
May 2024

15.05.-17.05.2024 BlueMat at the CRC986 international workshop

From 15.05.-17.05. the CRC986 international workshop with more than 100 participants took place. Exciting lectures and many stimulating scientific discussions were held in the best weather with a fantastic view over the port of Hamburg. BlueMat co-organized this event and many of the presentations contributed to BlueMat's scientific goals. We anticipate many fruitful collaborations in the future.

17.05.2024 - New publication by Patrick Huber's research group: "Self-Assembly of Ionic Superdiscs in Nanopores"

Patrick Huber's research group has published a new study on discotic ionic liquid crystals in ACS Nano - see also the DESY press release.

April 2024

World's largest pilot plant for the production of bioaerogels is inaugurated at TUHH (link). In the future, aerogel production will also be integrated into the BlueMat initiative in order to develop methods for the scalable production of porous materials and transfer them to different types of materials. Aerogel and hydrogels are considered in BlueMat for mechanical actuation and thermal insulation.

March 2024

TUHH has established a new research initiative “BlueMat: Water-Driven Materials” which will support the application for a cluster of excellence.

February 2024

The draft proposal “BlueMat: Water-Driven Materials” for a cluster of excellence has been successful in the first round of evaluations. The key objective of the Excellence Strategy is to strengthen top-level research in areas that are internationally competitive, to institutionally strengthen German universities, and to advance the development of the German higher education system. The BlueMat team will now prepare a full proposal. The final decision will be announced in May 2025.