The Poster Award of the Physionet Challenge 2022 ( was awarded to our TUHH PhD-student Hui Lu and Julia Yip from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Both work on the machiene learning aided analysis of medical signals as part of the DFG funded prokect SFB 1483 „EmpkinS – Sensortechniken und Datenanalysemethoden für die empatho-kinästhetische Modellierung und Zustandsüberwachung“.
For this years Physionet Challenge „Heart Murmur Detection from Phonocardiogram Recordings“ heart sound needed to be automatically registered from withing acusticly measured data. The algorithms designed by Hui and Julia provide the basis to recognize heartdefects in stethoscope data.
For the Best Poster Award 89 teams competed, which all presented their approaches the the jury. Congratulations to our PhD students for their win, the award is a great success!