Experimentelle Forschung in der Geotechnik
Experimental Research in Geotechnical Engineering
Status: 28.01.2025
Dr.-Ing. Hans Stanford (responsible lecturer, keynote lectures)
Göta Bürkner, Maja Warkentin, Maximilian Schröder, Clara Toffoli, Francisco Williams Riquer (lab projects)
- Students of the Master's degree program “Civil Engineering”, 2nd term (summer term), mandatory module “Soil mechanics and soil dynamics” for students with specialization in Modelling and Simulation, Port Construction and Coastal Protection
- Requirements: Successful participation in the courses “Soil Mechanics” and “Soil Mechanics Internship” in the Bachelor's degree program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Note: The internship will be offered for the last time in summer term 2025
Learning objectives
- Differentiation of test concepts from a technical point of view (element tests, model tests, field tests)
- Differentiation of test concepts from an application point of view (standard testing in geotechnical engineering, special testing in research)
- Analysis of test data based on the Python programming language
- Calibration of material model for soils based on real test data
- Internalization of the chain test planning → test execution → data analysis → test evaluation
Registration via Stud.IP is required to participate in the course.
Content with changing focal points
- Laboratory experiments
- Investigation of the stress-strain behaviour of soils under monotonic loading
- Keynote lecture on experimental soil mechanics (Stanford)
- Project laboratory testing including index tests, oedometer tests, and shear tests (Bürkner, Warkentin)
- Project analysis of laboratory tests based on Python (Stanford)
- Project calibration of material models for Karlsruhe Sand (Stanford)
- Special laboratory testing
- Investigation of adhesion between steel and clays (Schröder)
- Use of imaging methods in experimental soil mechanics
- Keynote lecture (Stanford)
- Project Computed Tomography (Toffoli)
- Use of single-board computers in experimental soil mechanics
- Keynote lecture (Stanford)
- Project soil moisture sensor (Williams Riquer)
- Physical modelling, i.e. 1g model testing
- Keynote lecture (Stanford)
- Project Planning of model tests (Stanford)
- Project Vibratory pile driving (Cramer)
- Field experiments
- Observation method according to Eurocode (Stanford)
- Selected field measurements (NN)
Proof of performance
- Examination preparation: Performing, evaluation and interpretation of soil mechanical laboratory tests and preparation of a corresponding report in the group
- Module exam "Soil mechanics and soil dynamics" (Duration: 45 Min; weighting according to ECTS points in the module)