
A paper accepted for IEEE SmartGridComm 2020 conference

Our paper "Evaluation of LTE based Communication for Fast State Estimation in Low Voltage Grids" has been accepted for IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids held in Nov 2020.

A paper accepted for ACM SIGCOMM Workshop

Our white paper "Online Teaching of Project-based Learning Courses - Issues, Challenges and Outcomes" reporting on experiences and lessons learned by organising our Project Based Learning course (Simulation and Modeling of Communication Networks) during the COVID-19 pandemic was accepted by ACM SIGCOMM Workshop, Teaching and Learning Computer Networking During the Pandemic and Beyond, August 2020. All accepted papers can be found here.

2020 - Teaching award for Tutors by ZLL

Our tutor for Computer Networks and Internet Security received a "Teaching award for Tutors", 2020. Congratulations Felix Schlösser.

A paper accepted for IEEE VTC2020-Spring conference

Our paper "Analytic study of packet delay from 4G and 5G system ARQs using Signal Flow Graphs" has been accepted for IEEE VTC2020-Spring conference held in May 2020.

Lecture: Simulation and Modelling of Communication Networks

We are glad to announce that we will start the course on the 21st of April, 2020 as planned. The teaching is going to be online. Please make sure that you register to this course on StudIP as this is our main communication platform.

A paper accepted for KuVS Fachgespräche: Machine Learning & Networking workshop

Our paper "Deployment of Incremental Learning Methods for Neural Networks in Resource Allocation Problems" has been accepted for 2020 "KuVS Fachgespräche: Machine Learning & Networking workshop", https://mlkuvs.lkn.ei.tum.de/, held in February 2020 at TU Munich.

Amazing EPIC2020 project planning seminar at Hamburg University of Technology.

During the week of 10th to 14th of February, 56 students and 20 teachers from Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and Brazil work in groups on real projects. After this week, they go back home and will continue to work together, via online colloberations. The event was organised by us to let all teachers and students meet together to discuss projects as a part of EPIC project.

Winners of the Science Slam - "Dance Dance Machine Learning Revolution" by TUHH

We are glad to inform you that we were the winners of Science Slam held at the 2nd Digital Science Night organised by NoLs on the 23rd of January, 2020. We presented the machine learning concept of supervised learning under the title of Dance Dance Machine Learning Revolution. In contrast to a traditional Science Slam, we presented supervised learning through music and dance, as a team effort. Our team consisted of members from the Institute of Communication Networks, the Institute of Technical Education and University Didactics, together with bachelor and masters students, collectively representing the Hamburg University of Technology.

2nd Digital Science Night

We are happy to contribute to the 2nd Digital Science Night organised by Network of Labs.

A paper accepted for IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2019

Our paper “Markov-modulated Models to Estimate the Age of Information in Cooperative Driving” has been accepted for 2019 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), will be held in 5–6 December 2019 in Los Angeles, USA.

6th OMNeT++ Summit in Hamburg

ComNets together with the Institute of Telematics organised the 6th OMNeT++ summit, held at TUHH from 4th to 6th of September, 2019. More details are here: https://summit.omnetpp.org/2019/

Hackathon on the beach


A paper accepted for OMNeT++ Community Summit 2019

Our paper “Performance Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicles: Use Case of using OMNeT++ in a Master’s Thesis” has been accepted for 6th OMNeT++ Summit, will be held in 4–6 September 2019 at Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.

A paper accepted for VTC2019-Fall

Our paper “A Two-Game Algorithm for Device-to-Device Resource Allocation with Frequency Reuse” has been accepted for IEEE VTC2019-Fall, will be held in 22–25 September 2019 at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

A paper accepted for 24. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation

A paper “Avoiding Local Interference in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks using a Scheduling Function with Distributed Blacklists” has been accepted for the 24th VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, will be held in 15th to 16th May 2019, Osnabrück.

A paper accepted for PAEE/ALE 2019 conference

A paper “EPIC: Making Multinational Student Projects Happen” has been accepted for the 11th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE'2019) and the 16th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE'2019), will be held in 10th to 12th June 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia.

A paper accepted for AST 2019 conference

A paper “Triggered Transmission of Black Box Data via Satellite” has been accepted for the 7th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies (AST 2019), will be held in February at TUHH, 2019.

Workshop on "Collect, Write, Publish - Eine Werkzeugkiste"

The workshop on how to do open research will be held on the 20.02.2019. Please see the details below.

2nd year of EPIC Student-Teacher Seminar in Barcelona

We had a successful Project Planning Seminar at UPC in Barcelona, 2019 February 11-15 37 students from all 8 EPIC Universities joined the seminar to start with their master/bachelor projects in the area of “Computer Networks”, "Autonomous Vehicles", "Cyber Security", "Smart city", “Descending Cities”, and Mobile Application for funding research. 5 TUHH master students and 2 supervisors from ComNets involved in 2 of these projects. We are very glad to announce that the last EPIC Project Planning Seminar will be held at TUHH, Feb 2020.

New project IntAirNet - Inter Aircraft Network

We are excited to announce the start of the research project IntAirNet - Inter Aircraft Network - in the beginning of 2019. For the next four years, our institute, together with 7 other project partners from industry and research, will work on the design of reliable air-to-air communication technologies. The project IntAirNet is funded by the Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie.