Publisher DOI
Organically linked iron oxide nanoparticle supercrystals with exceptional isotropic mechanical properties
Dreyer, Axel; Feld, Artur; Kornowski, Andreas; Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Noei, Heshmat; Meyer, Andreas; Krekeler, Tobias; Jiao, Chengge; Stierle, Andreas; Abetz, Volker; Weller, Horst; Schneider, Gerold A.
Nature Materials 5 (15): 522-528 (2016-05-01)
Publisher DOI
Surface stabilization determines a classical: fersus non-classical nucleation pathway during particle formation
Dreyer, Axel; Eckstädt, Katrin; Koop, Thomas; Jutzi, Peter; Hütten, Andreas
RSC Advances 78 (6): 74061-74066 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Refractory absorber/emitter using monolayer of ceramic microparticles
Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Leib, Elisabeth; Petrov, Alexander; Störmer, Michael; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Schneider, Gerold A.; Eich, Manfred
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (9885): 98851K (2016)
Publisher DOI
Use of spouted-bed spray granulation process for fabrication of metal/ceramic-polymer composites
Eichner, Eduard; Salikov, Vitalij; Dosta, Maksym; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 9 (88): 1351-1351 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Surface excess elasticity of gold: ab initio coefficients and impact on the effective elastic response of nanowires
Elsner, Beatrix A. M.; Müller, Stefan; Bargmann, Swantje; Weissmüller, Jörg
Acta Materialia (124): 468-477 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Energy and Spectroscopic Line Shape of the C-O Stretch Mode on Ir(111) in the Presence of Organic Molecules
Endlich, Michael; Michl, Anja; Hildisch, J.; Müller, Stefan; Kröger, Jörg
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 21 (120): 11490-11497 (2016-06-02)
Publisher DOI
Structure and ordering of oxygen on unreconstructed Ir(100)
Ferstl, Pascal; Schmitt, T.; Schneider, M. Alexander; Hammer, Lutz; Michl, Anja; Müller, Stefan
Physical Review B 23 (93): 235406 (2016-06-03)
Publisher DOI
Processing of all-oxide ceramic matrix composites with RBAO matrices
Guglielmi, Paula O.; Garcia, Daniel E.; Hablitzel, Murilo P.; Blaese, Diego; Goulart, D. P.; Borchert, A.; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 1 (7): 87-96 (2016-03)
Publisher DOI
Funktionalisierung von Metalloxiden: Modellierung auf quantenmechanischer Basis
Heckel, Wolfgang
Dr. Hut 978-3-8439-2534-1: (2016)
Reaction-Forming of Ceramic Composites Using Metallic Aluminum
Janßen, Rolf; Travitzky, Nahum; Greil, Peter; Claussen, Nils
Engineered Ceramics: Current Status and Future Prospects: 261-275 (2016-01-15)
Publisher DOI
Bottom-up Fabrication of Multilayer Stacks of 3D Photonic Crystals from Titanium Dioxide
Kubrin, Roman; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Waleczek, Martin; Lee, Hooi Sing; Zierold, Robert; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Montero Moreno, Josep M.; Petrov, Alexander; Janßen, Rolf; Eich, Manfred; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schneider, Gerold A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16 (8): 10466-10476 (2016-04-27)
Publisher DOI
Electron dichotomy on the SrTiO3 defect surface augmented by many-body effects
Lechermann, Frank; Jeschke, Harald; Kim, Aaram J.; Backes, Steffen; Valentí, Roser
Physical Review B 12 (93): (2016-03-09)
Publisher DOI
High-temperature stable Zirconia particles doped with Yttrium, Lanthanum, and Gadolinium
Leib, Elisabeth; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Blankenburg, Malte; Müller, Martin; Schreyer, Andreas; Janßen, Rolf; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 9 (33): 645-655 (2016)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Configurationally exhaustive first-principles study of a quaternary superalloy with a vast configuration space
Maisel, S. B.; Höfler, M.; Müller, Stefan
Physical Review B 1 (94): 014116 (2016-07-25)
Publisher DOI
Effect of La and Mn on the properties of alkaline niobate-based piezoelectric ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 1 (4): 97-101 (2016-03-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Investigation of the fracture toughness and electrical properties of (K, Na, Li) (Nb, Ta, Sb)O<inf>3</inf> ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Jellito, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Ceramics International 15 (42): 17711-17716 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Neutron diffraction study of (KₓNaₓ)NbO₃-based ceramics from low to high temperatures
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.; Hoelzel, Markus; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel
Journal of Applied Crystallography (49): 891-901 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Determination of the packing fraction in photonic glass using synchrotron radiation nanotomography
Ogurreck, Malte; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Leib, Elisabeth; Laipple, Daniel; Greving, Imke; Marschall, Felix; Last, Arndt; Schneider, Gerold A.; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst; Beckmann, Felix; Müller, Martin
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 6 (23): 1440-1446 (2016-11-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Layout and first results of the nanotomography endstation at the P05 beamline at PETRA III
Ogurreck, Malte; Greving, Imke; Marschall, Felix; Vogt, Harald; Last, Arndt; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Leib, Elisabeth; Beckmann, Felix; Wilde, Fabian; Müller, Martin
AIP Conference Proceedings (1696): 020008 (2016-01-28)
Publisher DOI
Stability of α-Alumina Photonic Structures Formed at Low Temperatures Utilizing Chromia-Seeding
Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Waleczek, Martin; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schneider, Gerold A.; Janßen, Rolf
Ceramic for Energy Conversion, Storage, and Distribution Systems (256): 177-186 (2016-05-31)
Publisher DOI
A dynamic bifurcation criterion for thermal runaway during the flash sintering of ceramics
Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali; Keil, Frerich; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 5 (36): 1261-1267 (2016-04-01)
Publisher DOI
Thermal Shock Study on Different Advanced Ceramics by Laser Irradiation in Different Media
Pulz, Robert; Rehmer, Birgit; Schneider, Gerold A.; Skrotzki, Birgit
Advanced Engineering Materials 1 (18): 132-140 (2016-01-01)
Publisher DOI
Automatic three-dimensional geometry and mesh generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusion composites
Schneider, Konrad; Klusemann, Benjamin; Bargmann, Swantje
Advances in Engineering Software (99): 177-188 (2016)
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Self-assembly of nanoscale lateral segregation profiles
Stania, Roland; Heckel, Wolfgang; Kalichava, I.; Bernard, C.; Kerscher, T. C.; Cun, H. Y.; Willmott, P. R.; Schönfeld, B.; Osterwalder, J.; Müller, Stefan; Greber, Thomas
Physical Review B 16 (93): 161402 (2016-04-07)
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Strong light scattering and broadband (UV to IR) photoabsorption in stretchable 3D hybrid architectures based on Aerographite decorated by ZnO nanocrystallites
Tiginyanu, Ion; Ghimpu, Lidia; Gröttrup, Jorit; Postolache, Vitalie; Mecklenburg, Matthias; Stevens-Kalceff, Marion A.; Ursaki, Veaceslav; Payami, Nader; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Schulte, Karl; Adelung, Rainer; Mishra, Yogendra Kumar
Scientific Reports (6): 32913- (2016)
Open Access
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Local flow stresses in interpenetrating-phase composites based on nanoporous gold — in situ diffraction
Wang, Ke; Hartig, Christian; Blankenburg, Malte; Müller, Martin; Günther, Robert; Weissmüller, Jörg
Scripta Materialia (127): 151-155 (2017)
Open Access
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Interface elasticity effects in polymer-filled nanoporous metals
Wilmers, Jana; McBride, Andrew; Bargmann, Swantje
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (99): 163-177 (2017)
Open Access
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Mechanical behavior of enamel rods under micro-compression
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (63): 183-194 (2016-10-01)
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A principle curvatures analysis of the isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold: Quantifying the characteristic length-scales
Ziehmer, Markus; Hu, Kaixiong; Wang, Ke; Lilleodden, Erica
Acta Materialia (120): 24-31 (2016)
Open Access
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Highly-structured, additive-free lithium-ion cathodes by freeze-casting technology
Behr, Sebastian; Amin, Ruhul; Chiang, Yet Ming; Tomsia, Antoni P.
CFI Ceramic Forum International 92 (4): E39-E43 (2015-04-01)
Large-scale parallel alignment of platelet-shaped particles through gravitational sedimentation
Behr, Sebastian; Vainio, Ulla; Müller, Martin; Schreyer, Andreas; Schneider, Gerold A.
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9984 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sintering Simulation of Periodic Macro Porous Alumina
Besler, Robert; Silva, Marcel Rossetti da; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Dosta, Maksym; Heinrich, Stefan; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 11 (98): 3496-3502 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Development of a synthetic synovial fluid for tribological testing
Bortel, Emely Lea; Charbonnier, Baptiste; Heuberger, Roman
Lubricants 4 (3): 664-686 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Tungsten band edge absorber/emitter based on a monolayer of ceramic microspheres
Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Leib, Elisabeth; Petrov, Alexander; Störmer, Michael; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Schneider, Gerold A.; Eich, Manfred
Optics Express 19 (23): A1236-A1244 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Size effects and strain localization in atomic-scale cleavage modeling
Elsner, Beatrix A. M.; Müller, Stefan
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 34 (27): 345002 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Microstructure and flexural properties of multilayered fiber-reinforced oxide composites fabricated by a novel lamination route
Guglielmi, Paula O.; Blaese, Diego; Hablitzel, Murilo P.; Nunes, Gabriel F.; Lauth, Victor R.; Hotza, Dachamir; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali; Janßen, Rolf
Ceramics International 6 (41): 7836-7846 (2015)
Publisher DOI
How the aggregation of oxygen vacancies in rutile based TiO₂₋δ phases causes memristive behavior
Heckel, Wolfgang; Wehlau, Michael; Maisel, Sascha; Frauenheim, Thomas; Knaup, Jan, M.; Müller, Stefan
Physical Review B 21 (92): 214104 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Solubility and ordering of Ti, Ta, Mo and W on the Al sublattice in L1₂-Co₃Al
Koßmann, J.; Hammerschmidt, T.; Maisel, Sascha; Müller, Sebastian; Drautz, R.
Intermetallics 64: 44-50 (2015-05-10)
Publisher DOI
Transparent nanophosphor films with high quantum efficiency through cold compaction
Kubrin, Roman; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Schneider, Gerold A.
RSC Advances 32 (5): 25555-25564 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis and thermal stability of zirconia and yttria-stabilized zirconia microspheres
Leib, Elisabeth; Vainio, Ulla; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Kus, Jonas; Czaschke, Christian; Walter, Nils; Janßen, Rolf; Müller, Martin; Schreyer, Andreas; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias
Journal of colloid and interface science (448): 582-592 (2015-06-15)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Yttria-stabilized zirconia microspheres: Novel building blocks for high-temperature photonics
Leib, Elisabeth W.; Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Döring, Sebastian; Puchert, Anke; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold A.; Janßen, Rolf; Weller, Horst; Vossmeyer, Tobias
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (4): 62-74 (2016)
Open Access
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Nanoporous gold : testing macro-scale samples to probe small-scale mechanical behavior
Mameka, Nadiia; Wang, Ke; Markmann, Jürgen; Lilleodden, Erica; Weissmüller, Jörg
Materials Research Letters 1 (4): 27-36 (2016)
Open Access
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Effect of Ti on the properties of (KxNa1-x)NbO3 based lead-free ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.
Ceramics International 10, Part A (41): 13232-13240 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Investigation of the phase space in lead-free (K x Na1-x )1-y Li y (Nb1-z Ta z )O3 ferroelectric ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Janßen, Rolf; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 4 (4): 282-291 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Erratum: Intergranular nanostructure effects on strength and toughness of Si3N4 (Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2015) 98:5 (1650-1657) DOI: 10.1111/jace.13484)
Mikijelj, Biljana; Nawaz, Zubair; Kruzic, Jamie J.; Idrobo, Juan Carlos; Swab, Jeffrey J.; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Fett, Theo; Liu, Yi
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 12 (98): 4124-4124 (2015-12-01)
Publisher DOI
Intergranular nanostructure effects on strength and toughness of Si3N4
Mikijelj, Biljana; Nawaz, Zubair; Kruzic, Jamie J.; Idrobo, Juan Carlos; Swab, Jeffrey J.; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Fett, Theo; Liu, Yi
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 5 (98): 1650-1657 (2015-05-01)
Publisher DOI
Mechanical tests and simulation on load sharing in alumina fiber bundles
Neckel, Leandro; Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo; Guglielmi, Paula O.; Hotza, Dachamir; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali; Montedo, O. R. K.; Bergmann, Carlos Pérez; Janßen, Rolf
Ceramics International 41 (10): 13257-13263 (2015-12-01)
Publisher DOI
Electrical conduction mechanism in bulk ceramic insulators at high voltages until dielectric breakdown
Neusel, Claudia; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Applied Physics 15 (117): 154902 (2015-04-21)
Publisher DOI
Micromechanisms governing plastic instability in Al–Li based alloys
Ovri, Henry
Open Access
Enhanced structural and phase stability of titania inverse opals
Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Lee, Hooi Sing; Kubrin, Roman; Zierold, Robert; Petrov, Alexander; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schneider, Gerold A.; Eich, Manfred; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 11 (35): 3103-3109 (2015)
Publisher DOI
High temperature behavior of monodisperse porosity in alumina films
Pasquarelli, Robert M.; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Rath, Lars; Schneider, Gerold A.; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 14 (35): 3917-3926 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Temperature distributions during flash sintering of 8% yttria-stabilized zirconia
Pereira da Silva, João Gustavo; Lebrun, Jean Marie; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali; Janßen, Rolf; Raj, Rishi
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (11): 3525-3528 (2015-11-01)
Publisher DOI
Surface morphology and fracture strength analysis of nanosecond ablated alumina
Ribas Gomes, Diego; Hallmann, Sina; Daniel, Christian; Fredel, Márcio Celso; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 1435 (123) : 160-166 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Self-assembled ultra high strength, ultra stiff mechanical metamaterials based on inverse opals
Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Lilleodden, Erica; Waleczek, Martin; Kubrin, Roman; Petrov, Alexander; Dyachenko, Pavel N.; Sabisch, Julian E. C.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Huber, Norbert; Eich, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold A.
Advanced Engineering Materials 10 (17): 1420-1424 (2015-10-01)
Publisher DOI
Damage modeling of small-scale experiments on dental enamel with hierarchical microstructure
Scheider, Ingo; Xiao, Tao; Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Huber, Norbert; Bargmann, Swantje
Acta biomaterialia (15): 244-253 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
The Schwickerath adhesion test: a fracture mechanics analysis
Schneider, Gerold A.; Swain, Michael V.
Dental Materials 8 (31): 986-991 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Three-dimensional Aerographite-GaN hybrid networks: single step fabrication of porous and mechanically flexible materials for multifunctional applications
Schuchardt, Arnim; Braniste, Tudor; Mishra, Yogendra Kumar; Deng, Mao; Mecklenburg, Matthias; Stevens-Kalceff, Marion A.; Raevschi, Simion; Schulte, Karl; Kienle, Lorenz; Adelung, Rainer; Tiginyanu, Ion
Scientific Reports (5): Art.-Nr. 8839 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Nanoporous-gold-based composites : toward tensile ductility
Wang, Ke; Kobler, Aaron; Kübel, Christian; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.; Weissmüller, Jörg
NPG Asia Materials 6 (7): e187 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Influence of structural hierarchy on the fracture behaviour of tooth enamel
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Swain, Michael V.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2038 (373): 20140130 (2015-03-28)
Publisher DOI
Uniaxial compressive behavior of micro-pillars of dental enamel characterized in multiple directions
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Acta Biomaterialia 1 (16): 187-195 (2015)
Publisher DOI
ZrO₂ fiber-matrix interfaces in alumina fiber-reinforced model composites
Blaese, Diego; Domènech Garcia, Berta; Guglielmi, Paula O.; Hotza, Dachamir; Fredel, Márcio Celso; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 5 (35): 1593-1598 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Aging of a Pt/Al2O3 exhaust gas catalyst monitored by quasi in situ X-ray micro computed tomography
Hofmann, Georg; Rochet, Amélie; Ogel, Elen; Casapu, Maria; Ritter, Stephan; Ogurreck, Malte; Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
RSC Advances 9 (5): 6893-6905 (2015)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Ab-initio modeling of electromechanical coupling at Si surfaces
Hoppe, Sandra; Michl, Anja; Weissmüller, Jörg; Müller, Stefan
Journal of Applied Physics 7 (116): 073507 (2014-08-21)
Publisher DOI
Scaling laws of nanoporous metals under uniaxial compression
Huber, Norbert; Viswanath, R. N.; Mameka, Nadiia; Markmann, Jürgen; Weissmüller, Jörg
Acta Materialia (67): 252-265 (2014)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Biomechanical adaptation of the bone-periodontal ligament (PDL)-tooth fibrous joint as a consequence of disease
Lin, Jeremy D.; Lee, Jihyun; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Schneider, Gerold A.; Ho, Sunita P.
Journal of Biomechanics 47 (9): 2102-2114 (2014)
Publisher DOI
Tough alumina/polymer layered composites with high ceramic content
Livanov, Konstantin; Jelitto, Hans; Bar-On, Benny; Schulte, Karl; Schneider, Gerold A.; Wagner, Hanoch Daniel
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 4 (98): 1285-1291 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Nickel-rhenium compound sheds light on the potency of rhenium as a strengthener in high-temperature nickel alloys
Maisel, Sascha; Schindzielorz, Nils; Mottura, Alessandro; Reed, Roger C.; Müller, Stefan
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 90 (9): 094110 (2014-09-16)
Publisher DOI
Thickness-dependence of the breakdown strength: analysis of the dielectric and mechanical failure
Neusel, Claudia; Jelitto, Hans; Schmidt, Dieter; Janßen, Rolf; Felten, Frank; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 113-123
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laserthermoschockversuche - Durchführung und Auswertung für unterschiedliche Hochleistungskeramiken
Pulz, Robert
Open Access
Oriented attachment explains cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth in bioinspired syntheses
Wolff, Annalena; Hetaba, Walid; Wißbrock, Marco; Löffler, Stefan; Mill, Nadine; Eckstädt, Katrin; Dreyer, Axel; Ennen, Inga; Sewald, Norbert; Schattschneider, Peter; Hütten, Andreas
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (5): 210-218 (2014)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Attritor-milling of poly(amide imide) suspensions
Wolff, Michael F. H.; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Novel, highly-filled ceramic–polymer composites synthesized by a spouted bed spray granulation process
Wolff, Michael F. H.; Salikov, Vitalij; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Composites Science and Technology (90): 154-159 (2014-01-14)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold
Xue, Yahui; Markmann, Jürgen; Duan, Huiling; Weissmüller, Jörg; Huber, Patrick
Nature communications 1 (5): 4237 (2014-07-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Towards bio-inspired engineering materials : modeling and simulation of the mechanical behavior of hierarchical bovine dental structure
Bargmann, Swantje; Scheider, Ingo; Xiao, Tao; Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Huber, Norbert
Computational Materials Science (79): 390-401 (2013)
Publisher DOI
A novel method for a multi-level hierarchical composite with brick-and-mortar structure
Brandt, Kristina; Wolff, Michael F. H.; Salikov, Vitalij; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 2322 (2013)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dielectric behaviour and conductivity of high-filled BaTiO3-PMMA composites and the facile route of emulsion polymerization in synthesizing the same
Brandt, Kristina; Neusel, Claudia; Behr, Sebastian; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 18 (1): 3129-3137 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Automated control of stable crack growth for R-curve measurements in brittle materials
Jelitto, Hans; Hackbarth, Felix; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Schneider, Gerold A.
Experimental Mechanics 2 (53): 163-170 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Vertical convective coassembly of refractory ysz inverse opals from crystalline nanoparticles
Kubrin, Roman; Rosário, Jefferson J. do; Lee, Hooi Sing; Mohanty, Sweety; Subrahmanyam, Raman; Smirnova, Irina; Petrov, Alexey; Petrov, Alexander; Eich, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold A.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 24 (5): 13146-13152 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Photonic properties of titania inverse opal heterostructures
Lee, Hooi Sing; Kubrin, Roman; Zierold, Robert; Petrov, Alexander; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schneider, Gerold A.; Eich, Manfred
Optical Materials Express 8 (3): 1007-1019 (2013)
Publisher DOI
An accidental visualization of the Brillouin zone in an Ni-W alloy via diffuse scattering
Maisel, Sascha; Schindzielorz, Nils; Müller, Stefan; Reichert, Harald; Bosak, Alexei
Journal of Applied Crystallography 4 (46): 1211-1215 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Structure and electrical properties of 0.85(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-0.12BaTiO3-0.03SrTiO3 ferroelectric ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Pacher Fernandes, Rodrigo; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 15-16 (33): 3015-3022 (2013)
Publisher DOI
verted response of aluminum work function to tangential strain
Michl, Anja; Weissmüller, Jörg; Müller, Stefan
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 44 (25): 445012 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Modelling of ballistic impact over a ceramic-metal protection system
Neckel, Leandro; Hotza, Dachamir; Stainer, Daniel; Janßen, Rolf; Al-Qureshi, Hazim Ali
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 698476, 8 pages, 2013
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dependence of the breakdown strength on thickness and permittivity
Neusel, Claudia; Schneider, Gerold A.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD) : June 30 2013 - July 4 2013, Bologna, Italy. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - Art.-Nr. 6619786, i.e. Seite 31-35 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Size-dependence of the dielectric breakdown strength from nano- to millimeter scale
Neusel, Claudia; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ; 63.2014, Feb., S. 201 – 213
Open Access
Three-dimensional discrete element modeling of micromechanical bending tests of ceramic–polymer composite materials
Wolff, Michael F. H.; Salikov, Vitalij; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Powder Technology (248): 77-83 (2013)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Electrical conductivity, thermal expansion and stability of Y- and Al-substituted SrVO3 as prospective SOFC anode material
Yaremchenko, Aleksey; Brinkmann, B.; Janßen, Rolf; Frade, Jorge
Solid State Ionics (247-248): 86-93 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Characterizing dental enamel’s mechanical properties from milli- to nanometer length scales
Ang, Siang Fung
Open Access
Interfaces in metamict titanite : the macroscopic mechanical properties after stepwise annealing
Beirau, Tobias; Guglielmi, Paula O.; Paulmann, Carsten; Schneider, Gerold A.; Groat, Lee A.; Malcherek, Thomas; Saljé, Ekhard K. Hermann; Bismayer, Ulrich
Phase Transitions 1 (86): 23-32 (2013)
Publisher DOI
In situ measurement of lattice strains in mixed ceramic cutting tools under thermal and mechanical loads using synchrotron radiation
Eichenseer, Christiane; Wittmann, I.; Hartig, Christian; Schneider, Gerold A.; Schell, Norbert; Hintze, Wolfgang
Production Engineering 2-3 (7): 283-289 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Ultrasonic characterization of defective porcelain tiles
Eren, E.; Kurama, S.; Janßen, Rolf
Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 4 (51): 211-216 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Mechanical characterization of highly porous β-Si3N4 ceramics fabricated via partial sintering & starch addition
Kalemtas, Ayse; Topates, Gulsum; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Mandal, Hasan; Kara, Ferhat; Janßen, Rolf
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 9 (33): 1507-1515 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Biomechanics of a bone-periodontal ligament-tooth fibrous joint
Lin, Jeremy D.; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Greene, Janelle P.; Jang, Andrew T.; Djomehri, Sabra I.; Fahey, Kevin P.; Hunter, Luke L.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Ho, Sunita P.
Journal of Biomechanics 3 (46): 443-449 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Investigation of the structure and electrical properties of (KxNa0.96-xLi0.04)(Nb0.96-yTaySb0.04) O3 piezoelectric ceramics modified with manganese
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (1): 201-208 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Investigation of the structure and properties of (KxNa1-x)NbO3-based piezoelectric ceramics using both conventional and high-throughput experimentation (HTE) methods
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene
Cuvillier Verlag
Open Access
Effective permittivity of air-filled cracks in piezoelectric ceramics due to crack bridging
Neumeister, Peter; Jurisch, Martin; Jelitto, Hans; Engert, Andrea R.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Balke, Herbert
Acta Materialia 4 (61): 1061-1069 (2013)
Publisher DOI
A Griffith type energy release rate model for dielectric breakdown under space charge limited conductivity
Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 61 (1): 78-90 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Fracture behavior of hydroxyapatite nanofibers in dental enamel under micropillar compression
Yilmaz, Ezgi D.; Bechtle, Sabine; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Schreyer, Andreas; Schneider, Gerold A.
Scripta Materialia 6 (68): 404-407 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Computer-controlled stable crack growth as a reliable and fast method to determine subcritical crack growth
Özcoban, Hüseyin; Fett, Theo; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 40 (2012) 2, 238-242, DOI: 10.1520/JTE104191
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sub-10-micrometer toughening and crack tip toughness of dental enamel
Ang, Siang Fung; Schulz, Anja; Pacher Fernandes, Rodrigo; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials ; 4.2011, pp. 423-432
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hierarchical flexural strength of enamel : transition from brittle to damage-tolerant behaviour
Bechtle, Sabine; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Lilleodden, Erica; Huber, Norbert; Schreyer, Andreas; Swain, Michael V.; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 71 (9): 1265-1274 (2012)
Publisher DOI
Evaluation of permeability of ceramic wick structures for two phase heat transfer devices
Berti, L. F.; Santos, P. H. D.; Bazzo, E.; Janßen, Rolf; Hotza, Dachamir; Rambo, Carlos R.
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (6/7): 1076-1081 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Novel ceramic-polymer composites synthesized by compaction of polymer-encapsulated TiO2-nanoparticles
Brandt, Kristina; Salikov, Vitalij; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Staron, Peter; Schreyer, Andreas; Prado, Luís A. S. A.; Schulte, Karl; Heinrich, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Composites Science and Technology 72 (1): 65-71 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Influence of small cyclic and DC electrical loads on the fracture toughness of ferroelectric ceramics
Engert, Andrea R.; Neumeister, Peter; Mecklenburg, Matthias; Jelitto, Hans; Balke, Herbert; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society ; 31.2011,4, pp. 531-540
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Crack-tip toughness from vickers crack-tip opening displacements for materials with strongly rising R-curves
Fünfschilling, Stefan; Fett, Theo; Oberacker, Rainer; Hoffmann, Michael J.; Schneider, Gerold A.; Becher, Paul F.; Kruzic, Jamie J.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (6):1884-1892 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Mechanisms of toughening in silicon nitrides : the roles of crack bridging and microstructure
Fünfschilling, Stefan; Fett, Theo; Hoffmann, Michael J.; Oberacker, Rainer; Schwind, Thomas; Wippler, Johannes; Böhlke, Thomas; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Schneider, Gerold A.; Becher, Paul F.; Kruzic, Jamie J.
Acta Materialia 59 (10): 3978-3989 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Building a sintering front through fast firing
García, Daniel E.; Hotza, Dachamir; Janßen, Rolf
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 8 (6): 1486-1493 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Large-scale lattice gas Monte Carlo simulations for the generalized Ising model
Kerscher, Tobias C.; Müller, Stefan; Snell, Quinn O.; Hart, Gus L. W.
Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2011 ; 16 - 20 May 2011, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. - (): 6012860 1234-1241 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Towards ceramic 3DOM-materials as novel high-temperature reflective coatings and filters for thermophotovoltaics
Kubrin, Roman; Lee, Hooi Sing; Petrov, Alexander; Janßen, Rolf; Schneider, Gerold A.; Bachmann, J.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Eich, Manfred
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering SYMPOSIUM 12 (18): 182004- (2011-08-31)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Electrical and structural characterization of (KxNa1-x)NbO3 ceramics modified with Li and Ta
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of applied crystallography ; 44.2011, pp, 1080-1089
Open Access
Temperature-dependent synchrotron powder diffraction phase studies of (K0.37Na0.52Li0.03)(Nb0.87Ta0.1Sb0.03)O3 ferroelectric ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Fernando, Rodrigo P.; Hinterstein, Manuel; Schneider, Gerold A.
Z. Kristallogr. 226 (2011) 138-144
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dielectric breakdown of alumina single crystals
Neusel, Claudia; Jelitto, Hans; Schmidt, Dieter; Janßen, Rolf; Felten, Frank; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2012, Pages 1053-1057
Open Access
Size-dependent elastic-inelastic behavior of enamel over millimeter and nanometer length scales
Ang, Siang Fung; Bortel, Emely Lea; Swain, Michael V.; Klocke, Arndt; Schneider, Gerold A.
Biomaterials vol. 31.2010(7), pp.1955-1963
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Crack arrest within teeth at the dentinoenamel junction caused by elastic modulus mismatch
Bechtle, Sabine; Fett, Theo; Rizzi, Gabriele; Habelitz, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Biomaterials ; vol. 31.2010, p. 4238-4247
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Mixed-mode stress intensity factors for kink cracks with finite kink length loaded in tension and bending
Bechtle, Sabine; Fett, Theo; Rizzi, Gabriele; Habelitz, Stefan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials ; vol. 3.2010, 4 p. 303-312
Open Access
Publisher DOI
On the mechanical properties of hierarchically structured biological materials
Bechtle, Sabine; Ang, Siang Fung; Schneider, Gerold A.
Biomaterials ; Vol. 31.2010, no. 25, pp. 6378-6385
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Zuverlässigkeit von keramischen Mehrlagensubstraten
Dorsch, Niko Sebastian
Open Access
What do we know about surface charges on cracks in ferroelectric ceramics?
Engert, Andrea Raphaela; Felten, Frank; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials
Open Access
Effect of antimony substitution for niobium on the crystal structure, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.; Stegk, Tobias
Functional materials letters ; Vol. 3.2010, no.1, pp. 25-30
Open Access
Determination of the multiaxial failure criteria for alumina ceramics under tension–torsion test
Nohut, Serkan; Usbeck, Anna K.; Özcoban, Hüseyin; Krause, Dieter; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society ; Vol.30.2010, pp. 3339-3349
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Area fraction quantification of ferroelectric domain orientations in BaTiO3 using piezoresponse force microscopy
Pacher Fernandes, Rodrigo; Herber, Ralf-Peter; Kunz, Lothar; Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of applied physics ; vol. 108.2010, 044103
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Osteoclastic bioresorption of biomaterials : two- and three-dimensional imaging and quantification
Winkler, Thomas; Hoenig, Elisa; Gildenhaar, Renate; Janßen, Rolf; Berger, Georg; Fritsch, Daniel; Huber, Gerd; Morlock, Michael; Schilling, Arndt F.
International Journal of Artificial Organs 33 (4): 198-203 (2010)
Publisher DOI
Influence of finite notch root radius and optically determined crack length on the measured fracture toughness of brittle materials
Özcoban, Hüseyin; Jelitto, Hans; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30: (2010)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Determination of the Elastic-plastic Transition of Human Enamel by Nanoindentation
Ang, Siang Fung; Scholz, Torben; Klocke, Arndt; Schneider, Gerold A.
DENTAL MATERIALS, 25(11), 1403–1410 (2009)
Open Access
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The fracture behaviour of dental enamel
Bechtle, Sabine; Habelitz, Stefan; Klocke, Arndt; Fett, Theo; Schneider, Gerold A.
Biomaterials 31 (2010), pp. 375-384
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Effect of MnO2 on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Alkaline Niobate based lead free piezoelectric ceramics
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Herber, Ralf-Peter; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume 29, Issue 9, June 2009, Pages 1729-1733
Open Access
Investigation of the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of potassiumsodium niobate ceramics close to the phase boundary at (K0.35Na0.65)NbO3 and partial substitutions with lithium and antimony
Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Herber, Ralf-Peter; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29 (2009) 3273–3278
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Failure probability of ceramic coil springs
Nohut, Serkan; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society ; Vol. 29.2009,6 pp. 1013-1019
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Technical strategies to improve tissue engineering of cartilage-carrier- constructs
Pörtner, Ralf; Göpfert, Christiane; Wiegandt, Katharina; Janßen, Rolf; Ilinich, Eduard; Paetzold, Hans; Eisenbarth, Eva Maria; Morlock, Michael
Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 112: 145–181 (2009)
Publisher DOI
Investigation of phase boundaries in the system (KxNa1-x)1-yLiy(Nb1-zTaz)O3 using High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE)
Stegk, Tobias; Mgbemere, Henry Ekene; Herber, Ralf-Peter; Janßen, Rolf; Schneider, Gerold A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume 29, Issue 9, June 2009, Pages 1721-1727
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Zur Bestimmung bruchmechanischer Kennwerte am Piezo-Aktor
Häusler, Christoph; Jelitto, Hans; Balke, Herbert; Schneider, Gerold A.
DVM-Bericht 237, 37. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge, S. 355
Open Access
Experimenteller Aufbau zur Messung der Energiefreisetzungsrate für Risswachstum in PZT unter elektromechanischer Last
Jelitto, Hans; Felten, Frank; Schneider, Gerold A.
DVM-Bericht 237, 37. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge, S. 365
Open Access
Calcium phosphate ceramics as substrate for cartilage cultivation
Janßen, Rolf; Nagel-Heyer, Stephanie; Göpfert, Christiane; Pörtner, Ralf; Toykan, Derya; Krummhauer, Oliver; Morlock, Michael; Adamietz, Peter; Meenen, Norbert M.; Kriven, Waltraud M.; Kim, Dong-Kyu; Tampieri, Anna; Celotti, Giancarlo
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 25 (4): 523-528 (2004)