Entwicklung von numerischen und experimentellen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Rolldämpfung
The aim of the project is the determination of roll damping coefficients for roll-critical modern hull forms. Different hull parameters and operation conditions are investigated for three different basic ship types. These are three container ships (Post-Panmax, Panmax and Feeder), one RoPAX ferry and one cruise liner. The main geometrical parameters of each basic hull form are varied. The acting flow forces on the ship during the roll motion are estimated by applying different numerical and experimental methods.
Different RANS-methods are applied to estimate the viscose effects of roll damping. For validation of the numerical results model tests are carried out at the Potsdam Model Basin and in the wind tunnel of the TUHH.
The estimated results will be implemented in different mathematical models in order to achieve the best approximation of roll damping coefficients in sea keeping simulations based on potential flow methods.
As today's roll damping coefficients are still based on measurements for hull forms from the early 1980s, the results of this project will lead to big progress in quality and accuracy of sea keeping simulations in the early stage of ship design.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) by resolution of the German Bundestag.
Project manager
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud