Prof. Dr. Moritz Göldner
Raum: D 3.018
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 42878 4777
E-Mail: moritz.goeldner@tuhh.de
Sprechzeiten gerne nach Vereinbarung per Mail.
06/2022 - Heute
Assistant Professor for Data-Driven Innovation, Hamburg University of Technology
07/2020 - 05/2022
Innovation Consultant and Co-Founder Innovatinghealth.care
09/2012 - 09/2019
Research Associate and PhD student, Hamburg University of Technology
05/2010 - 05/2012
Research and Development Assistant, Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH
2009 - 2012
Diplom Ingenieur, Biomedical Engineering, Technische Universität Hamburg
2009 - 2011
Master in Technology Management, NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management
2007 - 2009
Bachelor of Science, General Engineering Science, Major in Biomedical Engineering, Technische Universität Hamburg
2006 - 2007
Exchange Student, Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2004 - 2007
Electrical Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Moritz Göldner ist Juniorprofessor für Data-Driven Innovation an der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH). Moritz forscht an der Schnittstelle von Innovationsmanagement, Ingenieurwissenschaften und dem Gesundheitswesen mit einem Schwerpunkt auf datengetriebene Innovationen.
In seiner Forschung befasst sich Moritz mit digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) und der Digitalisierung von Gesundheitssystem der Zukunft. Darüber hinaus untersucht Moritz die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und dem Gesundheitswesen und die entsprechenden Datensätze, die diese beide Themenfelder verbinden. Darüber hinaus forscht Moritz wie (große) Daten(sätze) dazu beitragen können, nutzerzentrierte Innovationen in der Zukunft besser zu entwickeln.
In den Jahren vor seiner Professur an der TUHH war Moritz Innovationsberater für nutzerzentrierte Innovation im Gesundheitswesen und Co-Founder von Innovatinghealth.care. Moritz ist Diplom-Mediziningenieur und Innovationswissenschaftler mit jahrelanger Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung digitaler und nicht-digitaler Projekte im Gesundheitswesen. Seine Begeisterung für dieses Thema geht auf seine Doktorarbeit zurück, in der er sich intensiv mit Patient:innen, deren Angehörigen und im Gesundheitswesen tätiger Personen als User Innovatoren beschäftigt hat.
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften mit Peer Review
- Gehder, S., and Goeldner, M. (2025). Unpacking Performance Factors of Innovation Systems and Studying Germany’s Attempt to Foster the Role of the Patient Through a Market Access Pathway for Digital Health Applications (DiGAs): Exploratory Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 27, e66356.
- Gehder, S., and Goeldner, M. (2024). Struktur-und Verfahrensverbesserungen auf Rezept? Eine qualitative Analyse der Potenziale und Herausforderungen des pSVV-Konzepts bei Digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA). Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen.
- Goeldner, M. and Gehder, S. (2024), Digital Health Applications (DiGAs) on a Fast Track: Insights From a Data-Driven Analysis of Prescribable Digital Therapeutics in Germany From 2020 to Mid-2024. Journal of Medical Internet Research 26:e59013.
- Kruse, D.J., Goeldner, M., Eling, K. and Herstatt, C. (2019), Looking for a Needle in a Haystack: How to Search for Bottom‐up Social Innovations that Solve Complex Humanitarian Problems. Journal of Product Innovation Management 36(6), 671–694.
- Perisic,T., Zhang, Z., Foehr, P., Hopfner, U., Klutz, K., Burgkart, R.H., Slobodianski, A., Goeldner, M., Machens, H., and Schilling, A.F., (2017) Biodegradable poly lactic acid-co-glycolic acid scaffolds as carriers for genetically-modified fibroblasts. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174860.
- Goeldner, M., Herstatt, C., and Tietze, F., (2015) The emergence of care robotics—A patent and publication analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 92, 115-131.
Bücher und Buchkapitel
- Goeldner, M. (2021). Patients and Caregivers as Developers of Medical Devices - An Empirical Study on User Innovation in the Healthcare Sector. Springer Wiesbaden.
- Barth, T., Goeldner, M., and Spitzenberger, F. (2021). Einfluss von regulatorischen Anforderungen auf Innovationen in der Medizintechnik am Beispiel der europäischen Medical Device Regulation „MDR “ und des nationalen Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetzes „DVG “. In Zukunftsfähigkeit durch Innovation, Digitalisierung und Technologien 223-252. Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Baum, A., Goeldner, M. and Reinecke P.C. (2024). Inequality in women´s health: How entrepreneurs are organizing the tilt at windmills, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Milan, Italy.
- Goeldner, M. and Baum, A. (2024) Innovating by Design in Healthcare - How Healing Architecture and Digital Innovation Shape Patient Experiences Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Dublin, Ireland
- Baum, A., Goeldner, M., Freyer, F., and Reinecke, P. C. (2024) Femtech Entrepreneurs Pioneering Solutions to Women´s Health: Navigating Paradox Knots at Multiple Levels Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Dublin, Ireland
- Goeldner, M. (2023) How to identify and scale user innovation in healthcare? Evidence on innovative patients from a large-scale study in Germany Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italy
- Goeldner, M. (2023) How to identify & evaluate Lead User innovation online (fast)? 20th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Hamburg, Germany
- Goeldner, M. (2023) Sustainability in Healthcare – Mission Impossible or the Next Big Thing? A Systematic Review on Single-use vs Reusable Medical Devices in the Hospital Sector 24th International CINet Conference, Linz, Austria
- Goeldner, M. and Hagen, J. (2022), How to identify and support innovative patients? Evidence on user innovation in healthcare from a large-scale study in Germany, 19th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Zürich, Switzerland
- Goeldner, M. and Kruse, D. J., (2018), One Size Does Not Fit All – An Empirical Study on Identifying Social User Innovation Using the Lead User Method, JPIM Research Forum, Chicago, USA
- Goeldner, M., Kruse, D. J., Buse, S. and Herstatt, C. (2017), Identifying social innovation using the Lead User method – An explorative case study in Indonesia, Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Reykjavik, Iceland
- Goeldner, M. and Herstatt, C. (2017), The impact of user innovation on patients’ health-related quality of life – An explorative case study on medical app developers, 15th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Innsbruck, Austria
- Kruse, D. J., Goeldner, M. and Herstatt, C. (2017), Lead User method vs. Innovation contest – An empirical comparison of two open innovation methodologies for identifying social innovation for flood resilience in Indonesia, 15th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Innsbruck, Austria
- Kruse, D. J., Goeldner, M., Cooper, N., Hazeldine, S., Ferrario, G. and Herstatt, C. (2017), Linking user innovation and social innovation - An explorative case study on Lead User identification in the humanitarian sector, The 9th International Social Innovation Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia
- Goeldner, M., Herstatt, C., Canhão, H. and Oliveira, P. (2016) With a Little Help from My Friends – How Patients and Caregivers Become User Entrepreneurs in the Medical Device Sector 14th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, USA
- Goeldner, M., Herstatt, C., Canhão, H. and Oliveira, P. (2016) Patients and Caregivers as User Entrepreneurs – A Case Study Analysis in the Healthcare Sector, R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Goeldner, M. and Herstatt, C. (2015), Patients and relatives as user entrepreneurs ? A case study analysis in the healthcare sector, 13th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
- Goeldner, M., Kaufmann, A., Paton, V. and Herstatt, C. (2014), Patients as user innovators -The case of medical smartphone applications, 12th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, USA
- Goeldner, M., Kaufmann, A., Paton, V. and Herstatt, C. (2014), Are Patients a valuable Source of Innovation for R&D of Medical Devices? The Case of Medical Smartphone Applications, R&D Management Conference, Stuttgart, Germany
- Goeldner, M., Kaufmann, A. and Herstatt, C. (2013), User innovation in healthcare – what about innovative patients?, 11th International Open and User Innovation Workshop, Brighton, United Kingdom
- Goeldner M, Danner S, Rapoport D.H, Petschnik A.E, Kruse C, 2012: Translation from research to GMP-compliant manufacturing: constructing a business model for a new stem cell source. 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Goeldner M, Herstatt C, Trzewik J, 2012: A reason why cell‐based therapies are still not commercially successful. 3rd International Conference "Strategies in Tissue Engineering", Würzburg, Germany
Weitere Publikation (ohne peer-review)
- Franiel, T., Reimers-Kipping, S. and Goeldner, M. (2020). Prostatakarzinom: Mit KI den Krebs früher und besser erkennen. kma-Klinik Management aktuell, 25(07/08), 84-85.
- Hagen, J. and Goeldner, M. (2020) Patientenbedürfnisse neu denken Tagesspiegel Background