
Status: 13.03.2025

Wir bilden Baustoffprüfer aus:

Engineering services

If required, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Grabe

  • Optimization of geotechnical processes and constructions by means of mathematical optimization and computer simulation
  • Scientific monitoring of difficult geotechnical constructions, for example predictions for geotechnical category 3 structure
  • Expert opinions in court disputes on behalf of court parties
  • Expert opinions on behalf of courts

List of selected larger projects see link

Laboratory investigations

If required, please contact Mrs Göta Bürkner

  • Soil mechanics standard tests, for example classification tests, permeability tests,  oedometer tests, direct shear tests, uniaxial compression test, CD, CU and UU triaxial tests, abrasivity testing, laboratory vane shear test, suspension testing
  • Soil mechanics special tests, for example cyclic oedometer, direct shear and triaxial tests, Bender Element Test, Resonant Column Test, simple shear tests with monotonic and cyclic loading, softoedometer, testing of rheology and viscosity, tempered triaxial tests, ring shear tests
  • Model tests under the effect of simple gravitational acceleration (1g model tests)
  • Field measurements, for example inclinometer measurements, measurement of strain, earth pressure, pore water pressure, velocitiy (geophone), and acceleration

For details of available experimental equipment and experiments, see link