The aerodynamic drag dominates the fuel consumption and the environmental pollution of aircrafts. In order to meet the related social and legal requirements, a reduction of the fuel consumption by means of reduced drag is beneficial.
TUHH participates in the joint co-laborative research initiative TranMan to investigate the potential of passive drag reduction measures using coating. Emphasis is given to a detailed analysis of responsible mechanisms and structures, their non-linear development and the related signature on the surface. Emphasis is given to transitional flow fields, however, related consequences for the turbulent regime will also be analysed.
Computational Approach
The research is based upon the in-house Lattice Boltzmann solver elbe supplemented by an FSI module for the coating. Accordingly, a mathematical description of the signature should allow a parameterisation of the coating to investigate the fluid structure interaction for the mechanically active coating using direct numerical simulations.
The following example refers to the simulation of h-type transition for a zero pressure gradient boundary layer. Approximately 200 Mio. grid points are used to simulate the flow field in about 8h on a GPU-based desktop computer.
The project is funded by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology under the aegis of the BMWi-project TransMan.
Dr. Amir Banari
Dr.-Ing. Christian Janßen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rung