Research Activities of Advanced Ceramics Group
Fracture Mechanics
Experiments with stable crack growth in structural and functional ceramics
Synthesis and Characterization of High-performance Cutting Ceramics
Modelling and Reliability of Ceramics
- Multiscale Investigation of Design and Reliability of Ceramics
- Modeling of Ceramic Oxide Fiber Bundles Mechanical Properties
Characterization of ferroelectric ceramics - Scanning Probe Microscopy and 4-point bending
- Cracks in ferroelectric ceramics - Kelvin-Force-Microscopy and 4-point bending tests
- Tip-sample interaction in force modulation microscopy: mechanical properties at nanoscale level
Mechanical Characterization of Biomineralized Materials
- Investigation of enamel’s mechanical behaviors at different length scales
- Investigation of enamel and hierarchical structures
Nanoindentation on ceramics
AFM - Nanoindentation
Characterization of Ferroelectric Materials with Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Effect of charges and polarization around cracks on the fracture toughness of ferroelectric materials analyzed by Kelvin-Force-Microscopy and 4 Point bending tests
- Characterization of lead-free ferroelectrics with Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
- Tip-sample interaction in force modulation microscopy: mechanical properties at nanoscale level
- BISNANO: Lead-free ferroelectric thin films analyzed with PFM within the BisNano project
Mechanical Characterization of Biomineralized Materials
Nanoindentation on ceramics
Processing of Bulk Ceramics
- Capillary structured surface of ceramic work pieces produced by low pressure injection moulding
- High-Throughput Processing and Analysis of Sodium Potassium Niobate Ceramics
Synthesis and Characterization of High-performance Cutting Ceramics
Glass- Ceramics Matrix Composites
- NASSF-Reinforced LZSA Glass- Ceramics Matrix Composites
- Low Cost and Reliable Production of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Integrated Materials Systems
Computational Materials Science
Computational Materials Modelling and Design (CoMMoD)