Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping (TARGETS)


The prime goal of TARGETS - Targeted Advanced Research for Global Efficiency of Transportation Shipping – is a global analysis of the most important causes of energy consumption on board of cargo ships in a comprehensive and holistic approach. Having identified resistance and propulsion aspects as primary causes of energy consumption, work will be dedicated to the improvement of such characteristics. In addition, a global energy consumption simulation system will be developed to be applied during new vessel design as well as during operation.

Assembling leading European fluid dynamics and energy specialists and major EU shipping operators covering a broad range of cargo transport operations, containers, bulk and tanker, the TARGETS project will contribute designs, tools and operational guidelines for an energy efficient operation of cargo ships, and hence make a significant contribution to the reduction of green house gas emissions.

TUHH provides efficient simulation technologies used to deliver a reliable prognosis of the added resistance in seaways, account for roughness effects and perform aft-body shape optimisation for full-scale Re-number turbulent flows. All efforts will be performed in the framework of the

FreSCo+ solver, which is jointly used by several partners in this project.


The project is funded by the EU Commission's Seventh Research Framework Program (Grant FP7-266008). The TARGETS project is performed in colaboration with ALPHA Marine Services, Center of Maritime Technologies, Hamburgische Schiffbau Versuchsanstalt, Istanbul Tech. Univ., MAERSK, Synthesis Marterra, Safety at Sea, Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers Association, Univ. Newcastle, Univ. Strathclide (http://www.targets-project.eu/)


Project Duration



Dipl.-Ing. Arthur Stück

Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Kröger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rung