Sensitivity information, when available, can substantially facilitate many CFD-related applications. The adjoint technique provides a very cost-effective way to calculate sensitivities (or derivatives), particularly in the case of many control parameters and costly objective evaluations, such as in viscous CFD. Typical applications are
In order to obtain the cost function sensitivities, the variation of the cost function of interest is extended by the variation of the RANS-constraints in a Lagrangian manner, weighted by the adjoint (or Lagrangian) multipliers. Integration by parts yields the adjoint (or dual) RANS equations, which are solved for the adjoint multipliers to eliminate the parameter-dependent flow variations. Hence, the computational effort for the sensitivity analysis becomes independent of the number of control (or shape) parameters. In multi-objective applications, the costs for evaluating the Jacobian matrix scales with the number of objectives.
Example of superimposed resistance sensitivities (red) for an initial (blue) tanker hull (left=stern, right=bow).
A 2D continuous-adjoint solver has been derived for incompressible flow on the basis of a segregated adjoint pressure-correction methodology using a finite-volume discretisation. The respective focus is on
The continuous adjoint solver has been integrated into a flexible 3D CFD-environment. Attention is given to the FreSCo+ software, which is designed to simulate general ship-hydrodynamic problems. In particular, the following aspects are in the centre of interest for future research
The adjoint method provides the gradient distribution over a complete surface at the cost of one primal solution. The shape sensitivities are indicated by black vectors on the design surface:
Simple Validation examples included refer to an adjoint sensitivity analysis for viscous flows; Left: Drag force sensitivities w.r.t. surface-normal shape perturbations for a NACA0020 profile - shape variations following these sensitivities lead to a drag increase. Right: Sensitivities of the (negative) pressure loss for a channel flow. The corresponding boundary modifications lead to a reduced pressure drop between inlet and outlet.
First hydrodynamic applications devoted to the shape sensitivity of a tanker to drag forces are illustrated below (Left: bow; Right: stern).
The project is funded by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology under the aegis of the BMWi-project FORM-PRO within the framework program "Schiffahrt und Meerestechnik für das 21. Jahrhundert". The work is performed in colaboration with HSVA and Friendship Systems.